Radio+ Bilingual Online Radio Station


El clima extremadamente frío sigue afectando al estado y ENTERGY ARKANSAS necesita su ayuda.

Si bien estamos trabajando arduamente para abordar cualquier problema de energía que ocurra, tome medidas ahora para ayudar a que la energía fluya. Reduzca la tensión en el sistema eléctrico implementando inmediatamente esfuerzos seguros de conservación de energía, si es posible.

Baje el termostato central a 68 grados o menos si es posible.

No permita que el aire caliente se escape de la casa.

Retrase el lavado de ropa, el lavado de platos, el baño y otros usos no esenciales de la electricidad hasta que termine este llamado a la conservación.

Lave la ropa con agua fría, cocine los alimentos en la temperatura más baja posible y limite la apertura de las puertas del horno mientras hornea.

Apague o no use las luces y los electrodomésticos que no sean esenciales.

Hacer su parte para conservar energía evitará cortes forzosos no deseados que están ocurriendo en otros lugares durante esta tormenta de invierno. También puede ahorrarle dinero en su factura de electricidad.

Entergy Arkansas tiene aproximadamente 1,400 recursos de restauración, junto con equipos de asistencia mutua de fuera del estado, que responden a los cortes de energía de la manera más rápida y segura posible a medida que ocurren. Nuestro equipo continuará practicando el distanciamiento social debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, y esto puede retrasar el trabajo de restauración.

Si tiene un apagón, tenga en cuenta que el proceso de restauración puede verse obstaculizado por una gran demanda eléctrica instantánea de los electrodomésticos (unidades de calefacción, calentadores de agua, etc.) cuando se restablece el servicio en su ubicación, lo que podría sobrecargar los dispositivos de protección en el sistema eléctrico de Entergy. Para ayudar a mitigar este problema, utilizamos un proceso metódico y calculado para que los clientes vuelvan a estar en línea después de una interrupción en un clima muy frío.

Para obtener consejos y actualizaciones sobre el clima frío, visite

Gracias por su cooperación, comprensión y ser nuestro valioso cliente.

In extremely cold conditions, what our customers may notice is that if an outage occurs, regardless of the cause, restoration follows a different process.

Coach Beau McCastlain and his team worked hard Friday night.

Coach Beau McCastlain and his team worked hard Friday night.

Highlights from De Queen vs Mena 8/28/20 Music in this video Song: Battle Royal (VIP) Artist: Apashe Album: Apashe Song: New Level Artist: ASAP Ferg Song: Fi...

Debido a la posibilidad de inundaciones en el centro de Hot Springs como resultado del huracán Laura el jueves y viernes...

Debido a la posibilidad de inundaciones en el centro de Hot Springs como resultado del huracán Laura el jueves y viernes 27 al 28 de agosto, los departamentos de policía y bomberos de la ciudad de Hot Springs están pidiendo que no se usen los espacios de estacionamiento en el centro en la Avenida Central.
Los vehículos deben estacionarse en calles laterales o en Exchange Street Parking Plaza.
Los vehículos se pueden arrastrar en un pie de agua y una persona de baja estatura puede ser arrastrada en menos de una pulgada de agua. Los automóviles que son arrastrados por las inundaciones causan daños en los alrededores cercanos, como romper ventanas, chocar con otros vehículos o edificios e incluso golpear a las personas.

Due to the possibility of flooding in downtown Hot Springs as a result of Hurricane Laura on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 27-28, the City of Hot Springs Fire and Police departments are discouraging the use of the parking spaces downtown on Central Avenue.

Vehicles should be parked on side streets or in the Exchange Street Parking Plaza.

Vehicles can be swept away in one foot of water and a person of small stature can be swept away in less than an inch of water. Cars that are swept away by flood waters cause damage to nearby surroundings, such as breaking windows, colliding with other vehicles or buildings, and can even hit people.

Hot Springs Police Department


¡En ADE estamos muy emocionados de anunciar la apertura del Ready for School Resource Call Center! El objetivo de este centro de información telefónica es brindar información y recursos sobre la reapertura de las escuelas en Arkansas. Sitio web en inglés.

PADRES Y MADRES DE FAMILIA DEL CONDADO DE GARLAND MUCHO CUIDADO!! Hay una nueva ESTAFA que pudiera suceder aqui, si bien...

Hay una nueva ESTAFA que pudiera suceder aqui, si bien no hemos tenido informes en nuestra ciudad, queremos que todos estén al tanto, ya que está sucediendo en otras partes del estado.
Hay informes de que los padres reciben una carta o correo electrónico que parece provenir del distrito escolar de sus hijos. Este correo electrónico o carta le informará a los padres que la escuela requiere que el estudiante sea evaluado para COVID-19. Luego, solicita información como números de seguro social y fechas de nacimiento.
Los distritos escolares NUNCA pedirian este tipo de información de esta manera. Si recibe documentación de la escuela de su hijo y no está seguro, asegúrese de comunicarse directamente con el distrito escolar.
Como siempre, NUNCA proporcione su información personal.
TODAVIA no hemos visto esta estafa en Hot Springs, pero tenga la seguridad de que eventualmente lo intentarán.

There is a new possible scam on the horizon, while we have had no reports in our city, we want to make everyone aware since it is happening in other parts of the state.

There are reports that parents are getting a letter or email that appears to come from their child’s school district. This email or letter will tell the parent that the school is requiring the student to be tested for COVID-19. It then goes on to request information like social security numbers and dates of birth.

School districts will never ask for this type of information this way. If you receive documentation from your child’s school and are not sure, be sure to contact the school district directly.

As always, NEVER give out your personal information.

Once again we have not seen this scam in Hot Springs YET, but rest assured they will eventually try.




If your children are apart of the free or reduced meal program at their school, you need to be on the lookout for an important white envelope.


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Guidelines for the De Queen Church of Christ return to worship the 26th.

Guidelines for the De Queen Church of Christ return to worship the 26th.


De Queen Church of Christ
1305 W. Collin Raye Dr.
PO Box 312
De Queen, AR 71832
[email protected]

The last four months have been unprecedented. Never in any of our lifetimes have we experienced a pandemic that has impacted all our routines, including our worship gatherings. We continue to be amazed by your love for God demonstrated in your love and care for each other, for those in need among us and in our community, and your commitment to be a light for Jesus.

On Sunday, July 26th, we will reopen for in-person worship at 9 am in the auditorium for ages 65 and over and those who are at higher risk for the virus. The rest of the Church Family will meet at 9:30 am in The Family Center. In this initial phase of reopening, we will only gather in-person for Sunday morning worship.

Throughout this time, we as your Elders have committed to lead our De Queen Family by submitting to the guidance of our state’s governing authorities (Romans 13.1-5). We appreciate your patience, encouragement and support. As we reopen for in-person worship on July 26th, we continue to encourage your cooperation by adhering to the guidelines that follow as a demonstration of love and care for each other.
• We will provide a live-stream for the 9 am Sunday morning worship assembly. We recognize some among our church family might be uncomfortable to gather among a larger group and we encourage your continued participation in worship online.
• We encourage you to stay home and worship online if any of the following apply:
1) You have had a fever of 100.4 or higher in the past two days.
2) You have a cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell or other symptoms typical of Covid-19.
3) If you have underlying health conditions including high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, asthma, or immunocompromised conditions.
4) You have young children who are unable to adhere to physical distancing guidelines.
• All in attendance will be required to wear a face covering, except for children under age 10. Face coverings may be removed for taking communion and for those speaking/leading publicly from the front of the auditorium. We will provide face coverings at the entrances for those who may not have one.
• Physical distancing is required under current guidance. That means sitting at least 6 feet apart. In the Family Center individual seats will be placed 6 feet apart but Family units in the same household may move their chairs closer together provided they are 6 feet from everyone else.
• While we have all missed each other and are anxious to greet and receive each other with handshakes and hugs, we ask that at this time, you maintain physical distancing from those not in your immediate household.
• Communion will be available as you enter the church building in individual, self-contained communion cups. In addition, offerings will be received in offering baskets at each exit. When the worship assembly ends, you may place your offering in the box as you exit. There will also be trash receptacles to dispose of communion cups as you exit.
• Guidance for exiting the building will be provided at the close of the worship assembly.
• Use of restrooms will be limited according to physical distance guidelines.

As Elders, we continue to meet and pray over the needs of the church family. A part of our time together has been devoted to seeking God’s wisdom and sharing the wisdom of each Elder to arrive at these guidelines in keeping with the Arkansas Department of Health. These will be reviewed periodically and adjusted as additional guidance is given by the Governor and Arkansas Department of Health.
These guidelines are in place to guard and protect the physical health of every person who worships at the De Queen church. Again, our encouragement is that we serve one another in love by taking appropriate precautions to ensure the health of every part of our church family. And let us all keep praying fervently that the virus subsides, the pandemic lifts, and we can very soon get back to being able to express our love for God and each other to which we are accustomed.
We love and appreciate each of you,
The Elders

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Matthew 22.37-39).


Covid-19 Update!


HOWARD COUNTY, Ark. (KTAL/KSHV) – The suspect wanted in connection with a Friday morning Howard County homicide is dead, according the Howard County Sheriff’s Office. Tony Barnes, 56, of Nashville,…

La fecha de inicio de las escuelas de Arkansas ha sido retrasada debido a preocupaciones de coronavirusEl gobernador Hut...

La fecha de inicio de las escuelas de Arkansas ha sido retrasada debido a preocupaciones de coronavirus
El gobernador Hutchinson anunció el jueves que los distritos deben comenzar la escuela la semana del 24 de agosto, pero a más tardar el 26 en respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19.

Autor: THV11 Digital
Publicado: 3:05 PM CDT 9 de julio de 2020
Actualizado: 4:18 PM CDT 9 de julio de 2020
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El gobernador Hutchinson anunció el jueves que los distritos deben comenzar la escuela la semana del 24 de agosto, pero a más tardar el 26 en respuesta al estado que maneja la pandemia COVID-19.

Hutchinson dijo que la reprogramación se produce después de tener una conversación con el Secretario de Educación Johnny Key y los maestros.

Gov. Hutchinson announced Thursday that districts are to begin school the week of August 24 but no later than the 26 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Beginning with the upcoming 2020-21 competitive year, Razorback Athletic events in all sports will switch exclusively to mobile only ticketing. Mobile ticketing will be utilized for all season tickets, mini-plans as well as single event tickets.


❤ Tim McGraw and Mariachi Band 🇺🇸🇲🇽


The Arkansas Activities Association is preparing to resume activities and athletics this Fall in accordance with the regular AAA calendar. These preparations are contingent upon compliance with all directives as issued by the Governor's office and Department of Health. In collaboration with the NFHS...


Gov. Hutchinson said Arkansans need to wear masks now if they want to have college & high school football this fall.

El Gobernador de Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, anunció hoy que las ciudades de Arkansas pueden implementar el uso de mascara...

El Gobernador de Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, anunció hoy que las ciudades de Arkansas pueden implementar el uso de mascaras obligatoriamente.

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson announced cities across the state may implement an ordinance requring mandatory face coverings to help curb the spread of COVID-19 by signing Executive Order 20-41 on Friday.


Walmart is turning 160 of its store parking lots into drive-in movie theaters.


Jun.30 -- Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House coronavirus task force member and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, tells Senat...


We continue to plan for the next school year, knowing our plans must be flexible and may change. We need you to take a few minutes to fill out this survey. The purpose of the survey is to simply collect data to assist the district in planning for the 2020-2021 school year. No one is making a commitm...


Seguimos planeando para el próximo año escolar, sabiendo que nuestros planes deben ser flexibles y pueden cambiar. Necesitamos que tomes unos minutos para completar esta encuesta. El propósito de la encuesta es simplemente para ayudar al distrito en la planificación para el año escolar 2020-202...


A video has surfaced online showing a fight at a Little Rock restaurant Saturday night.


Police were called to a Little Rock restaurant over the weekend after customers brawled over social distancing and coughing. It happened Saturday at Saltgrass Steakhouse at 10 Anglers Way. A woman said she and her boyfriend were sitting at the bar when they told a man nearby he was sitting too close...


De Queen, AR





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