1117_The second way you can grow PAPAYA (forbidden boba)🌱 18 months, you’ll have a tree #fruit #papaya #howtowithjessie
1116_Are you growing cooorn by planting directly in soil, or by germinating on a damp paper towel🍿 #method2 #howtowithje
1115_Reply to @hutupman What does hutup rhyme with🍌🐒 #howtowithjessie #banana
1114_Reply to @myranoor4 Last year I used nutcrackers, but still cracks the seed 910 times. To my dad i use kelp fertili
1113_#PLANT #EXPERIMENT -The 🍌 isn’t a true tree, but a giant herbaceous plant🌱 It might mold over but the seeds appear
1112_Reply to @thestorytree Patiently waiting like bugs bunny for my carrots #howtowithjessie #carrot #plants 🐰🥕
110_I Made A Worm Farm 🪱 Worms eat organic matter, such as fruit and vegetable scraps, and turn it into nutrient-rich wo
1109_I prefer seeing the dragon tails in real time but planting in soil will for sure work too💜 #howtowithjessie #plants
1108_Reply to @lilcachill07 Tutorial on #howto peel apple seeds before growing them so they grow quicker🌱🍎🍏 #howtowithje
1107_Let your carnivorous plant get rid of plant gnats for you😉 #tropical #pitcher #plant #hungry #howtowithjessie 🌱
1106_#Strawberries are nature’s candy..want to grow them with me🍓 #plants #tutorial #howtowithjessie #Summer
1105_Reply to @nvrsmrollo The story of how blueberries came to be🫐 #plants #fruit #howtowithjessie #storytime
1104_The #story of how the force of a Kiwi Plant helped Tiki Tiki Tembo climb out of the well🥝 Anyone else’s #Mom read t
1103_Depending on if you grow seed or purchase a vine, it could take 2-3 years to produce fruit🥝 #kiwi #fruit #plants #h
1102_Unbeleafable..A #plant that looks like a goner can survive under correct growing conditions🥰 #sun #water #howtowith
1101_No cave man this time, just blueberries🫐 #blueberry #plant #howtowithjessie #soil #method #2 #yay #cute You need a
1100_The story of how I found out I was allergic to #grapefruit 🍇🌱 #storytime #howtowithjessie #howto #grow #fruit #plan
1099_It takes 3 months to grow strawberries. Go grow them so you can eat them before summer ends🍓🥰 #grow #strawberry #me
1098_Let’s make cantaloupe as good as when you get the red candies in a skittles pack🍈 #cantaloupe #plants #howtowithjes
1097_The donut farted, automatic 9.510 🍩#tacobell #cinnabondelights #review #picture #lookalike #series #howtowithjessie