A Day of Magic, Pixie Dust, and Blessings Awaits!
Momma's Spa Day: A Perfect Pedicure in the Wild!
When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to the ground, perhaps then you will remember that this land does not belong to you, it is you who belongs to the land!
Traditional Native American Proverb.
Tag, You're It!
Horsing Around: Tag, You're It!
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who's the most beautiful of them all?
With piercing eyes and feathers so sleek,
The majestic eagle reigns unique!
Take Only What You Need and Leave The Land As You Found It.
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children- Native American Proverb
Momma stands vigilant at the nest, her sharp eagle eyes fixed on the skies above. Two subadults engage in an intense mid-air kerfuffle nearby, but she remains calm and ready, ensuring the safety of her precious nest below.
Watch as M15 and F23 return to the nest tree, where F23’s powerful vocals send a chilling warning to a nearby Cooper’s Hawk. The hawk quickly retreats, knowing better than to challenge this fierce momma protecting her precious eggs. A striking moment of strength and authority in the wild!
1st Change Of Guard! Good morning 😃☀️!
Fierce Momma Issues a Stern Warning: Stay Out!