Simply put I found a #bug in my room. I kept it and put it in a nice place.
Strange to see the #computer making error and a slight bit of pessimism from the past brought on by my first year of college as I had to drop out due to grades and trouble with the local law enforcement. Leaving #California and #UCSB regrettably I moved to #Austin where things didn't turn around till I moved back to #Dallas and eventually got help from a psychologist who got me into recovery with an anonymous program. Whatever had been my trajectory after high school was dramatically changed at #SMU when being sober for some time and in better stories I was invited to China for my MBA. Education has taught me that life's expectations on making errors can be critical at times and forgiven freely in others. I just want to thank all my friends here for beginning to forgive me of my obscurities that I create so easily in the past.
In the #13edition of #milladeoromagazine we discuss topics of #herdmentality and #socialdistancing as well as #pricipals Going #LIVE May 4th at 2:00 pm CST to discuss the modern service industry in a pandemic.
Book opening on arrival
Immaculate Conception book opening of Words Will Never hurt Me.
Or at https://ACGRINDL.COM
#equalopportunity #equaleduacation #everyonehashousing #makeitaffordable #aleviatehomelessnesscrisis #equalityforall #everyactionhasaneffectonthewhole #equalunderthelaw #fooddeserts #accesstohealthcare #electprogressiveleaders #affordablechildcare #universalhealthcare #equalvote #cleanairandwater #righttolearn #livingwageonejob #thrive #makeitapriority #fullystaffedschools
Book signing
First signing of Words Will Never hurt Me
Or at https://ACGRINDL.COM
#citylights #personaljesus #findinggod #whathaveyoulearnedtoday #howdoyougiveback #doyoureciprocate #trackthetracker #caraway #greenenergyreplacement #recycledsneakers #refurbishedhousing #buyingnewforlingterm #sellingseasons #allgetnewcars #cloudtocloud #groupeditinglive #followinginstructions #makingnewrules #subjecttocriticism #followinginspiration #notcheatingpublishing #essayswritten #entranceexams #malecontraceptive
#15millionchildren #onebillionrising #fourgiftrule #wantneedwearread #60adults
Book announcement
As DBA AC Grindl I feel I'm responsible for saying how one of your bills, should be dealt with and how you should react to something you may or may not find expensive, the electrical factory receipt. In many countries it is very cheap. I don't believe I can save you enough money to even buy my book, Words Will Never hurt Me, covers of Milla de Oro magazines, let alone take your bills away so you can donate to me. Instead, I'm offering you a bridge that few people take to a world seen as upside down to many in South America where everyday you are introduced with a new fruit&vegetable. There is no greater educational need for pedagogy than the proof of achievement. The USA offers that.
#breakinggroundinsouthamerica #getgrounded #wellleavethelightonforyou #lightsout #nightflights #turnonthecity #lasvegasiscrispandlit #dallasshineslikeaspaceship #bogotaoverthesnakeinshadows #sanfranciscolightsupbothsides #brightenupduskitsearly #10000lightsperperson #smartbulbshelp #lightslastlonger #allluminescents #screwitoutwhenitshot #taxonceayearutilitiesallyear #buildingspayforthemselves #safeplaceunderalight #spaceyourlightsout #communitystandardsondarkness #communityplaysintheevening #connectedvehicles #noendtothecord