Hasan and Shiza Soomro organized a celebration of life in memory of the legendary TV and stage drama producer and director Furqan Haider Rizvi at Café D Khan in Carrollton. The event was attended by numerous legendary artists from Pakistan and prominent dignitaries from Dallas. Furqan Haider Rizvi, known for producing approximately 250 stage and TV plays, was fondly remembered by all. Attendees shared heartfelt memories of their time with him, including Hasan Soomro, Qasim Jalali, Neelofar Abbasi, Parvez Malik, Qazi Masood, Amer Sulaiman, Ishrat Allah Datta, Seema Malik,and many others.
Parvez Malik speaking about PTV legendary producer and director Furqan Haider Rizvi’s Celebration of life organized by Hasan and Shiza Soomro
Parvez Malik spoke at the celebration of life event honoring the legendary PTV producer and director Furqan Haider Rizvi. The event was thoughtfully organized by Hasan and Shiza Soomro.
Mr Qasim Jalali speaking at memorial for Mr Furqan Haider Rizvi a famous Pakistan TV producer and director.
Organized by Hasan Soomro
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