Brandon Beaber, MD: Supporting MS treatment with lifestyle strategies
Lifestyle changes, though sometimes overlooked, can go a long way in easing symptoms and helping you feel your best. An MS neurologist weighs in on a few strategies you can consider implementing today:
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Meghan Beier, PhD: Caring for emotional well-being with MS
A health and rehabilitation psychologist specializing in MS offers her thoughts on maintaining emotional well-being and more with the disease. Watch her here:
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Dominic Shadbolt: Dispelling MS treatment misconceptions
Worried about starting or sticking with an MS treatment — maybe because of side effects or because the benefits aren’t clear right away? One patient advocate has some advice:
#MSAwareness #MSLife #MSCommunity #MSSupport #MSTreatment
A letter to a younger me newly diagnosed with MS
What would you tell the younger, newly diagnosed you? One patient advocate pens a letter to herself, reflecting on the feelings she bottled up years ago.
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MS News Today Weekly Review
Here's a recap of the news and columns we featured this week. Head to our website to read them all:
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