Best Comics😁😁
Here are ten little-known facts about the world of
1. *Captain Marvel Outsold Superman in the 1940s*
During the Golden Age, Captain Marvel (now known as Shazam) was the best-selling comic, even outselling Superman at its peak with nearly 1.4 million copies per issue.
2. *Marvel Once Owned the Rights to Batman (Briefly)*
In the 1980s, DC Comics faced financial struggles and approached Marvel to license their characters. Marvel was briefly set to publish Batman, but the deal ultimately fell through.
3. *Wolverine Was Originally Created as a Teen*
Wolverine was initially intended to be a teenage mutant with wolverine-like powers and claws. However, creators reimagined him as an adult character, giving him his now-iconic backstory and temperament.
4. *Deadpool Was Meant to Be a Parody*
Deadpool was originally created by artist Rob Liefeld as a parody of DC’s character Deathstroke. Deadpool’s real name, Wade Wilson, was even meant as a nod to Deathstroke’s, Slade Wilson.
5. *Superman Once Fought the Ku Klux Klan*
In 1946, Superman took on the K*K in the radio show The Adventures of Superman. The show helped expose the group's rituals and vocabulary, reportedly reducing Klan recruitment in the U.S.
6. *Charles Schulz Hated the Name “Peanuts”*
Charles Schulz’s iconic comic strip Peanuts was originally called Li’l Folks. The publisher changed it to Peanuts to avoid confusion, but Schulz always disliked the name.
7. *Magneto Wasn’t Always Meant to Be a Villain*
Magneto, the iconic X-Men antagonist, was originally written to be a misguided antihero rather than a pure villain. Over time, his backstory evolved to reveal his complex motives and tragic history.
8. *Wonder Woman Was Temporarily Banned by the CCA*
In the 1950s, Wonder Woman comics were sometimes barred by the Comics Code Authority, which criticized her as promoting “unconventional” gender roles and independence, making her controversial for the era.
9. *The Joker Was Meant to Die