Real Good Digital

Real Good Digital Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Real Good Digital, Social Media Agency, Dallas, TX.

We Help Impact Driven Brands Grow Their Online Audience & Increase Their Revenue w/ Intentional Marketing

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The speed of your email list growth depends on one thing 👇A lead magnet people actually want.The biggest mistake coaches...

The speed of your email list growth depends on one thing 👇

A lead magnet people actually want.

The biggest mistake coaches and consultants make?

Generic lead magnets.

🚫 Free webinar → People sign up, then forget.
🚫 Guide, checklist, or eBook → Looks useful, but never gets opened.

Only 10% of people consume the freebies they sign up for!

Your lead magnet is the first step—get it right, and you’ll turn free-loaders into paying clients.

Here are 3 high-converting lead magnets every coach or consultant should use 👇

🚀 Educational Email Courses

Not many people use this as a lead magnet—but they should.

A 5-Day Educational Email Course delivers value to new leads, builds rapport, and keeps readers engaged for five days straight.

It’s easy to consume for busy people and positions you as an authority.

When people understand their problem better, they’re more likely to take action!

🚀 Two-Day Virtual Workshops

5-day challenges were once popular, but people no longer stick with 5 days of live sessions.

On the other hand, one-hour webinars have a bad reputation for being pitch fests that don’t provide much value.

Now, the sweet spot for a free virtual workshop or training is 2 days.

It’s just enough time for people to get to know you and get value but still manageable for a busy schedule.

And I’ve seen these convert ridiculously well.

🚀 Quizzes with Customized Training/ Resources

Free quizzes aren’t new, but they’re still highly effective—people love learning about themselves!

Create a quiz that reveals something interesting and offer a customized plan or training based on the results.

This is personalized marketing at its best—you can segment your email list and nurture leads with highly relevant content.


I'd love to hear from you! Which one is your favorite and why? 👇

PS. If we haven't met yet, I'm Michelle and I'm an email copywriter who is passionate about bringing back human connection and leading with authenticity.

Make sure to follow for the latest insights on email copywriting and intentional marketing ✨

Here's how I write hooks and headlines that keep people reading 👇Most people underestimate the importance of a hook. The...

Here's how I write hooks and headlines that keep people reading 👇

Most people underestimate the importance of a hook.

The entire purpose is this:
→ get people to stop scrolling
→ convince them to keep reading your content.

You've done a good job if your first sentence brings the reader to the second sentence.

Ten things you can do to make your hooks better:

1. Target your audience

There's no point in writing a hook that is overly general, and folks don't know if it is for them

2. Be clear

People should know exactly what's in it for them

3. Be unique or novel

How is this different from everybody else?

4. Express the benefit

What's in it for the reader?

5. Be specific

The more specific you are, the more interesting it will be

6. Bring up a pain point

And express how they will overcome that pain with your content

7. Leverage evidence

Facts and figures have been known to spark interest

8. Empathize with your audience

Make them feel seen, heard, and understood

9. Open a loop

Make them feel compelled to keep reading

10. Cut the fluff

Ensure there is absolutely no fluff and only the good stuff.

What kind of hooks have worked best for your business? 👇

PS. I'm Michelle, and I'm an email copywriter for impact-driven founders. Make sure to follow along if you're interested in increasing your revenue from email marketing!

People don't want to be sold to anymore. They want this →Education. People get on social media to solve their problems. ...

People don't want to be sold to anymore.

They want this →


People get on social media to solve their problems.

To learn.

When they see a sales-y post....

Instant scroll.

If you're trying to sell something - consider this.

People generally buy things to get rid of a certain pain point.

First - They need to be aware of their pain.

Second - They need to be motivated to solve it.

Third - They need to be open to exploring help.

Now, most people haven't gotten to there yet.

Your job - to educate them.

This brings them there.

- Awareness -

They might not even be sure that they have a problem yet.

Educate them on the problem and why it is important.

- Value -

Sure, people can have a problem, but are they motivated to solve it?

They probably have a million other things to do.

Why should they stop and focus on this?

Your job is to educate them on why it is important.

Show the value in solving that problem.

- Ease -

People want to easiest route.

Make it easy to learn from you.

If it's too complicated, they'll keep moving.


Education is so valuable in today's marketplace.

If you can show that you know your stuff.

You can solve problems that matter.


Then yeah - you'll be able to sell stuff through education.

If you just post a bunch of ads saying "buy my stuff" --- probably won't work as well as it used to.


Just sharing a random thought of the day :)

What do you think? Agree / disagree?

I'd love to hear your thoughts either way!

Storytelling isn't just rambling on about something that happened to you. It's an opportunity to share something meaning...

Storytelling isn't just rambling on about something that happened to you. 

It's an opportunity to share something meaningful. 

To teach a lesson in an unexpected way. 

Share a part of yourself that would have otherwise been hidden. 

Stand out in a sea of sameness. 

We all have powerful stories to share. 

And you have no idea who you could inspire. 

Start sharing stories, and you'll be surprised what happens next. 

❗❗❗After working in marketing for the last 6 years I've noticed something really profound. I realized this after hundred...

❗❗❗After working in marketing for the last 6 years I've noticed something really profound. 

I realized this after hundreds of conversations with coaches, consultants and course creators. 

That there was a trend, and it wasn't a good one. 

No matter what might be going on in their business (which could be a lot)... 

There's always *one thing* that causes a bottleneck and holds them back. 

Yeah, they might have too much going on. 

And some things might be serving them well. 

Some things might be wasting their time. 

But there's always just *one thing* that is holding them back big time. 

Maybe they're posting on social media, trying to get people on their email list but it isn't working. 

Or maybe, they're running ads to a landing page that isn't converting. 

Perhaps they have a lot of website traffic but nobody is doing anything. 

The bottom line is that they want their audience to do something. 

Sign up for this. 

Buy this. 

Watch this. 

Read this. 

Well, in a world where competition is at its height. 

You've gotta be really compelling to inspire people enough to do what you want them to do. 

This happens through your messaging. 

You have to be so crystal clear this is for them. 

You have to be so convincing with the way you express the benefits and transformation that are to come. 

You have to differentiate yourself from everybody else and become the real thing. 

And for a lot of coaches, consultants and course creators.... it's not so easy. 

You have to figure out what needs fixing. 

What needs to be improved...

And you have to somehow wrap your head around how to say something in a way that clicks. 

I can help. 

Even though I am almost fully booked with writing gigs for the next few months, I'm opening up 2 spots this February for VIP Days. 

In a VIP Day with me, we'll dive deep into what is that *one thing* that'll really move the needle in your business. 

(Continues in comments 👇👇👇)

Okay, I figured it all out. At least for now... When you do something that you truly love and you're good at. Opportunit...

Okay, I figured it all out.

At least for now...

When you do something that you truly love and you're good at.

Opportunities and success come so easily.

The universe keeps giving you more.

Awarding you and gifting you for doing what you are *meant* to be doing.

Telling you, YES YOU GOT THIS!

You are right where you are supposed to be.

Reminding you to keep going.

Step more into the flow and see where it takes you.

When my daughter was born, I felt like I needed a change.

But, I was afraid because a lot was at stake.

I felt like I needed to, though, and I was okay with taking a chance.

After four years of building a business that helped me make a living abroad, I felt that it was no longer for me.

Like I was walking in the wrong shoes.

So, I decided to try something new.

I mean, it wasn't that new because I'd already been doing it for a long time.

But to actually step into a place of ownership and take it seriously.


I decided, hey, I'm going to be a writer.

And figure out how to make a living from it.

It was scary, and I wasn't sure if it would work.

But it just felt like the right thing to do.

Here's what happened next...

The owner of an Ayurvedic clinic in Australia asked me to write her website copy.

Even though I recently gave birth, I was so excited about this project that I managed to write while resting in bed.

It was so much fun, and I got amazing feedback on my writing.

Then, I wrote some Facebook ad copy for a parenting coach and got ridiculously cheap click-through rates.

And then, I landed another client, a consultant who is also a LinkedIn top voice.

I wrote emails for her that got 29% click-through-rates and a ton of traffic to her site.

Now, I work as a short-form video scriptwriter for a marketing agency and one of the very first scripts I wrote went totally viral with 540k views (and it keeps going up)...

I feel like there is so much opportunity for myself as a writer right now and I can't believe I didn't start sooner.

Even though starting a new career, getting clients, and doing good work isn't *easy* per se.

❗ Continued in comments below 👇

When it comes to your marketing this is the most important thing... (in my opinion) >>>I'm guilty of this mistake too......

When it comes to your marketing this is the most important thing...

(in my opinion) >>>

I'm guilty of this mistake too...

It's a constant learning process.

Learning, trying, revising, tweaking, adjusting, adapting.

An ever-evolving process.

You can't market anything if you don't know who you are talking to.

This is so freaking important.

You might think you understand your audience.

And then the deeper you go down the rabbit hole...

The more you realize >> there is still so much more to know.

We should be constantly learning.

Investigating, listening, discovering.

Because through this >> we can do powerful stuff with our words.

The way you communicate needs to speak to your audience.

That's how the most successful creators find their success.

They know their audience > They speak to them > And, it resonates.

Check out 5 things I've noticed recently that can help do this better ↓

Last month, I started short-form video scriptwriting for an agency and helped write a script that generated 400k views. ...

Last month, I started short-form video scriptwriting for an agency and helped write a script that generated 400k views.

Here's why I think this script performed so well ↓

1 - It shared a high-value hack
(A tax loophole to save $6500)

2 - It was specific and relatable
(For a working parent with a stay-at-home spouse)

3 - It mentioned how it is not commonly heard of or practiced

4 - It went straight into the explanation without giving the final answer until the very end
(if you reveal the loophole too early, people won't stick around)

5 - The answer was simple enough for a 7th grader to understand

6 - The explanation was believable because it was detailed and specific

7 - It was less than 30 seconds and had absolutely *no fluff*

Which one do you think made the biggest impact?

Last Sunday, I turned 35 and it felt good! Oh, how much has changed for me this past year.It has been a year of magic bu...

Last Sunday, I turned 35 and it felt good!

Oh, how much has changed for me this past year.

It has been a year of magic but also hard work.

For me, this entire decade has been slightly intense.

Becoming a wife and a mom while living abroad hasn't been easy, but still, I've been enjoying every moment of it.

This decade marked the unfolding of a strong woman with high ambitions.

I cannot stand by with mediocrity anymore.

My life might be slightly unconventional, but it's incredibly fulfilling.

A continual discovery of who am I and what I want to be doing with this life.

Doing the kind of work that lights me up.

Being in the spaces and places that make me feel most alive.

This past year came along with two major changes.

Stepping into my identity as a writer.

Giving birth to an amazing little goddess.

It feels good to learn and do what I love to do.

It feels amazing to be a mom the second time around.

It feels rejuvenating to live in the midst of pristine nature and with the space to grow and thrive.

The only thing I miss is family and friends in the US.

I've officially made it halfway through my thirties, and as much work as it is, I love every moment.

Each season of life is beautiful in its own way, and we all have so much to learn each step of the way.

This year, I've learned that I am so much more capable than I could imagine.

Anything is possible with a strong drive to make it happen and a dedication to hard work.

There's magic in listening to what is best for you.

Listening to myself instead of all the noise around.

And following the path that felt right even when I wasn't sure how it might play out.

For me, 35 is all about gratitude, abundance, and transformation.

Growth, growth, growth.

Trusting the process but not being in a rush.

Understanding that everything happens in its own good time.

And that I am exactly where I am meant to be right now in this very moment.

Here's to another trip around the sun, and I can't wait to see what this next year has in store!

I saw an ad today that made me click. The reason why was so simple, but still, many leave this out ↓Traditionally ads we...

I saw an ad today that made me click.

The reason why was so simple, but still, many leave this out ↓

Traditionally ads were created for everyone.

They were generic.

They aimed to entertain.

They just needed to get their name and product out there.

The problem today...

There's so much competition.

If you create an ad that's supposed to work for anybody and everybody...

It isn't going to work.

Sure it could be well made.

It could be entertaining.

It could be appealing.

But it will never work if the viewer doesn't feel like it is FOR THEM.

So here's the key thing that made me click this ad earlier today ↓

It was ridiculously specific.

It spoke right to me.

And not just to where I am from or what I do.

But it spoke to my internal struggles and dialogue.

It spoke to the things that mattered most to me.

With my marketing cap on, I felt the ad did a good job just because of this little thing.

The hook was specifically targeted to one kind of person.

And it spoke powerfully to their struggles and desires.

Be specific to who you are talking to and people will listen.

Need help figuring this out?

Feel free to reach out, and I'd be happy to help you dial in your messaging :)

These common copywriting mistakes are killing your conversions ❌They're simple to fix but most people still don't realiz...

These common copywriting mistakes are killing your conversions ❌

They're simple to fix but most people still don't realize they are making the mistake. 🤦

What about you?

Are you good or is there anything that you need to work on? 🌱

2024 was a year of both challenge & transformation. Like many agency owners, lead gen started to feel like an uphill bat...

2024 was a year of both challenge & transformation.

Like many agency owners, lead gen started to feel like an uphill battle.

What used to take just a couple of hours per day to book a significant number of sales calls started to take too much time.

I noticed most companies were not having the kind of budgets that they used to.

And a sense of "distrust" started to emerge about working with an agency in general.

Not to mention the amount of competition out there overcharging for mediocre services and not delivering results.

Me personally, I didn't really want to take part in all that.

Doing lead gen, sales calls, project management, client communications and managing a team was becoming too much.

Plus, I had my second child in June so my time became way less.

I didn't want to keep working myself tirelessly for unreliable and unpredictable income.

I'm sure many of you can relate to that.

I wanted to simplify.

So, I got a sort of a *hunch* during the end of my pregnancy.

I always loved and was skilled at writing.

Let's shift to that.

So, around summertime, I decided to go all in.

I became obsessed with becoming the best copywriter that I could be.

Going through programs, writing a lot, learning a lot...

Looking for clients, getting clients, getting results...

And putting that on repeat.

This year was a year of being okay with change.

Accepting the desire to follow my heart.

And to do what simply *feels best*

To notice when something didn't feel right, and bail.

Was it a challenge? - yes.

Did it change me? - totally.

But, was it worth it? - all the way.

For me, 2025 is all about welcoming and inviting in abundance.

A time for doing the things that light me up with excitement.

Doing the work that I'm good at and which can make a positive impact on the world.

I'm already overbooked with copywriting work, and on the side...

After years of delay, not thinking I'm ready.

I'm gonna finally write that book that's been in my mind for years.

2024 - you taught me a lot about hard work...

Making swift changes, learning fast, and making s**t happen.

2025 - I'm ready to reap the rewards and continue going deeper.

This week, I started writing short-form video scripts for Laced Marketing and here's what I learned...1️⃣The hook is lit...

This week, I started writing short-form video scripts for Laced Marketing and here's what I learned...

1️⃣The hook is literally the most important thing ever.

Learn how to create solid hooks, and you'll get views on your videos.

Don't talk about yourself.

Talk about what's in it for your viewer.

Why should they stick around?

Try bringing up somebody or something that is notable, trending, or famous to get attention.

2️⃣Cut out as much as you possibly can.

Most of the time, when I work with companies on explainer videos, they want to include too much.

They want to explain it all.

This week I was reminded of the power in keeping things short and to the point.

Cut out anything remotely repetitive.

Any fillers - gone.

Get rid of extra details.

Don't waste any time.

Get to the goods right away.

3️⃣Spark curiosity and deliver value

You need to get people curious and interested in what it is that you have to say.

But, you gotta make sure that you deliver.

Don't just spark curiosity for the fun of it.

Get them curious and deliver extraordinary value.

People come because they are curious, but they stick around for the value.

4️⃣Keep things focused.

Don't bring up too many ideas in one video.

Keep it a one-way street.

Bring up one idea and one idea only.

And follow through with it.

Avoid getting distracted or thrown off.

And stay the course.

5️⃣Keep them watching

Make sure that you don't give everything away at the beginning of the video.

Get them curious.

Show them why they should care.

And don't tell them the thing until the end.

Feel free to build it up.

Keep it interesting.

Short-form videos are meant to be watched until the end.

Give them a reason to keep watching.

Alright now, that's all the learning's that I have to report for this week!

Tomorrow, I'm heading off on a big trip from Thailand to Dallas.

Wish me luck and have a great weekend!

A couple of weeks back, I wrote an email for a client that hit 50% open rates and 29% click-throughs 🙌The goal of the em...

A couple of weeks back, I wrote an email for a client that hit 50% open rates and 29% click-throughs 🙌

The goal of the email campaign was to get eyeballs over to a paid workshop, so every open and click mattered.

Here's what I did to make it happen ↓

✔️The subject line mentioned a powerful thing that they were going to learn after opening.

✔️I kept it general enough to appeal to a large portion of the client's audience.

✔️I told a story that was personal, relatable, and impactful.

✔️This story was inspiring enough for people to feel the drive to have a similar experience.

✔️I made the problem clear and shined light on the fact that there was a lot at stake.

✔️I brought urgency to the need to solve that problem.

✔️I clarified the next steps so they knew exactly what they were getting into.

✔️I made the benefits desirable enough to click.

✔️I included a PS line that mentioned how this offer was completely risk-free.

Here's what I did not do...

❌I did not tell a random story without any key problem or realization.

❌I did not make it clunky or difficult to read through.

❌I did not force anything on the reader or use pushy language.

❌I did not write it in a way that was "above" the reader.

❌I did not make any fake promises or use "hype" marketing to trick people into clicking.

❌I did not drag it out or take forever to get to the point.

❌I did not leave the reader hanging and feeling like so, what's in it for me?

Writing story-based and value-driven emails can certainly get people to open and click.

Give people a reason why they should take the time to read your marketing email.

What's in it for them?

And why should they engage?

There's lots of competition out there these days.

What are you doing to get more opens and clicks in your emails? 👇

If you need help with your email marketing strategy and copywriting for 2025, send me a DM, and let's chat about how we can aim to get some similar results for you 🎯

Most people focus on what they don't have. The mentality of never being satisfied and always wanting more. This Thanksgi...

Most people focus on what they don't have.

The mentality of never being satisfied and always wanting more.

This Thanksgiving, I took time to be grateful for everything that I have.

No matter how simple it might be.

Here's what I came up with...

↳ Good health of myself and my family

After seeing my father suffer from Parkinson's and brain cancer, I know how valuable our health is.

↳ A loving spouse

Relationships are tough, and many couples have conflicts leading to divorce.

As a child of divorced parents, having a loving marriage for the last 5 years is a big win.

↳ "Perfect" children

I'm pretty much obsessed with my kids, and in my eyes, they are completely perfect.

↳ The ability to have time and location flexibility in my work

I remember when I had to work at a certain time and was stuck within the walls of a certain location.

Time and location flexibility allows me to work from home, live abroad, and spend time with my kids.

↳ Safety

Living in a safe place with minimal crime is an incredible relief. Unfortunately, many others in the world don't have this luxury.

↳ Access to clean food and water

After spending a year in West Africa, I know firsthand how valuable it is to have access to clean food and water and I don't forget it.

↳ A quiet and naturistic home

Being a nature lover, I'm grateful to live on the beach of a small, undeveloped island in Thailand surrounded by trees, water, and fresh air.

↳ Always enough work to cover my financial needs

I'll admit that I'm not filthy rich. But I always make enough money to support myself and my family.

↳ An enriching and fulfilling career

I love what I do, I'm good at it, and I make a positive impact on others... plus work is actually fun and exciting for me.

↳ Opportunities

After spending much time living and working abroad, I know that many lack opportunities.

I never forget how my upbringing, education, and connections continue to bring me incredible opportunities.

Take a moment every day to be grateful for what you have.

You'll be surprised by how much you do have and how much you continue to gain.✨

I believe that gratitude is the key to abundance🗝️

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner, and no matter what you sell, you can benefit. What was once a...

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner, and no matter what you sell, you can benefit.

What was once a mad rush to the mall and the toy stores, is now a massive opportunity for any type of business to get a cash injection before the holidays.

Consumers and other businesses are looking for a good deal that they can use.

Whether you have a SaaS product, a coaching program, a marketing service, or anything else...

You should create an irresistible, no-brainer deal to make it a win-win for both you and your customers.

A gift 🎁

Here are some super simple yet highly effective ideas for deals that'll convert...

→Generous discounts
→Value-packed bundles
→Free trials
→Referral boosters
→VIP access

But, the catch...

You need to make sure it is something that your audience truly wants.

Take some time to ask and investigate what would be a no-brainer for your audience to say yes to.

And create a promotional offer that people will buy.

Then, it's off to the races.

You'll need a compelling, intriguing, and consistent email marketing campaign to make this offer seen and heard by as many people on your list as possible
.. in a way that inspires action without marketing overwhelm and annoyance.

Already got a Black Friday promotion up your sleeve and in the works for action?

I'd love to hear more about it in the comments ↓

The other day, I went to the food court to grab lunch and found myself chatting with a stranger.Like most people, she as...

The other day, I went to the food court to grab lunch and found myself chatting with a stranger.

Like most people, she asked me what it is that I do.

I told her that I'm a copywriter and she was astounded.

She was honestly even a little bit confused...

"Is that even still a thing? I thought ChatGPT does that..."

I chuckled a little bit because it's true, a lot of people do think this.

They think that since AI has come around, everybody will just use that and stop working with human copywriters.

Sure many people do it...

But does everybody want to?

I've found that they don't.

Many business owners today tell me that they don't want fully AI-generated copy.

They prefer unique, humanized, and conversational copy that doesn't typically spurt out from AI.

If everybody uses AI for copy, then the copy sounds the same.

Sure, you can train it to write in your own voice, but there are always limitations.

You can ask it for ideas, but there is only so much creativity that will be included.

You can ask it to write something for you, but you surely can't copy and paste it word for word.

There's something missing and it's obvious what is real and what is AI...

I've found ChatGPT to be incredibly useful in doing research.

It can do so much more than your typical Google search, which even that has AI summaries now, super cool!

It can get you started, get something outlined, and it can get you informed.

But when it comes to the real deal writing - it is best you have somebody there to do it for you.

And it's not just my opinion, I'm seeing this on a regular basis.

In the last few months, I've found that so many business owners need help with their messaging and differentiating themselves.

They feel lost and uncertain about how they should communicate.

And they often use copy that looks just like everybody else's.

You can assume how effective that would be...

Just last week, I had 4 new copywriting projects and 2 interviews, so I guess you can say that yes, there is still a need.

Sometimes, I wonder, if everybody relies on AI to write, how many people still know how to write?

Comment below what you think about this👇👇👇

Email marketing is dead?!? 😱No I definitely don't think so... I've seen so many of my clients and colleagues make 70% or...

Email marketing is dead?!? 😱

No I definitely don't think so...

I've seen so many of my clients and colleagues make 70% or more of their sales from emails alone. It's insane.

And many people are still not taking advantage of this simple marketing task.

Your next email could be the message that your potential client has been waiting for to cross the finish line.

Don't rely on just social media to make sales.

And experience what email marketing has to offer ✨

Comment "EMAIL" below and I'll send you a free sample of a high converting email that you could send for your exact niche and offer 🎉


Dallas, TX


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