This week, I started writing short-form video scripts for Laced Marketing and here's what I learned...
1️⃣The hook is literally the most important thing ever.
Learn how to create solid hooks, and you'll get views on your videos.
Don't talk about yourself.
Talk about what's in it for your viewer.
Why should they stick around?
Try bringing up somebody or something that is notable, trending, or famous to get attention.
2️⃣Cut out as much as you possibly can.
Most of the time, when I work with companies on explainer videos, they want to include too much.
They want to explain it all.
This week I was reminded of the power in keeping things short and to the point.
Cut out anything remotely repetitive.
Any fillers - gone.
Get rid of extra details.
Don't waste any time.
Get to the goods right away.
3️⃣Spark curiosity and deliver value
You need to get people curious and interested in what it is that you have to say.
But, you gotta make sure that you deliver.
Don't just spark curiosity for the fun of it.
Get them curious and deliver extraordinary value.
People come because they are curious, but they stick around for the value.
4️⃣Keep things focused.
Don't bring up too many ideas in one video.
Keep it a one-way street.
Bring up one idea and one idea only.
And follow through with it.
Avoid getting distracted or thrown off.
And stay the course.
5️⃣Keep them watching
Make sure that you don't give everything away at the beginning of the video.
Get them curious.
Show them why they should care.
And don't tell them the thing until the end.
Feel free to build it up.
Keep it interesting.
Short-form videos are meant to be watched until the end.
Give them a reason to keep watching.
Alright now, that's all the learning's that I have to report for this week!
Tomorrow, I'm heading off on a big trip from Thailand to Dallas.
Wish me luck and have a great weekend!