Balancing work and family can be a challenge.
After 4.5 years of doing both, I've learned how to work smarter, not harder...
So I can spend time caring for my little ones, while also delivering results for my clients as a copywriter.
Here are 5 things I'm not going to waste my time on.
This helps me save time and write better.
✨ Manually doing customer research
I use a variety of strategies to go deep on understanding that pain points, drives and desires of any audience, in a matter of minutes with the help of ChatGPT.
No, I don't use AI generated content for my emails.
But I do use it to create a massive bank of values, scenarios and emotions to refer to in order to make sure my copy rings true.
✨ Coming up with subject lines from scratch
By now I've tested so many subject lines and I just use the ones that are proven to convert.
I don't copy and paste for everyone, but I customize them to each unique brand and pull from the psychological triggers that'll work best with their audience.
✨ Writing on a blank page
I always outline my emails first to make sure they hit everything they need to.
This makes writing faster and more effective.
It also makes sure I don't leave anything out.
✨ Comparing myself to other copywriters
I know I could spend a lot of time lurking on what other copywriters are doing and trying to copy them
But here's the thing.
Nobody can know what kind of results they are really getting so why take the chance.
Just because an email sounds good doesn't mean it's making any sales.
I stick to my proven methods and brainstorm with successful copywriters in masterminds to get inspiration I know will work
✨ Sending cold messages looking for clients
These days I don't have time to message random people all the time to see if they need help with copywriting
If they need help, they'll come to me
Nowadays I work with people I want to work with and I let that happen organically
What are yo
This foundational skill can make or break your business 🚀
There's a strategy for growing your email list that pretty much every business should be doing.
But they aren't.
It's pretty simple and you could probably set it up this weekend.
Don't have time? ⏳
Send me a DM and I can help ✍️
#emailcopywriting #leadmagnets #growyourbusiness
This week I've been working on strategizing and developing a plan for a new newsletter for one of my copywriting clients ✨
Newsletters are such an important type of content that every entrepreneur should be leveraging.
They are a high value marketing asset that can allow you to build your audience, develop trust and increase revenue.
Here are three reasons why newsletters are so important...
✅ Long form written content allows people to trust you more as they experience your expertise on a deeper level
✅ People love learning new things and a newsletter acts as a free guide for folks to better understand topics that are interesting for them
✅ Newsletters initiate more conversions because after someone receives a lot of value from your newsletter, they will be more compelled and open to taking the next step with you
Do you use a newsletter with your business and how has it helped you grow? 👇
#contentmarketing #copywriting #newsletters #marketingmusts
There are a million and a half ways to do marketing and it all *can* work
But it depends on who you are marketing to...
Some things will work better for some people.
And different things work better for others.
This is where brands fall short.
They try to do marketing like everybody else and then realize that it doesn't work for their audience.
Every target market and buyer's persona is different.
Want to make sure that your marketing actually works?
It needs to resonate with your ideal clients and make them feel inspired to engage.
Here's how to make sure that your marketing resonates with your audience...
→ Understand what they are going through and what their challenges are.
Start communicating in a way that both empathizes with and solves their problems.
→ Support a mission or a vision that they believe in
We are all about collective beliefs and actions.
If you can be a part of the big-picture things that they care about, then you'll catch their interest.
→ Speak their language
Nobody's gonna resonate with something they don't vibe with.
Communicate in their ways and with their terms.
↓ What strategy are you using in your marketing right now to ensure it resonates?
#messaging #brandstrategy #copywriting #entrepreneur #marketingmusts
I figured something out recently that was a huge relief...
All thanks to @copyposse and her "Own the Inbox Challenge"
And it's about your customer avatar and how you should create them.
Well a little bit of backstory, I've been helping my husband @wisdomwithsanal develop his personal brand for the last two years and we have always been stuck on this particular thing.
He's a spiritual thought leader who teaches all things personal development and the essence of his teachings is rooted in mindfulness and cognitive science, blended with ancient truths and modern day psychology.
The big question...
Which avatar should he be speaking to? Who would be really interested in hearing this content?
We realized pretty fast that this avatar is not determined by demographics such as gender, age, occupation, location, income, hobbies, etc...
And it felt like a big battle upstream because his business coach was really focused on this concept of mapping out every single demographic of the avatar.
I felt like all of these little details shouldn't have to matter in this scenario.
Anyone could benefit from his knowledge, at least I would think so.
And then I finally got the answer!
The avatar is a group of people who all have the same values, morals and interests.
They can be from different countries, of different genders and with different ages; have different jobs, interests and marital statuses.
But the most important thing is that they all believe in the same thing.
They all stand for the same mission.
To learn knowledge, improve their state of mind, find unconditional happiness and achieve liberation from suffering.
The sage customer archetype <3
Now I feel so clear when it comes to doing market research on any brand's avatar and how to speak to them.
The most important thing to know is their core value.
What is it that they desire most, what drives them, and what are they afraid of?
And make sure to speak to that when you do your marketing.
PS. I'm now doi
🎥 Looking to engage your audience and generate more leads for your business?
Check out these simple video ideas that any entrepreneur can do today to provide more value to their audience! 💡
#videomarketing #contentmarketing #videoideas #videocreation #socialmediamarketing #personalbranding
Do you want to convert more website visitors into paying clients?
Here's 3 tips to improve your website copy so that more people decide to buy from you:
💥Speak to your specific audience with their specific problems so that they feel like OMG this was totally written for me
💥Position yourself as an authority with as much social proof as possible and let your expertise really shine so they feel like YES I trust this person to help me
💥Make sure that you CLEARLY communicate what your value is and how it can truly help your audience better than anything else
Go ahead and check out your website and see if you are hitting these 3 main points and what gaps may be existing right now.
Want a free copy audit of your website?
Comment FREE AUDIT below and I'll reach out :)
#businesstips #marketingtips #copywritingforcreatives #personalbrandingtips #entrepreneurship #businessgoals #websitetips
🌟 Want to stand out in your industry?
Here are 3 tips to become the go-to person for your product or service:
1️⃣ Share your real results
2️⃣ Build a memorable brand
3️⃣ Do things better than the rest"
#digitalmarketing #socialmediamarketing #expert #authoritymarketing #smallbusinesstips #personalbrandtips #marketingtips
Are you struggling to connect with your audience?
In this quick video, I'll reveal 3 things that you can start doing today to truly engage with your audience!
Make sure that you understand their problems, teach them what they want to learn, and guide them through their desired transformation.
Now you can ensure that you are creating valuable content that people will want to hear and engage with.
I always come back to these foundations when strategizing content for my clients because it is so important to create content that will be important for your audience to hear.
#audienceengagement #contentcreation #contentstrategy #contentmarketing
How many of you are looking to grow your YouTube channel? 🌟
Check out these three powerful tips to expand your following on YouTube 🔥
#YouTubeGrowth #ContentCreators