Season 2 Episode 11! What’s a pastor? What qualifies someone to be a pastor? How can you know if you should be in church ministry? Just for men? Men and women? We’re sure these are the questions that keep you up at night so we’re giving an episode to the issue of church leadership. You’re welcome. ;)
Season 2 Episode 12! The Local Church. Just how important is it? Do Christians need to be committed to a church? Is a Bible Study the same thing as church? Also, who is Eric Church and does he somehow factor into this thing?
Season 2 Episode 8! Manhood! Womanhood! Ain’t it good! Today we tackle the tricky topic of gender roles in the Bible. If God made men and women equal in worth, are there any distinctions in how we live our lives together? In this episode, J & K help us see what the Scriptures teach about these issues.
Season 2 Episode 5! Biblical humility can actually make us more confident.
In this episode, St. Paul pulls no punches...on himself. The great apostle reminds us of the wild mercy of God for sinners by sharing his own story. If you have felt buried by the weight of your sin, we hope Paul’s testimony gives you immense hope in God’s big heart toward you! 1 Timothy 1:12-20
One of our most popular episodes! Season 2 Episode 4. Go take a listen or watch!
Where you around for season 1? If not go back and listen! It was a ton of fun and Jimmy was still Jimmying around!
Sometimes a text’s main point can be lost cause we get tripped up in the tricky details. Today Jimmy takes on a couple of those road hazards in Joel 3, including what seems like a contradiction in the behavior of God himself. Can it be resolved?! spoiler…it can #ClearlyTB
Hey! If you missed our Joel Series go jump in and listen! Clearly Podcast Season 1 Episode 15!
Friends, He will keep us, He will finish us, He will sustain us, He will glorify us. Isn't that amazing news!
#GospelofJohn #IsGodReal #Jesus
We love our JW friends! So much so we are ready to show them the hope we have in Jesus not as a great man but as fully God and fully man.
#GospelofJohn #IsGodReal #Jesus
It has been a question people have asked for hundreds of years. It is worth wrestling with and worth spending time with His disciples writing about him. Your eternity both now and forever is marked by how you answer this question.
#GospelofJohn #IsGodReal #Jesus
Confused with the Bible's complexity? There is a central theme you can trace in every detail: Jesus is the point.
#gospelofLuke #HolyBible #BibleStudy