DS Joyrides

DS Joyrides Motorcycle Vlogging
Agents Provocateur. We don't care what you ride, just ride. Catch us around Texas and parts unknown.

Day 1 of our ride to Colorado was but setting the stage of sights and sounds to come. From great sand dunes, twisties th...

Day 1 of our ride to Colorado was but setting the stage of sights and sounds to come. From great sand dunes, twisties through mountains, to racing down the sides at break neck speeds. These are the types of rides that create life long memories and great friends.
Welcome to Colorado, day 1.

When riding with some great friends, there is no such thing as too far. We started the day off in Santa Fe New Mexico, rode up to see the Great Sand Dunes Na...

After a few hours in Red River we headed out to finish the loop and go through Eagle Nest and Angle Fire on our way back...

After a few hours in Red River we headed out to finish the loop and go through Eagle Nest and Angle Fire on our way back to Taos. While these mountains are mainly ski resorts, riding through the big sweeping curves just calms your mind and heart. Ride with us!

NOTE: USE YOUR MOUSE TO DRAG THE CAMERA TO THE DESIRED CAMERA ANGLE VIEWAfter a brief delay for a ski lift ride to the top of the mountain in Red River, and ...


Join us for the 9th Annual 22Kill ride. This year starting from Longhorn HD and finishing back at Maverick HD.
This is a special cause that is near and dear to our hearts. Even if you don't ride, you can still support a great cause.

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After spending a week riding the mountains of south Colorado, we decided to look for new sights. So with the guidance fr...

After spending a week riding the mountains of south Colorado, we decided to look for new sights. So with the guidance from our leader Barry, off we went to Taos New Mexico to ride the loop. In this portion, we ride to Red River.

NOTE: USE YOUR MOUSE TO DRAG THE CAMERA TO THE DESIRED CAMERA ANGLE VIEWAfter riding all week in Colorado, we decided to make a change and headed down to Tao...

Riding in the mountains of Colorado have been a dream of mine since I first understood what riding a motorcycle can give...

Riding in the mountains of Colorado have been a dream of mine since I first understood what riding a motorcycle can give you in life. The sights, sounds, and smells of what God has given us leads to dreams of future rides. Join us as we head up to Silverton.

NOTE: USE YOUR MOUSE TO DRAG THE CAMERA TO THE DESIRED CAMERA ANGLE VIEWRiding in the mountains of Colorado have been a dream of mine since I first understoo...


Please keep your drama and butt hurt away from our motorcycle and our lifestyle.

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Ride the Million Dollar Highway from Ouray down south to Silverton. Starting from 7792ft above sea level to 9318ft above...

Ride the Million Dollar Highway from Ouray down south to Silverton. Starting from 7792ft above sea level to 9318ft above sea level. This is one hell of a climb and ride. From sheer cliffs to waterfalls from the heavens. It's all part of the ride!

NOTE: USE YOUR MOUSE TO DRAG THE CAMERA TO THE DESIRED CAMERA VIEWThis is one ride that is a bucket list ride for many. For myself, it's a dream come true. R...


Riding with kings #6.


Riding with kings #5.


Riding down Wolf Creek Pass Byway in Colorado
short version


Riding with kings #4


Riding with kings #3

360° Riding the Million Dollar Highway from Silverton to Ouray

360° Riding the Million Dollar Highway from Silverton to Ouray

NOTE: USE YOUR MOUSE TO DRAG THE CAMERA TO THE DESIRED CAMERA ANGLE VIEWThis is one ride that is a bucket list ride for many. For myself, it's a dream come t...


Riding with kings #2


Riding with kings #1

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Enjoy some of the most spectacular views in 360° while riding down the Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado. This is a riding vid...

Enjoy some of the most spectacular views in 360° while riding down the Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado. This is a riding video, not a 'ride to someplace and talk' video, so enjoy the sights.

NOTE: USE YOUR MOUSE TO DRAG THE CAMERA TO THE DESIRED CAMERA ANGLE VIEWAfter meeting up with the rest of the group in Creede, Colorado, Lane lead the group ...

The four horsemen. LOL Great day.

The four horsemen. LOL Great day.


Tomorrow, July 4th, 2024, the United States of America takes a day to celebrate the freedom that was founded by the Declaration of Independence signed 248 years ago by our Congress. While the majority of the USA takes this day to watch fireworks, they forget what those represent. They fail, almost intentionally, to recognize that the freedom they celebrate was not free. Almost 70,000 American men and women died for this cause, this idea of a sovereign state. So bravely paid the ultimate sacrifice to the benefit of generations to come, for something they believed in.

So we ask each American citizen, naturalized or not, to simply read the Declaration of Independence. To understand how that simple piece of paper, signed by our nations forefathers, written with the blood of American soldiers, to give us something that is so special and fragile, yet is taken for granted so quickly.
Let we not forget the cost of our freedom’s, and the price so dearly paid. For each of us, one and all, you and I, owe each of those American’s a score of gratitude for their sacrifice as we openly celebrate their victory. God bless them, all.


In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.


New rule for us here over at DS Joyrides.
This account is about riding motorcycles and the life therein. It is not about politics, or what color sweater your niece is wearing.
So we will begin unfriending/removing friends that continue to post negative/hateful/anti-American/pro-Russian posts in their timelines.
We are not saying what anyone can or cannot do, we're just saying we no longer want to be associated with anti-American accounts.



Dallas, TX


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