Blue Wave Red Surge: Polls, Transitions and Canada-US Relations
Canada-US relations will enter a new phase in January following a historic U.S. election turnout, fiercely contested results and surprising down-ticket outcomes.
Join the discussion for insights into what the polls got right, what they missed and some of the challenges faced by US pollsters.
Our panel of experts will also discuss the transition, inauguration and what comes next in Canada - US relations with a Biden - Harris administration.
Blue Wave Red Surge: Polls, Transitions and Canada-US Relations
Canada-US relations will enter a new phase in January following a historic U.S. election turnout, fiercely contested results and surprising down-ticket outcomes.
Join the discussion for insights into what the polls got right, what they missed and some of the challenges faced by US pollsters.
Our panel of experts will also discuss the transition, inauguration and what comes next in Canada - US relations with a Biden - Harris administration.
Cancer Above the Shoulders: Don't Shrug it Off
#cancerabovetheshoulders Health policy affects everyone. There are growing needs for cancer care in Canada due to a growing and aging population and the recent backlog of care created by COVID-19. Our panel explored the needs of head and neck cancer patients and survivors and discussed the role of the federal government in providing additional support to the provinces to address the following:
Early detection
Timely patient access to new therapies
IPoliticsLIVE is pleased to host FAO North America & CARE Canada: ‘Fighting Climate Change from Pasture to Plate’ for the Canadian launch of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s 2019 State of Food and Agriculture Report. Moderated by Catherine Clark. Presentation, panel discussion and live Q&A.
iPolitics in Real Time: iPolitics reporter Charlie Pinkerton and Mainstreet Research President and CEO Quito Maggi host Mainstreet’s Luc Fortin and Joseph Angolano
Political action thriller: iPolitics Minority Report with parliamentary reporter Kady O’Malley, Earnscliffe Strategy Group’s Yaroslav Baran and Paul Thomas with the Samara Centre for Democracy. Talking about parliamentary options for forming government with a minority win. IPolitics political reporter Charlie Pinkerton hosts.
IPolitics in Real Time with Elliot Hughes of Summa Strategies and former CPC MP Brian Storseth join Mainstreet Research Quito Maggi and @ipoliticsca reporter Charlie Pinkerton.
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Hi #cdnpoli PREMIUM PODCAST SUBSCRIBERS: iPolitics in Real Time will be in your mailbox tomorrow @ 7am ET. @kady, @KRonellenfitsch & Caro Loufti with @apathyisboring join @quito_maggi and @CharliePinkerto to talk #elxn43. Not a premium subscriber? Sign up
IPolitics in Real Time: #elxn43 is in the final stretch and millions of Canadians have voted early. @Quito_Maggi and @ipoliticsca reporter @charliepinkerto talk #cdnpoli with parliamentary reporter @kady O’Mally, Gandalfgroup’s Kyla @KRonellenfitsch & Caro Loufti with @apathyisboring.
IPolitics in Real Time with @quito_maggi, iPolitics Reporter @charliepinkerto. They’re talking shop about Quebec, regional & national polling and the #elxn43 English Leaders’ Debate with Devin McCarthy and Elliot Hughes. All star #cndpoli