A new episode of This is Wrestling will come later this week, in the meantime check out this additional clip from our most recent episode talking about Hulk Hogan getting booed out of the building during the RAW on Netflix debut.
#WWE #wwe #WWERaw #wweraw #Netflix #netflix #wweonnetflix #WWEonNetflix #hulk #hulkhogan #boo #wrestling #podcast #podcasts
The fans in attendance for the debut of Monday Night RAW on Netflix cheered for The Rock announcing the show set the all-time gate record. Why?
#WWE #wwe #WWERaw #wweraw #therock #therockwwe #fans #podcast #podcasts #wrestling #wrestlingpodcast #wrestlingpodcasts #clips
Zach had the chance to watch Kenny Omega vs. Gabe Kidd and let's just say he absolutely loved the match. What did you think of the match?
#aew #prowrestler #AEWDynamite #wrestlingpodcast #prowrestling #podcast #aewdynamite #wrestling #newjapanprowrestling #newjapan #njpw #njpw1972 #KennyOmega #kennyomega #gabekidd #gabekidd
While watching WWE's Saturday Night's Main Event show, Lee Versage noticed something on a graphic for Liv Morgan that put him over the top...
Our full review of the return of Saturday Night's Main Event is online now!
#aewwrestling #wrestling #podcast #wrestlingpodcast #aew #aewdynamite #AEWDynamite #worldwrestlingentertainment #prowrestling #prowrestler #livmorgan #LivMorgan #saturdaynight
With discussion about the down period of business for AEW and what to do to try and draw better TV audiences, Lee Versage puts forward the case to have Christian Cage win the world championship and have him feud with Adam Copeland until AEW All In: Texas. What are your thoughts? #aew #aew #AEWDynamite #aewdynamite #aewwrestling #podcast #wrestling #wrestlingpodcast #podcast #wrestling #AdamCopeland #adamcopelandaew #Edge #edge #christian #ChristianCage #christiancage
A new episode of This is Wrestling is online now reviewing the 2024 edition of WWE's Survivor Series: WarGames PLE/PPV. In this clip, Zach gets fired up about Tiffany Stratton's current storyline of being hesitant to cash in her Money in the Bank briefcase. #wwe #SurvivorSeries #wargames #moneyinthebank #tiffanystratton #worldwrestlingentertainment #podcast #rant #clip #review #match
Lee and Zach were not the biggest fans of WWE SummerSlam to say the least... with Zach going over a clunky finish to an otherwise good match between Gunther and Damien Priest.
More of this fiery review of the show can be found online now on your favourite podcast platform!
#wrestling #wrestlingpodcast #wwe #summerslam #ple #ppv #show #rant #podcast
London Lightning talks about his ROH debut against Lee Johnson in Ottawa, Ontario! #ringofhonor #ringofhonorwrestling #roh #rohwrestling #leejohnson #wrestling #prowrestling #wrestlingpodcast #ottawawrestling #wrestlingnews #aewrampage #londonlightning #roderickstrong #ottawa #interviewing #prowrestler #aew #interview #aewwrestling #feud #podcast #tiw #thisiswrestling #reels
London Lightning talks about his experience wrestling Roderick Strong on AEW Rampage in London, Ontario! #aew #AEWRampage #aewrampage #aewwrestling #roderickstrong #RoderickStrong #londonlightning #wrestling #wrestlingnews #wrestlingpodcast #interview #interviewing #prowrestler #prowrestling #ottawa #ottawawrestling
Lots of discussion about the decision to air the footage of the fight between CM Punk and Jack Perry but Lee Versage was really sent over the edge over Will Ospreay mentioning Triple H's comments about him in a promo right after.
Full thoughts on the latest episode out now at the link in the bio!
#allelitewrestling #aew #willospreay #allin #tripleh #podcast #wrestlingpodcast #clip #rant #wrestling #cmpunk #jackperry
It's one of the wildest spots you'll see in pro wrestling and it took place in Gatineau, Quebec for Mystery Wrestling. Zach McGibbon breaks down the Extremely Ruled 12 minute Ironman match from his perspective in the crowd that night and the now viral spot that has taken the internet wrestling community by storm.
Listen to the full review on E236 of This is Wrestling available now!
#mysterywrestling #ottawawrestling #wrestling #podcast #wrestlingpodcast #indiewrestling #indies #indie #indywrestling #comedy #aew #allelitewrestling #mystery
Much has been said about the AEW Revolution show including Sting's retirement and Ospreay vs. Takesh*ta but Lee and Zach also praise the Continental Crown championship match between Bryan Danielson and Eddie Kingston.
#aew #aewrevolution #revolution #allelitewrestling #eddiekingston #bryandanielson #prowrestling #podcast #wrestlingpodcast #wrestling #clip #review