What IF. . . they could create . . .
Written down, placed under a Stapler . . . it would just have to wait
That Comprehensive Online Vintage Shopper
With potential to be a Heart Stopper
It's here my friends!
If you are a shop owner, please be sure we have your shop listed and check out your free basic shop listing to make sure it is correct and in the right location. If you own a vintage/antiques shop, and it is not listed, you may list your shop for free. Click here: https://texasvintageshopper.com/join/
If you are a shopper, please check out the shop locations in your city and let us know if the information is correct. Our goal is to have every antiques/vintage shop in Texas listed in our directory. Your feedback is important to us. We want to make any improvements necessary to make the shopper the best it can be.
Two years ago we started on the dense and dim learning curve to make the transition from a LIMITED Texas Antiques Shops & Events Directory - monthly print publication, to a COMPREHENSIVE Online Vintage/Antiques Shops & Events Directory with NO LIMITS for its size or audience reach on the world-wide web.
We are pleased to tell you that we are already seeing some results in the google search engine. Number 3 in Google under keyword phrase “Vintage Shop Directory in Texas” and in the top 10 results in Google for “antique shop directory in Texas” ranking #9. This is only the beginning folks!
And, please check out our Pinterest page: https://www.pinterest.com/heartofatexan/ with 27.7 thousand monthly views on today’s date. Last month we rose to 163 thousand.
Heart of a Texan Antiques Newspaper is now Texas Vintage Shopper. :)
Our web developer, in collaboration with a high-level Geo Location specialist, has spent the last few months fine tuning and customizing our shop finder map for the best user experience. (And, we know there will inevitably, be some glitches). Please notify us and we will attempt to fix any of these problems as quickly as possible.
A high-level marketing expert is scheduled to analyze and audit the website next month for SEO and advisement on best marketing strategies. One aspect of the audit will include the usability of the site, and we are preparing to make needed adjustments after we receive this report. Our web developer will be involved in the final consultation for recommended changes.
Texas Vintage Shopper has been specifically designed to meet the avid antiques/vintage shopper’s needs. This huge and intricate website is actually 3 sites under one domain name: Main site with featured stories and trip planner, the Shop Finder Map and the Events Calendar.
Our Shop Finder Map is the main feature and was designed with the shopper in mind
All vintage/antiques shops that are open for business, in a town/city will be listed in the online directory with free basic listing including name of shop, address and phone number. (if you know of any shops we don’t have or any shops that have gone out of business, please let us know as soon as possible. Please message us via our Facebook messenger or email us at [email protected]. We will research it out and make the needed changes as quickly as possible.
All vintage/antiques shops are connected to google via being in our online directory.
Shoppers can plan more accurate and productive shopping trips with shops verified to be in business.
Search by region
Search by city
Search by Item - This will bring up all shops listed (with item descriptions called tags) as carrying that item for sale
Search by Shop Name
Featured listings for shop owners will be priced reasonably with a super affordable, 6-month introductory trial package offering a discount, for a limited time period. We need these listings to help shoppers find vintage/antiques items in our search feature! This will enable them to preview shop merchandise ahead of in-store shopping, or shop from home and connect with shop owners via our website.
Featured listing icons on the shop finder map will stand out from basic free shop listings showing the Texas Vintage Shopper logo on it.
Featured listing shop information with storefront photo will appear first in the lineup to the right of the map when a shopper searches by city name using the CITY PULL DOWN menu.
Featured Listing customers may update their photos and text anytime. See example here:
Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram promotion using select merchandise from shop owners who purchase a featured listing will be used on these social media sites and will connect directly to their featured listing or ad on the website.
Main Site with Featured stories and Trip Planner with Day Shopping blogs
Blogs, vlogs (video blogs) or podcasts related to antiques/vintage shopping in general will be added monthly. We will also be adding Texas city day shopping and/or Texas Event shopping on a monthly basis. These will also be featured as Travel Blogs on Pinterest.
These blogs will include targeting the millennia generation and educating, motivating and inspiring them regarding vintage/antiques shopping.
Blogs will also be emailed out as a monthly newsletter to our email subscriber list. We will NOT flood our subscribers with tons of emails and we will not share our email list with others. Your information will be always be safe, secure and private on TexasVintageShopper.com.
Events Calendar with map to event location
Search for vintage/antiques related events by month/year on our calendar
Vintage/Antiques Events are also free basic listings including name of event, location and dates
Paid Featured listings, especially for event promoters, will include photos, website and detailed descriptions of items that will be tagged for the search feature on the calendar as well as tagged for the google search engine
Search Events Calendar by key word using the advanced search filter
Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram promotion using select merchandise photos from event promoters, who purchase a featured listing, will be used and will connect directly to featured listings or ads on TexasVintageShopper.com.
Banner ads, sidebar ads, in-between blog ads, and footer ads may also be purchased
I know it has been a long-time in getting here, but, believe me, it took time and patience for this online directory to come into its own. It truly did take on a life of its own and evolve and grow into its own unique being. The seed has germinated and blossomed.
Number 1:
Accurate, up-to-date comprehensive shopping guide for vintage/antiques shopping in Texas - shops and events. Feedback from our community will be greatly appreciated to help with this effort.
Solve the google problem of "googling an antiques shop and finding it has been out of business for several months to several years. Most of these small mom and pop shops have fallen under the mega search engine google radar and google has not been notified when these shops go in and out of business.
Our directory will now assist the shop owner and event promoter to connect with and be on google.
An easily navigated map (to be improved on a continuous basis as we see the need and receive feedback) with search features to search by item, city, region, or shop name
Day Shopping and Trip Planning:
While vintage shopping is the destination, what else is available to these shoppers as they travel?
What are the best restaurants along the way?
Where are the best places to stay along the way?
How long is the drive time?
Unlike print publication guides, the best aspect of this online directory is that it can easily change and adjust to the dynamic and changing market for Texas Vintage and Antiques Shopping.
The hardest part was getting started.
At first, it seemed IMPOSSIBLE
With persistence and determination it became a POSSIBILITY
We love our antiques community! We would love to hear from you!