Anybody in Cross City missing this peeping tom?
Suspect arrested after chase
For the second time in a month, a 17 year subject has been arrested on felony and misdemeanor charges. On the 13th of last month 17 year old Zaytarious Chisolm was arrested at Dixie County High School when he was found to be in possession of 43.7 grams of marijuana prepackaged for resale. Upon Chisolm’s booking on the possession charges, the Department of Juvenile Justice directed Sheriff’s officials to release Chisolm to his parents.
On Saturday night December 15th, the Sheriff’s dispatch received a call to the McDonalds in Cross City in reference to someone in the drive-thru attempting to pay with a counterfeit fifty dollar bill. A Cross City Police officer was dispatched to McDonald where he attempted to make contact with the suspect who in fact was Chisolm. Chisolm fled and the officer gave chase while radioing dispatch of the fact that the suspect was fleeing. Dixie County Sheriff’s deputies joined in the chase and Chisolm continued to flee through the neighborhoods of Cross City until he was attempting to turn off of NE 210 Avenue onto NE 140th Street. Chisolm was unable to negotiate this turn due to his excessive speed and crashed through a chain link fence and into a main sewer lift station belonging to the Town of Cross City. Located within the lift station site was a generator and underground propane storage. Upon crashing into the site, Chisolm exited the car and fled on foot with deputies and giving chase. While the foot chase was underway, the crashed vehicle caught on fire igniting the propane at a broken gas line causing fire to quickly consume the vehicle, emergency generator and lift station control panels. Chisolm was taken into custody at the other end of the block after deputies deployed a taser.
The Cross City Fire Department and Dixie County Fire Service were able to contain the fire without any damage to a nearby city structure. Officials with the Town of Cross City estimated damages near $100,000.00.
Chisolm was arrest
This is history. Dixie’s first ever men’s soccer match, here in Ft. White.
Lindsey Whittington’s speech against the book ban. The reply from Tim Alexander was “We will take this stuff into consideration.”
Little cheerleaders at the homecoming game
Escorting Jordon Ward's body home today. Such a loss of such a great guy. 😓
The Lady Bears in a pre game dance off with the Lady Bucs at the playoff game in Chiefland tonight. Brrrr it is chilly!
See what you are missing at Powderpuff!