Congrats CB Kickers
The CB Kickers won the West Elk Soccer Association annual adult coed soccer tournament!
Metal Mariachi to celebrate Mr. Jingles birthday at Ace Hardware!
Congrats to the Titans! State champions!!!
Lizzy Plotkin serenaded a tense crowd during a public hearing held by Gunnison County commissioners on Tuesday, September 7. The hearing was held to consider a proposed Gunnison County Land Use Resolution amendment to reduce the maximum house size allowed within the county under the most basic administrative review process from the current cap of 10,000 square feet to 5,000 square feet. The proposal brought sharp comments of opposition from several members of the community, particularly from those in the building industry.
“This is just to relieve some of the tension in the air,” said Plotkin before singing.
Commissioners agreed they will consider an official resolution for amending the LUR. Planning department staff will prepare the resolution and bring it to commissioners for a vote in late September or early October. Read more in the week’s News.
Titans boys soccer heads to the state finals and the elementary kids are cheering them on!
The game is tomorrow in Colorado Springs at Wiedner Field at 9 am and all fans are welcome. The game will also be be broadcast on NFHS
Crested Butte’s Coal Creek on a lazy, snowy weekend. From Totem Pole Park bridge.
Head down to Gunnison today to cheer on the Titans boys soccer team as they face Ridgway for the second round of the CHSAA state tournament. Game starts at 2 pm at GHS field.
Titan girls win their first game of the season defeating the Miners 28-20!