Dear Faith Biblical Counseling Community,
I hope you are doing well this Christmas and New Year season.
Over the years Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry has stood for the sufficiency of God’s word no matter the shifting sands of current culture. We have sought to train up men and women from all over the world to minister God’s word effectively with compassion and truth. Today, I am asking for your help to consider taking a stand for God’s word here in the greater Lafayette area as our ability to minister the word of God to people in our community is under direct assault.
In West Lafayette, Indiana, where Faith has one of our counseling centers, the local city council is seeking to pass an ordinance that would in effect criminalize Biblical Counseling with minors when discussing human sexuality. In this ordinance is a threatened fine of $1,000 per day, enforceable by the local police department. These pieces of legislation are popping up all over the world and are starting to come to the United States. Al Mohler talked about this issue on Monday, January 3 in his podcast (https://albertmohler.com/2022/01/03/briefing-1-3-22) and Pastor John MacArthur explained in a letter he sent out Tuesday, December 28 (https://www.gracechurch.org/news/posts/2307). We are inviting you to take a stand with Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries and the sufficiency of the word.
Faith has been attempting to work with the city council behind the scenes to help them understand why this ordinance is inappropriate, but we have made little headway in convincing them to significantly amend the motion or to drop it all together.
A coalition of churches and other Christian groups in the area has launched a new organization called Lafayette Citizens for Freedom. This group has designed a website that was professionally designed and populated with helpful blogs, videos, and other helpful resources. The website can be viewed by clicking here: https://www.freedomlafayette.org
My request to you is that you help us take a stand for God’s word by doing three things. First, by signing an on-line petition (https://www.change.org/p/west-lafayette-city-council-stand-against-the-ordinance) that we will present to the West Lafayette City Council. Second, that you would go onto the website and use the tools there to send the 9 council members a simple e-mail asking them to vote no on 31-21. There is a template on there that allows for you to email each councilor and send them an email from the website. Third, and most importantly, would you be willing to use your sphere of influence to get the word out by sharing this information on social media or any other means that you have. By getting the word out to your larger circle of friends and relationships, we hope that this stand for God’s word will be glorifying to him.
I am thankful for the many men and women who have gone before all of us taking a stand for God’s word and the sufficiency of scripture to address all of life’s struggles. Today, we have a chance to take such a stand for God’s word.
Thank you for considering joining in this effort.
Josh Greiner
Director of Biblical Counseling Training Conference