Watch the on-demand broadcast to listen to experts discuss how NOURIANZ® (istradefylline) works differently for “off” episodes for patients with PD. See Prescribing Information for NOURIANZ
Watch the on-demand broadcast to listen to experts discuss how NOURIANZ® (istradefylline) works differently for “off” episodes for patients with PD. See Prescribing Information for NOURIANZ
Watch the on-demand presentation, “Managing SMA Across a Range of Patient Types: An Expert Forum” to understand the importance of early intervention in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), and to learn about treatment goals and expectations across SMA patient types from our panel of experts.
🗣️🎙️We recently spoke with Sarah Anderson, PharmD, NBC-HWC, of National Multiple Sclerosis Society, on the significant updates under the Inflation Reduction Act to come in 2025 for patients with #MultipleSclerosis. Learn more about it in the full interview on our site! #OpenEnrollment #Medicare 🧡📙
🗣️🎙️In a recent interview, Takeshi Iwatsubo, MD, PhD, of The University of Tokyo / UTokyo, talked about the latest data on lecanemab use in clinical practice for #Alzheimers disease in Japan presented at #CTAD24. Check out the full video of the conversation on our site now! 🎥 🧠 CTAD Conference
Here is a sneak peek at the interview that we did with Matthew Barton, PhD, of UCB, who talked about results recently presented at #CTAD24 from the phase 2 trial assessing bepranemab in #Alzheimers disease. View the full conversation on our site now! CTAD Conference
🧠 🎥Take a sneak peek at the interview that we did with Rebecca M. Edelmayer, PhD, of Alzheimer's Association, at #CTAD24! Here she shared her closing remarks on this year's conference. Check out the interview on our site now! CTAD Conference #AlzheimersDisease 🗣️💜
Here is a sneak peek at the interview we recently did with Krista L. Lanctôt, PhD, of University of Toronto, at #CTAD24 where she provided her insights on findings from a post hoc analysis of a study assessing nabilone for agitation in #Alzheimers disease. CTAD Conference
📹🧠In a recent interview, Joel Braunstein, MD, the cofounder and CEO at C2N Diagnostics, shared his thoughts on the excitement surrounding the emerging therapeutics and diagnostics that could potentially transform the landscape of care for #Alzheimers disease at #CTAD24! CTAD Conference
🎥 Here is also a quick look at the interview we did at #CTAD24 with Jessica Langbaum, PhD, of Banner Health, who shared what she is excited about in terms of the future of clinical trial recruitment for patients with #Alzheimers disease. CTAD Conference 📣 🧠
🫣 🎥 Here is a sneak peek at the interview we did with Ali Atri, MD, PhD, of Banner Health, who offered his closing remarks on the latest data presentations given at #CTAD24 in #Alzheimers and provided advice for clinicians to tell their patients with the disease. 🧠🗣️ CTAD Conference
In a recent interview at #CTAD24, Todd Feaster, PsyD, a senior clinical research scientist at Acumen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., shared his excitement for what is potentially to come down the pipeline in the field of #Alzheimers disease. 🧠 CTAD Conference