I’m not a huge fan of 3d printing but it’s a tool and it has its place in fabrication. It’s been very helpful in some ways. The other side of that coin is that it makes many think they are on the same level as we are as prop makers, fabricators etc. They are not. 3d prints even the resin ones are not ready for filming usually. We take great pride in our work and someone who simply prints out something and painted it is not on our level. The issue is that it makes our job harder when they say they can do what we do for much less and deliver crap. It hurts us when we don’t get the job and it hurt’s production, and usually we then have to come save the day with much less time. We always deliver quality and we have been doing this for over 20 years so we have old school and modern experience. And it makes the difference. We love what we do so if you need a professional for your projects - call Tech Works Studios, creatures, makeup fx, props, set pieces, costumes, puppets and animatronics. We do all of it.
New camera rig I just built for fun, test footage
the old dying squirrel from a ninja star trick. quick film test, used it in "INTO THE BADLANDS"
On set of "Rubber" you know the movie about the killer tire, don't judge me i thought they wanted a killer tiger, they were French so it was hard to understand. We shot the film in Palmdale Ca. I was the killer tire for every shot, either hand puppeteered or RC. I was also the SFX supervisor , GOOD TIMES!
#RUBBER #killertire #sfxsupervisor #puppeteer #cultclassic
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