Going to put the finishing touches to this soon. Guess the book? #rhysandfeyre #rhysandhighlordofthenightcourt
Screenshot and send a photo of my ad to me for 15% off your next binding. Valid through Christmas this year! Perfect time to buy your book lover's gift!
Completing a text block. Side-note: I usually do the endpapers first, in this case I didn't. #bookworm #booklover #bindery #binding #binder #bind #bookbindings
This is what not to do. However, for somepeople this is all they need for their home projects. Stiff Rubberbands add a good snug structure, but room for the signatures to move freely, but holding the final shape as it's loaded into the press.
Do not glue the rubber bands in! Cut them off. Glue the spine then let it rest. The rest of the bad will fall out when the press is released.
#bindery #whatnottodo #bookbinding #booklover #booknow #bookingsopen #bindings #binding #binderywork #binder #customwork #custombindings #custombind #custom #curvedspine
We're all about sharing the knowledge we've garnered over the last year. Are you learning how to format a document from Microsoft Word? Well, then you'll need to know to find the editablity of your font. This will determine if your font can be embedded later for publication. REMEMBER your entire text needs to embed when exporting into a PDF for distributors like Ingram Spark.
Once Microsoft Word is available and running on your computer (not any free versions) this is how you find the font status on your computer.
Video has no sound. Steps: File Explorer> search "Windows" in left window> scroll to "fonts"> reorganize into detail list> far right column will have embed status
Your Welcome. Until next time.
Release date Coming Soon!
Code Failure, Rebranding
Author J. L. Cross continues her journey in rebranding her books with us. Code failure is due to have a cover and preorder release soon!