Good evening friends. The "end times" are on many peoples minds these days. Unfortunately, amongst Christians, many are expectantly waiting for Jesus to swoop down from Heaven to earth to carry His "bride" (the church) to Heaven with Him. The word used to describe this event is the "rapture" a term anyone who has ever been a newlywed will likely understand.
Surprising to most Christians, however, is the fact that the word "rapture" is not found in the Scripture. Rather, the Bible teaches of believers being "caught up". Two such people that the Scriptures testify to by name who we know were caught up were Enoch and Elijah, both of whom were men of extraordinary faith. Contrary to popular belief, only those of like faith to Enoch and Elijah will be "caught up" in these latter days. That is why Jesus, when referring to His return said "when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8.
Sadly, much like the faith of the Jews of Jesus' time (who expected God to justify them against their enemies), today's church has a similarly (erroneous) expectation. One of the primary "doctrines of devils" that has given rise to this error is the teaching that the church is the "bride of Christ."
Rather than creating a manly Church that stands by faith in Christ and walks as His Body, manifesting His power, the bride of Christ teaching feminizes the church, robbing it of God's power and replacing it with a fleshly Christianity that is all about what we do and how we look rather than what He does. Tonight's Practical Christianity Bible Study will be hitting this topic head on. I hope you will join us live at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time on YouTube this evening.
Practical Christianity Bible Study. This is a practical, down to earth Bible Study on how to walk in Christ Jesus. Anyone, whether you have any Bible knowl...