Kairos is an assembly of artists established under one flag and one vision that centralizes upon elements of live promotion, records and production to create a haven for songwriters and musicians to develop and flourish in an increasingly competitive industry environment. Focusing on Orange County's excessive amount of talent with a lack of avenues to express themselves, Kairos looks to fill in th
at gap. Founded by a group of visionaries and starving artists looking to serve a more grand purpose, Nov. 2012 a glorious dream was born and later on Jan. 2013 the dream became a tangible reality beyond all expectations. The Kairos team is working towards serving the local artists within Orange County with the ambitions of igniting an artistic revolution. We believe upcoming artists providing the entrancing spell of "One's Flight" or embarking on tales from the majestic old soul of "Jacob Forster" will spark us into a period of renaissance. Kairos is a Greek word for time. Specifically a moment in time, a moment in time where something glorious and magnificent happens. And that's what we believe will happen, something glorious and something magnificent... Till then, we'll see you in time.