Check out GratitudeTX from Corpus Christi, TX performing there live set at Boozerz Rock Bar for there Reap & Sow EP release on August 10th, 2024!
📽️ Shot By: Rzo Kali of Hardcore Empire Media
Slam Master Booking & Promotion
#hardcoreempiremedia #gratitudetx #livemusic #boozersrockbar #metal #metalmusic #digitalmarketing #promotion #advertising #corpuschristi #TX #hardcore #headbang #headbanger
War Cult from Corpus Christi, TX performing there live set at the Boozerz Rock Bar on August 10th, 2024!
📽️ Shot By: Rzo Kali of Hardcore Empire Media
Slam Master Booking & Promotion
#hardcoreempiremedia #warcult #livemusic #boozersrockbar #metal #metalmusic #digitalmarketing #promotion #advertising #tonygomezshow #socialmediamarketing #corpuschristi #TX #hardcore #headbang #headbanger
Throat Locust performing live at Galvan's Ballroom in Corpus Christi, TX! Putting it down for the 361! 🤘🤘💥🔥
📽️ Shot By: Hardcore Empire Media
#hardcoreempiremedia #throatlocust #galvansballroom #texas #deathmetal #metal #metalmusic #corpuschristi #texas #videography #digitalmarketing #Promotion #media #advertising #hardcore #headbang #headbanger
Throat Locust from Corpus Christi, TX performing "Death Lurker" live at the Black Monk Tavern on November 15, 2023!
📽️ Shot By: Hardcore Empire Media
#hardcoreempiremedia #throatlocust #deathlurker #blackmonktavern #deathmetal #metal #metalmusic #digitalmarketing #promotion #advertising #socialmediamarketing #corpuschristi #TX #hardcore #headbang #headbanger
Fistful Of Metal performing Rage Against The Machine - "Wake Up" at the Black Monk Tavern live on November 11, 2023! 🤘🤘
📽️ Shot By: Hardcore Empire Media
#hardcoreempiremedia #fistfulofmetal
#blackmonktavern #rageagainstthemachine #wakeup #metal #metalmusic #digitalmarketing #Promotion #videography #photography #coverband
Fistful Of Metal performing - Biohazard "Punishment" at the Black Monk Tavern live on November 11, 2023! 🤘🤘
📽️ Shot By: Hardcore Empire Media
#hardcoreempiremedia #fistfulofmetal
#blackmonktavern #biohazard #punishment #metal #metalmusic #digitalmarketing #Promotion #videography #photography #coverband
Fistful Of Metal performing Rage Against The Machine - "Sleep Now In The Fire" at the Black Monk Tavern live on November 11, 2023! 🤘🤘
📽️ Shot By: Hardcore Empire Media
#hardcoreempiremedia #fistfulofmetal
#blackmonktavern #rageagainstthemachine #SleepNowInTheFire #metal #metalmusic #digitalmarketing #Promotion #videography #photography #coverband
Joint Venture Health & Wellness is up in the building posting up shop inside Galvan's Ballroom! Come on down, enjoy metal show going down tonight, and shop for some treats and goodies on your way out!
#hardcoreempiremedia #digitalmarketing #jointventurehealthandwellness #metal #galvansballroom #metalmusic #deathmetal #brutalslamdeathmetal #health #wellness #smokeshop #glassart
Unidad Trauma from Tijuana, Mexico live at Boozerz Rock Bar! 🤘🤘💥🔥💯
Hardcore Empire Media Slam Master booking & promotion 🤘🤘
#hardcoreempiremedia #deathcore #deathmetal #metal #metalmusic #SlamDeathMetal #slammetal #marketing #promotion #advertising #boozerz #socialmediamarketing #corpuschristi #TX
#slammasterbookingandpromotion #hardcore #headbang #headbanger
Inoculation from Cleveland, Ohio live at Boozerz Rock Bar ! 🤘🤘💥🔥💯
Hardcore Empire Media Slam Master booking & promotion 🤘🤘
#hardcoreempiremedia #deathcore #deathmetal #metal #metalmusic #SlamDeathMetal #slammetal #marketing #promotion #advertising #boozerz #socialmediamarketing #corpuschristi #TX #hardcore #headbang #headbanger
WOMB ROT from Corpus Christi, TX live at Boozerz Rock Bar ! 🤘🤘💥🔥💯
Hardcore Empire Media Slam Master booking & promotion 🤘🤘
#hardcoreempiremedia #deathcore #deathmetal #metal #metalmusic #SlamDeathMetal #slammetal #marketing #promotion #advertising #boozerz #socialmediamarketing #corpuschristi #TX
#slammasterbookingandpromotion #hardcore #headbang #headbanger