Searcy County, Arkansas made the decision to ditch the voting machines and move to a paper ballot election with a hand count audit. Laurie Gross, an election commissioner from Searcy County, joined us to talk about the decision to go to paper ballots and how the election faired with the hand count. Also, she talks about the process difference in voting machines vs paper ballots.
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The Colonel of Truth team discuss a letter from cybersecurity experts that was written to legislators in Pennsylvania, but is applicable to all states. The consensus is, hand marked paper ballots, hand count audits of all races before certification, and in person voting.
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Tomorrow on 1011 FM The Answer at 6pm (central time) you’ll be treated to a great show with Laurie Gross, the election commissioner of Searcy County, about the transition to paper ballots and hand counts. Spoiler alert, it was cheaper and easier.