


Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Thursday May 18

It is thanks to Jehovah's loyal love that our end has not come, because his displays of mercy never end (Lam. 3:22).

When we face trials, we can be sure that Jehovah will help us and give us the support we need to be loyal.—2 Cor. 4:7-9. We can be confident that Jehovah will continue to show us loyal love because, as a psalm writer said, “the eyes of Jehovah are on those who fear him, on those who look for loyal love from him” (Ps. 33:18-22). Before we started serving Jehovah, we already received the love that God shows humanity in general. But, when we start to worship him, we also receive loyal love from him. That love motivates him to take us in his arms to protect us. He will always keep us close to him and fulfill the purpose that he has prepared for us. He wants us to do well in life (Ps. 46: 1, 2, 7). So whatever the problem we face, Jehovah will give us the strength we need to be faithful to him. w21. 11 7 paras. 17, 18.

What will help us if we feel overwhelmed with guilt because of mistakes we made in the past?
If we do commit a sin, it is good—and even healthy—for us to feel bad, as this can cause us to repent and take steps to correct our mistakes. But some servants of God have been overwhelmed with guilt because of mistakes they made in the past. Their hearts condemn them and convince them that no matter how much they repent, Jehovah can never forgive them. If you feel this way, it will help you to understand that Jehovah is willing to show you his loyal love.

How it benefits us: Despite our imperfections, we can serve Jehovah happily and with a clear conscience. Because? Because "the blood of his Son Jesus cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1: 7). If we are discouraged by some defect that we have, let us remember that Jehovah is willing to forgive those who repent of his sins. Let's look at how David linked loyal love and forgiveness. He wrote: “As high as heaven is above earth, so immense is his loyal love for those who fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far he has put our sins from us ”(Ps. 103: 11, 12). Without a doubt, Jehovah is willing to forgive us generously (Is. 55:7).

How did David describe how God's loyal love protects us?

God's loyal love protects us from any spiritual danger. In a prayer, David told Jehovah: “You are a hiding place for me; you will protect me from anguish. You will surround me with joyous cries of deliverance." And he added: “He who trusts in Jehovah is surrounded by his loyal love” (Ps. 32: 7, 10). In Biblical times, the walls that surrounded a city protected its inhabitants from enemies. In a similar way, Jehovah's acts of loyal love are like a wall that protects us from any spiritual danger. Furthermore, out of loyal love for him, Jehovah draws us to him (Jer. 31:3).

How is Jehovah's loyal love like a refuge and a stronghold?

David used another comparison to explain how God protects his people. He wrote: "God is my safe haven, the God who shows me loyal love." And he also said: “He is my loyal love and my strength, my safe haven and rescuer, my shield and the one in whom I find shelter” (Ps. 59:17; 144: 2). Why did David associate Jehovah's loyal love with a refuge and a stronghold? Because no matter where we live on earth, as long as we are his servants, Jehovah will give us all the protection we need to maintain our valuable relationship with him. Psalm 91 gives us the same guarantee. His writer assured: “I will say to Jehovah: 'You are my refuge and my strength'” (Ps. 91: 1-3, 9, 14). Moses used a similar comparison (Ps. 90:1, note). What's more, shortly before he died, he highlighted a moving detail. He wrote: “God is a refuge from ancient times; the everlasting arms of him are under you ”(Deut. 33:27). What does the phrase “his everlasting arms are under you” teach us about Jehovah?

What two blessings do we enjoy? (Psalm 136:23).

When we take refuge in Jehovah, we feel safe. Still, there may be days when we feel down and discouraged. At such times, what will Jehovah do for us? (Read Psalm 136:23.) He will put his arms under us and lovingly help us get back on our feet (Ps. 28:9; 94:18). How he benefits us: Knowing that we can always count on God's support helps us remember two blessings we enjoy. First, no matter where we live, we have a safe place to take refuge. And second, that our loving heavenly Father cares so much about us.


Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Wednesday May 17

Take your places, be still and see how Jehovah saves you (2 Chron. 20:17).

King Jehoshaphat was presented with a very difficult situation. He, his family, and his people were threatened by a huge army of men from Ammon, Moab, and the hill country of Seir (2 Chron. 20:1, 2). What did Jehoshaphat do? He asked Jehovah for help and strength. His humble prayer, found in 2 Chronicles 20:5-12, reveals how much he trusted his loving heavenly Father. Jehovah answered him through a Levite named Jahaziel, who told him the words of today's text. Trusting totally in his God, Jehoshaphat obeyed. When the king and the people went out to meet his enemies, he put in the front line not his best soldiers, but unarmed men who went singing. As Jehovah had promised Jehoshaphat, he defeated the enemy army (2 Chron. 20:18-23). w21.11 15, 16 pars. 6, 7.

What can husbands learn from Jehoshaphat's example?
Husbands, what can you learn from Jehoshaphat's example? You are responsible for the well-being of your family, so you strive to give it the support and protection it needs. So when problems come, you may think that you can solve them by yourself. But don't get carried away by the tendency to rely on your own strength. Rather, pray privately to Jehovah and ask for his help. Also pray heartily with his wife. Seek Jehovah's guidance by studying his Word and publications from his organization, and apply the advice you find. Some people may disagree with you making decisions based on the Bible and may even tell you that it is foolish to do so. They may say that the best protection for your family is money and material things. But remember the example of Jehoshaphat, who trusted in Jehovah and demonstrated it with actions. Jehovah did not abandon this loyal man and neither will he abandon you (Ps. 37:28; Heb. 13:5). And the marriages? What can they do to have a happy life?

What can be said of the prophet Isaiah and his wife?

Isaiah and his wife focused their lives on serving Jehovah. He was a prophet and she may have done similar work, for in the Bible she is called "the prophetess" (Is. 8:1-4). For this couple, worshiping Jehovah was the most important thing. Without a doubt, Isaiah and his wife are an excellent example for marriages today.

In order to strengthen the desire to do their best in Jehovah's service, why is it good for couples to study Bible prophecies?

How can married couples follow the example of Isaiah and his wife? Doing everything possible in his service to Jehovah. To strengthen their faith in God, they can study together the prophecies of the Bible and see how they are always fulfilled (Titus 1:2).c They can meditate on how to participate in the fulfillment of some Bible prophecies, such as the one that Jesus said that the good news would be preached throughout the earth before the end came (Matt. 24:14). The more convinced a couple is that Bible prophecies are being fulfilled, the more determined they will be to do their best in Jehovah's service.

What were Priscilla and Aquila able to do, and why?

Young married couples can benefit from the example of Priscilla and Aquila, a Jewish couple who lived in the city of Rome. They heard the good news about Jesus and became Christians. Surely they were happy with the life they led. But then everything changed unexpectedly when Emperor Claudius ordered the Jews to leave Rome. Let's think about what this meant for Aquila and Priscilla. They had to leave the environment they knew, find a new place to live and set up their shop making business in another city. Did this change in your life take Kingdom interests into the background? We sure know the answer. Already in Corinth, Priscilla and Áquila were involved in helping the congregation and collaborated with the apostle Paul to strengthen the brothers. Over time, they moved to other cities where more help was needed to preach (Acts 18:18-21; Rom. 16:3-5). What a busy and happy life they must have had!

Why should married couples set spiritual goals?

The couples of our days can follow the example of Priscilla and Aquila by putting the interests of the Kingdom first. The best time to talk about life goals is during courtship. When a couple sets definite goals in their service to Jehovah and strives to achieve them, they have more opportunities to see the holy spirit in action (Eccl. 4:9, 12). Let's look at the case of Russell and Elizabeth. Russell says, "When we were dating, we talked specifically about our spiritual goals." Elizabeth adds, "We talked about it so that when the time came to make certain decisions, they wouldn't stop us from reaching our goals." Their circumstances allowed them to move to Micronesia to serve where help was needed to preach.


DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday May 14, 2023, Each one will carry their own load of responsibility (Gal. 6:5)

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Sunday May 14

Each one will carry his own load of responsibility (Gal. 6:5).

Jehovah has given all of us the freedom to make our own decisions. So each one can choose if he will obey him or not. Some young people were not raised in ideal circumstances, but they decided to serve Jehovah and have remained faithful. Others had parents who tried their best to raise them according to Bible principles, but when they grew up they left Jehovah. Ultimately, each one must decide if he will serve Jehovah or not (Joshua 24:15). So parents, if your child leaves Jehovah, resist the tendency to blame yourself. Sometimes it is the father or mother who abandons the truth and perhaps even the family (Ps. 27:10). This can be devastating for children who look up to their parents as role models. Young people, if one of your parents has been disfellowshipped, rest assured that Jehovah is also very aware of how you feel. He loves them and is happy that they continue to serve him loyally. Also remember that you are not responsible for your parents' decisions. w21.09 27 pars. 5-7.

What can faithful family members do while they wait for their loved one to return to Jehovah? (See also the box “Jehovah Wants You Back.”)
When someone you love leaves the truth, it is natural for you to cling to the hope that one day they will return to Jehovah. What can you do in the meantime? Keep taking care of your own spiritual health. In this way, you will set a good example for other members of your family and perhaps even for the disfellowshipped. Also, that will give you the necessary strength to bear the pain and sadness. Let's look at some things you can do to stay spiritually strong.

What will help you keep your faith strong? (See also the sidebar “Texts to Encourage You If a Loved One Has Left Jehovah.”)

Keep a good spiritual routine. It is very important that you continue to strengthen your friendship with Jehovah and that of his family. How can you do it? Regularly reading and meditating on God's Word and attending meetings will help you keep your faith strong. Consider the example of Joanna. Her father and her sister left the truth. She recounts: “When I read about some biblical characters like Abigail, Esther, Job, Joseph and Jesus, I feel a great peace. Her examples fill my heart and mind with positive thoughts that calm my pain. Our JW Broadcasting songs also cheer me up a lot.”

According to Psalm 32:6-8, what can we do if we feel very distressed?

Open your heart to Jehovah. When he feels very distressed, don't stop praying to him. Pray to our loving God to help you see the situation as he sees it and to make you insightful and show you the way he should go (read Psalm 32:6-8). Of course, it may be very painful for you to tell him how he feels. But Jehovah understands it perfectly. He loves him very much and invites him to pour out his heart to him (Ex. 34: 6; Ps. 62: 7, 8).

According to Hebrews 12:11, why should we trust in the discipline that Jehovah gives out of love? (See also the sidebar “Disfellowshipping Is a Show of Jehovah's Love.”)

Support the decision of the elders. Disfellowshipping is a loving measure that Jehovah has established for the good of all, including the person who has sinned.—Read Hebrews 12:11. Some may say that the elders were wrong to expel her, but remember that such people will surely avoid mentioning negative details about the expelled. The truth is that we do not have all the data. So it is best to trust that the elders who participated in the judicial committee did their best to follow Biblical principles and judge “for Jehovah” (2 Chron. 19:6).


DAILY TEXT, From today Friday May 12, 2023

Gray hair is a crown of beauty (Prov. 16:31).

Big brothers have a lot to offer. Although they may not have the strength they once had, they have all the experience they have accumulated over the years. Jehovah can continue to use them in many ways. For example, the Bible mentions faithful people who continued to serve Jehovah in his old age. One of them is Moses, who was in his 80s when he became a prophet and leader of the nation of Israel. Another case is that of Daniel, who was probably over 90 years old and was still serving as Jehovah's prophet. And apparently the apostle John was also over 90 when he inspired the book of Revelation. The Bible says very little about “a just and devoted man named Simeon,” but Jehovah knew him well and gave him the honor of seeing little Jesus and speaking a prophecy about him and his mother.—Luke 2:22, 25 -35). w21.09 3, 4 paras. 5-7.

What valuable contribution do the widowed sisters continue to make?
In our days, many older brothers are a great example for the younger ones. Let's look at the experience of Sister Lois Didur. When she was only 21 years old, she began special pioneering in Canada. Later, she and her husband, John, spent many years in the circuit work. Later, they served at Canada Bethel for more than 20 years. When she was 58 years old, they were invited to serve in the Ukraine. What would they do? Would they think they were too old to move to another country? They accepted the invitation, and John was made a member of the Branch Committee. He died seven years later, and Lois decided to stay on his allotment. Now 81 years old, she continues to serve Jehovah faithfully at Bethel in Ukraine, and is loved by all.

Some sisters, like Lois, may be a little more inconspicuous when they are widowed, but they are still invaluable to Jehovah. He greatly appreciates the support they have given their husbands over the years and that they continue to serve him loyally (1 Tim. 5:3). They are also a great source of encouragement for young people.

What do we learn from Tony's good example?

There are many elderly brothers who live in nursing homes or residences for the elderly, and they are also a spiritual treasure. That is the case with a brother named Tony. He was baptized in Pennsylvania (United States) in August 1942 at the age of 20. Shortly thereafter, he refused military service and spent two and a half years in jail. He and his wife, Hilda, raised his two children in the truth. Over the years, Tony served as the presiding overseer of three congregations (what is now the coordinator of the body of elders) and was also a circuit assembly overseer. In addition, he led meetings and taught Bible classes at a state prison. At 98, he has no intention of taking it easy. He continues to do his best to serve Jehovah and support his congregation.

How can we show that we honor the brothers who live in residences for the elderly or who can no longer leave their homes?

How can we show that we honor the brothers who live in residences for the elderly or who can no longer leave their homes? To the extent possible, the elders of the congregation can help them preach and attend or listen to the meetings. We can show our interest by visiting them or speaking with them by video call. It is important that we take special account of those who live far from the congregation. We must make sure that we do not overlook them. Some may not find it easy to talk about themselves or may not feel appropriate to do so. But it will do us a lot of good to take the time to ask them about the joys they have experienced in Jehovah's organization and listen to what they have to say.

What can we discover in our own congregation?

It may surprise us to discover that in our own congregation we have older siblings who are fine examples of faithfulness. A sister from the United States named Harriette served Jehovah faithfully for decades in her New Jersey congregation. She then went to live with her daughter. The brothers in her new congregation took the time to get to know her and discovered a treasure about her. She told them encouraging experiences from preaching in the twenties, when she learned the truth. Back then, she always carried a toothbrush when she went to preach, in case she got arrested. In fact, in 1933, she twice spent a week in jail. While she was in prison, her husband—who was not a Witness—supported her and took care of her three little children. Definitely,

What have we learned about the place of older brothers in Jehovah's organization?

Our older brothers have an important place in Jehovah's organization. They have seen how Jehovah has bestowed many blessings on his organization and on them as well. They have learned valuable lessons from their own mistakes. So let's see them as a source of wisdom and draw on his experience (Prov. 18:4). If we spend time getting to know them well, our faith will be strengthened and we will learn more than we thought.


Study of the Book of the congregation, Week of May 8 to 14, 2023, What does it mean to be neutral?, Lesson: 45 points 1-3, Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, 8-14-May-2023, Lesson: 45 points 1-3, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 45 points 1-3.

1. How do true Christians view human governments?

We see it with respect because, as Romans 13:1 teaches us, we recognize that if human governments govern it is because Jehovah allows them, even if it is with a relative authority. So in obedience to Mark 12:17, we pay Caesar what is of Caesar by obeying the laws of the land and paying taxes. But we give God what belongs to God, when we absolutely obey Jehovah because only he and his kingdom will solve humanity's problems forever.


Jesus Christ clearly taught that since all government is placed by Jehovah and then we have to give what corresponds to it, then within them we submit to the authorities because they are superior authorities placed justly by God, God allows them to still govern.

We know that Jehovah allows human governments to exist, so we follow the laws of each country, for example, we pay taxes and obey the laws in transit.
Let us also remember that these authorities were placed by Jehovah, but their authority is relative.

Romans 13:1. Jehovah shows us that we must obey these authorities because Jehovah has granted them that authority to help us, for example in transit to be able to travel to other places and other things, but we are sure that our obedience is not absolute towards them but it is limited until it is not against by the principles of Jehovah.

2. How do we show that we are neutral?

We show it by not getting involved in politics or participating in wars. As well as by not honoring the national symbols of any country, neither being in favor of nor against any political party, among others. Like Jesus, we too are not part of this world. Hence our loyalty and worship are exclusive to Jehovah.


Well, we do not get involved in politics, we follow the principles of Jesus, we are not part of this world, although we often respect national symbols such as the flag, but we do not honor it.

Micah 4:3. We do not support any war and although we respect the national symbols, we do not pay any kind of honor because we know that this would involve idolatry.

It may be at election time when a new president or new authorities are going to be elected.

We are also tested from house to house many times they want to know which side we are on when we preach who we are supporting or if we criticize something, and in family gatherings there are sometimes debates where one can have a side and is known to hate something so we also have to be careful that we are not biased.

And also in our interior, perhaps just watching the news can also be put to the test.

We could ask the student the question here to get him thinking about how Jehovah would view a person doing military service, and then let him find the answer in this very verse.


Let's look at some situations that could test our neutrality and see how you can make decisions that make Jehovah happy.

3. True Christians are neutral.

Jesus and his disciples gave us the example. Read Romans 13:1, 5-7 and 1 Peter 2:13, 14. Then watch the VIDEO and discuss the following:


Two political parties that are making their propaganda, perhaps a brother or that person in the middle is wondering which side he has to go maybe.

A man staying neutral. He pays no attention to rival political candidates addressing the crowd.

VIDEO: True Christians are neutral (part 1) (4:28)

Why should we respect authorities?

Because as we have seen in the Bible they are in a certain way placed by God in the sense that God allows them to exist.

We must respect them because when we respect them we respect Jehovah, since it is he who commands us to submit to these authorities. Romans 13:1, It is not explained that there is no authority that does not come from God and that they do exist, it is because they have been placed by him in their relative positions. To this, verse 5 adds that it is necessary for us to submit not because of the punishment, but also because of our consciences.

We must respect the authorities because Jehovah gave them the authority to rule. We can see here that we must respect the authorities, Jehovah wants us to submit to the authorities.

What are some ways to show that we submit to them?

The text of the Romans then is if they ask us for taxes, honor or even some certain service, for example, governments sometimes ask that there be community laws also for traffic and that is something that we must obey.


According to Romans 13:6,7. Some ways are: paying taxes, because it is compensation for your public service to God. We also demonstrate it by giving them honor and respect, because that is the will of Jehovah. In the same way, we do it out of dignity in his charge as indicated in 1 Peter 2:13,14. If we do not do it this way, we would cause reproach to the name of God. Of course, these demonstrations are made within reasonable limits so as not to violate our Christian neutrality.

In times of war, some countries say they are neutral, but support both sides in some way. Is that really neutrality? Read John 17:16. Then watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

Is that really neutrality?

Yes, well, the idea is not to support them in any way, as we saw the brother in the video, there was one side on one side and another side on the other, but he was neutral, we did not support, as Jesus said, we are not part of the world.

Read John 17:16. Then watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: True Christians are neutral (part 2) (3:11)

What does it mean to be neutral?

To be neutral, as John 17:16 teaches, is to stay separate from the world, because we are not part of the world. This involves separating ourselves from or avoiding bad attitudes, speech, and conduct of this world regarding matters of war and politics, so as not to violate our Christian neutrality.


Well, we already saw it at the beginning that Christians do not support any political ideology or condemn it, we simply do not take sides.

If something that was mentioned very important is also that we are not disrespectful with what has to do with the national symbols, with the flag or with our behavior, we maintain a form of respect and that is also being neutral.

We are not apathetic, on the contrary, we help the person who is perhaps so apathetic because they have family or health problems, and that is what we try to do to help people.

We also provide you with practical help as the brothers were shown there, speaking to them about the truth of hope that the Bible gives us.

Sometimes the authorities demand something that is against God's law. What do we do in those cases? Read Acts 5:28, 29. Then watch the VIDEO and discuss the following:

VIDEO: True Christians are neutral (part 3) (1:18)

If any human law contradicts God's law, which one should we obey?

In this case, Acts 5:28,29 tells us that we have to obey God as ruler rather than men. This would in no way imply a lack of respect for the authorities, but rather a deep respect for Jehovah and his laws. In this situation, if human laws command us to do something that Jehovah condemns or if, on the contrary, they prohibit us from doing something that he commands us to do, that law and that order would not be valid.


As Peter said obey God rather than men. Only God's authority is absolute and not that of governments is inferior to Jehovah's, that's why since we know the truth Jesus himself says that the world would hate us because of this, but we are willing to side with Jehovah.

We can follow the example of the Apostles from verse 29 of Acts 5, they said we have to obey God as ruler rather than men, then we obey Jehovah.

Can you think of a situation in which Christians would not obey the authorities?

We would not obey him if they could stop us from preaching and teaching from the Bible or if they ordered us to pay homage to the flag, sing the national anthem, go to war, join a political party, participate in government elections, pay military service, participating in marches and demonstrations, attending rallies, honoring public or military figures, among others, as we see in the illustrations.


If, for example, the authorities forbid us to go preach or go to meetings.

Also if they demand that we do some service to the state that is against the law of God, then we no longer obey.

And for example, if they order us that it is totally forbidden to preach about God, we will not obey the authorities or meet, well, other opportunities or other ways would be sought to continue obeying Jehovah and not obeying human rulers.

Something that is common and causes the imprisonment of many of our young brothers is compulsory military service.


Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Wednesday May 10

We will reap if we do not get tired (Gal. 6:9).

The prophet Jeremiah preached for decades despite the indifference and opposition of the people. The insults and taunts so discouraged him that he even considered giving up his assignment (Jer. 20:8, 9). But he did not give up. What helped you fight his negative thoughts and enjoy his preaching? Focus on two important issues. First, that the divine message he brought to people could give them "a future and a hope" (Jer. 29:11). And, second, that Jehovah had chosen him to bear his name (Jer. 15:16). We also carry a message of hope in a world that is in darkness and we carry the name of Jehovah because we are his Witnesses. When we focus on these issues, we enjoy preaching no matter how people react. So let's not get discouraged or give up if a student's progress is taking longer than we expected. Making disciples requires patience (James 5:7, 8). w21.10 27 pars. 12, 13.

What example shows that it can take a long time before people start to listen to us?
In some territories, years go by and no one responds to our message. Let's see the experience of Gladys and Ruby Allen, two full sisters from Canada. In 1959, they were sent as regular pioneers to a city in the province of Quebec.c People were afraid of the priests of the Catholic Church and of the opinion of the people, so they did not listen to them. Gladys recalls: “We preached from door to door for eight hours a day for two years with no one answering. People just saw us through the window in the door and closed the blinds. But we didn't give up." Over time, the attitude of the people softened and the territory became more productive. Today, there are three congregations in that place (Is. 60:22).

What does 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7 teach us about the work of making disciples?

Making disciples is a team effort. It has been said that it takes a congregation to help someone get to baptism (read 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7). For example, a publisher might leave a tract or magazine to someone who showed interest. Then, the brother realizes that her schedule does not allow him to visit her again. So he asks another publisher for help. This publisher starts a Bible study and invites different brothers and sisters to join him, each encouraging the student in some way. Every publisher the student meets helps to water the seed of truth. In this way, as Jesus said, the sower and the reaper can rejoice together by sharing in the spiritual harvest (John 4:35-38).

Even if your strength or health fails, why can you be happy with what you do in the ministry?

And what if you can no longer preach and teach as much as before because your strength or health fails? Still, you can be happy about what you can do at harvest. Let's see what happened when King David and his men defeated a band of Amalekite raiders and took back their families and everything they had stolen from them. Two hundred men were too tired to go fight, so they stayed behind guarding the belongings. After the battle, David said that the spoils would be divided equally among all (1 Sam. 30:21-25). Something similar is happening today with our worldwide disciple-making work. All of us who give our best to Jehovah, including you, can equally rejoice every time a person is rescued and helped to enter the path that leads to life.

What can we thank Jehovah for?

We thank Jehovah that he values ​​the service we give him with love. He knows we can't control the outcome of our efforts, but he notices our hard work and the love we put into it, and he rewards us for it. He also teaches us to be happy with what we can do in the great harvest (John 14:12). Let's not doubt it: God will give us his approval if we don't give up.


Windcrest Congregation In San Antonio
Converse, TX




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