Takfik Namati TV

Takfik Namati  TV we serve disabled people http://nazihrezk.com/ar/
He conquered the darkness and faced it.

قهر الظلام وتغلب عليه وجعل من إعاقته البصرية مصدر فخر وإعجاب بعد أن سطر إسمه كمعجزة إنسانية فى الصبر والإرادة والتحدى. ليصبح أول فنان كفيف فى فن التصوير الفوتوغرافى بالكاميرا إنه الفنان الدكتور " نزيه رزق " المصرى الذى أبهر العالم كله من خلال معارضه العديدة وجوائزه الكثيرة التى حصدها خلال مشواره مع عالم فن التصوير الفوتوغرافي بالكاميرا الذى يمارسه بكل الحب. أسس مدرسة تكنولوجيا الحواس فى فن التصوير

الفوتوغرافى على مستوى العالم وأصبح مميز فى هذا المجال الفنى وليس مجرد مصور فوتوغرافى. إلتقط مئات الصور الرائعة التى أشاد بها الخبراء والمتخصصون ونافس بها كبار فنانين التصوير الفوتوغرافى على مستوى العالم مثل أنسل أدم ووصفوها بأنها " صور ناطقة " وإعجاز مصرى رفع له الغرب القبعات إحتراماً وتقديراً لموهبته. وأصبح له تلاميذ فى فن التصوير الفوتوغرافي بالكاميرا من خلال مدرسة تكنولوجيا الحواس فى جميع أنحاء العالم. He made his visual impairment a source of pride and admiration after he wrote his name as a human miracle of patience, will and challenge. He mastered photography to become the first international blind artist photographer by camera. He is the Egyptian Artist Dr. Nazih Rezk, who
dazzled the whole world through his many exhibitions and the many awards he got in field of camera photography that he practiced with all his passion. He founded the technology of senses school in the world in the art of photography and became distinguished in this artistic field and not just a camera photographer. He took hundreds of wonderful photos that were praised by experts and specialists, competed the world's top photographic artists, like Ansel Adams, and was described as "talking pictures". An Egyptian miracle that the West raised their hats in respect and appreciation for his talent. He has many students from all over the world in the art of camera photography through the technology of senses school.


118 23St #184
Columbus, NE


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About TNTV

TAKFIKA NAMATI (TNTV) Our mission is to help people with disability in the third world countries and especially Egypt where there is no help provided. We advocate for equity and we serve people with all types of disabilities and their families. We encompass all ages and more than 100 different diagnoses including, Hearing impaired, deaf, blindness or visual impaired, physical disable and special need. We provide a wide range of human services and other supports to people with disability and their family members, including individual and public policy advocacy and residential, educational, and vocational services that let people with disability participate and be included in their communities. We also provide person-care and financial aid, educational support, recreational activities, and other supports that meet the unique needs of people with disabilities and their families. How we do it? Architecture and Urban Design TNTV understand the high demand for making our cities accessible to disabled people. One wrong placed step could be an obstacle to plenty of people with a disability. TNTV is starting reports on streets and park accessibility to advise the city on what can be improved and where to add handicapped parking. Also, TNTV has a big dream to create a center for disabled people in Egypt. This center will provide housing, media center, clinics and other facilities for disabled people in Egypt. for more info check our Architect website: www.nourapb.com Media and Education TNTV is proud to say that we've been changing how the community sees disabled people in the third world country by our TNTV channel. It is a TV channel that has sign language translation to all shows. It is the stage where we are represented and where we ask for our equal rights ensuring they have the strongest civil rights advocates promoting and protecting their needs at all levels. We offer training courses and workshop to prepare them to work and be productive to the community. Assistance Equipment’s Giveaway and Financial Aid TNTV believe that just by supplying simple things would enable the disabled people, for example, wheelchairs, walking aids or hearing aids you can help at least 80% of the people. These simple things could be a dream come true for plenty of people without medical care in third world countries. TNTV goes the extra mile by targeting the rest 20% who might need medical intervention and constant financial support which we are trying to do. We offer the support and services they need to be fully engaged in their communities. For more information about our services and activities, please visit our website WWW.TNTV.INFO

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