'a Southern Horror' (2024) Feature Film
Funding now on Indiegogo: 'a Southern Horror' (2024) feature film. After years of honing our skills as a filmmaking tribe, we're ready for our first feature film and we need your help to bring our nightmares alive. Find us on Indigogo.com, "a Southern Horror."
Check out our new concept/teaser trailer for "a Southern Horror"! Thanks to Andrew Gray from Deathkiss Productions for the edit. Learn more and help us indie filmmaker folk fund the film at https://igg.me/at/asouthernhorror
When every choice leads you deeper into darkness... where do you turn when the path back home is through the heart of your nightmares? A journey of redemption, horrific stories, driven by a force unseen. Will Adelaide confront the horror that awaits or become the next tragic story?
Join us and receive a notification when our Indiegogo campaign launches next week! (including a free perk only for early sign-up)
YouTube link in Comments. From Last Caress Productions and Deathkiss Productions, our classic horror film: The Operator!