Buckeye Football Trivia at the National Championship Celebration 🏆
Part 4
#ohiostate #osu #nationalchampionship #natty #champions #champs #nationalchamps #theohiostateuniversity #buckeyes #buckeye #buckeyenation #buckeyepride #columbus #columbusohio #ohio #ohioagainsttheworld #gameday #ncaafootball #bigten #collegegameday #cfb #cfp #notredame #fightingirish #oregon #tennessee #texas #ryanday #sportstrivia #bigten #collegefootball
Buckeye Football Trivia at the National Championship Celebration 🏆
Part 3
#ohiostate #osu #nationalchampionship #natty #champions #champs #nationalchamps #theohiostateuniversity #buckeyes #buckeye #buckeyenation #buckeyepride #columbus #columbusohio #ohio #ohioagainsttheworld #gameday #ncaafootball #bigten #collegegameday #cfb #cfp #notredame #thebuckeyeshow #oregon #tennessee #texas #ryanday #sportstrivia #football
Buckeye Football Trivia at the National Championship Celebration 🏆
Part 2
#ohiostate #osu #nationalchampionship #natty #champions #champs #nationalchamps #theohiostateuniversity #buckeyes #buckeye #buckeyenation #buckeyepride #columbus #columbusohio #ohio #ohioagainsttheworld #gameday #ncaafootball #bigten #collegegameday #cfl #cfp #notredame #fightingirish #oregon #tennessee #texas #ryanday #sportstrivia #football
Buckeye fans before the Tennessee game never lost faith.
I’ve heard more and more talk nationally about how bad some of our fan base is. This video shows how Buckeye Nation felt at the start of the playoffs.
I posted a video of a guy who wanted Day fired and now I feel bad because it didn’t represent Ohio State fans at all. These Buckeye fans were the overwhelming majority. They never quit on their team! Thank you to everyone I spoke with! ❤️🩶 Go Bucks!
Josh Becker
#ohiostate #osu #nationalchampionship #natty #highstreet #champs #nationalchamps #theohiostateuniversity #buckeyes #buckeye #buckeyenation #buckeyepride #columbus #columbusohio #ohio #ohioagainsttheworld #gameday #ncaafootball #bigten #collegegameday #cfb #cfp #notredame #fightingirish #oregon #tennessee #texas #ryanday #playoffs #b1g
Buckeye Football Trivia at the National Championship Celebration 🏆
Part 1
#ohiostate #osu #nationalchampionship #natty #champions #champs #nationalchamps #theohiostateuniversity #buckeyes #buckeye #buckeyenation #buckeyepride #columbus #columbusohio #ohio #ohioagainsttheworld #gameday #ncaafootball #bigten #collegegameday #cfb #cfp #notredame #fightingirish #oregon #tennessee #texas #ryanday #sportstrivia #football
After “The Game” I locked in and spent the entire next week making this dumb video. I was pissed. I didn’t care if anybody liked it. I just knew there was no way in hell this team was going down that easy. Then some really special things started to happen.
Randy was a hit and the page started growing rapidly as Buckeye Nation prepared to host the Vols. Then my wife and I were gifted tickets to the game! (Thank you Lindsey!) Feeling inspired I decided to make street video content down there and met so many people that made a huge impact on The Buckeye Show and me personally.
Now that it’s over and the Buckeyes are National Champions, I just want to say thank you to the team for their historic run and everybody who has ever liked, commented, shared, or trolled the page.
Thank you to our followers ❤️ We are about to hit 5,000! That is mind blowing! Thank you to the members of the show and those who have been with us since day one, three years ago. I knew this was possible we just had to put in the work!
Randy did it! National Champs. Feels great to be a Buckeye!
Go Bucks!
Josh Becker
#ohiostate #collegefootball #ncaafootball #osu #buckeyenation #buckeyes #collegegameday #bigten #columbus #ohio #ohioagainsttheworld #cfb #cfp #notredame #nationalchampionship #pennstate #michigan #texas #oregon #indiana #georgia #tennessee #champs #champions #southpark #bleacherreport #barstool #fridaybeers #scarletandgray #gobucks
Texas is the next team to meet the Buckeye buzzsaw as Ohio State keeps cutting through the college football playoffs.
#collegefootball #collegefootballplayoff #ohiostate #texas #notredame #pennstate #gobucks #hookem #goirish #weare #osu #michigan #goblue #psu #buckeyes #oregonducks #saw #goducks #ohio #ncaafootball #cfb #cfp #cottonbowl #playoffs #buckeyenation #bigten #sec #collegegameday #gameday #b1g
Ohio State wide receivers are built different #WRU #Zone6
#collegefootball #ohiostatefootball #ohiostate #buckeyes #buckeyenation #buckeye #buckeyefootball #columbus #columbusohio #bigten #cfb #cfp #jeremiahsmith #collegegameday #pennstate #michigan #oregon #texas #miami #lsu #notredame #secfootball #gameday #espn #playoffs #widereceiver #bleacherreport #gobucks
Who is Ohio State’s greatest enemy? 😉 #BuckeyeNation #ohiostate #OSU #Buckeyes #CFB #CFBPlayoff #CFP #collegefootball #ncaafootball #BigTen #NationalChampionship #espn #Michigan #GoBucks #goblue #pennstate #Oregon #oregonducks #sec #notredame #texaslonghorns #TheGame #batman #Joker
The Rose Bowl was pure Buckeye cinema 🎬🌹
Photo/Video Credit @zacherycreative @ethantlmiller @zachballmedia @zzeltman @lo_.productions @michaellgood @eksfilms @cfrankfilms @ohiostatefb @ohiostathletics
#collegefootball #collegefootballplayoff #ohiostate #oregon #rosebowl #pennstate #gobucks #hookem #goirish #weare #osu #ut #fightingirish #psu #buckeyes #oregonducks #notredame #goducks #ohio #columbusohio #cfb #cfp
#rosebowl #texas #buckeyenation #bigten #sec #collegegameday #gameday #b1g
The Oregon fans surrounding our WCC @RyanNotes were sitting ducks at the Rose Bowl 🦆🔫
#collegefootball #collegefootballplayoff #ohiostate #texas #notredame #pennstate #gobucks #hookem #goirish #weare #osu #ut #fightingirish #psu #buckeyes #oregonducks #california #goducks #ohio #columbusohio #cfb #cfp #rosebowl #playoffs #buckeyenation #bigten #sec #collegegameday #gameday #b1g
Ohio State and Oregon face off in the Rose Bowl 🌹
In a rematch of one of college football’s best games of the season, the Buckeyes are looking to smash the Ducks.
#collegefootball #ncaafootball #cfb #cfp
#collegefootballplayoff #ohiostate #gameday #collegegameday #rosebowl #oregon #bigten #columbusohio #buckeyes #pennstate #columbus #godawgs #hookem #footballedits #ohio #sportsmemes #michigan
#GBO #notredame #espn #buckeyenation #oregonducks #footballmemes #goducks #gobucks #footballedit