Battle Sports Academy (BSA) is a premier organization dedicated to empowering young athletes 🏈 through mentorship, financial fitness, brand awareness, mental fitness, and community outreach programs.
BSA strives to create a safe and inclusive environment where athletes can develop their skills, build character, and learn important life lessons that will benefit them on and off the field.
They offer several programs:
✔️: 7 vs 7 Football Tournaments
✔️: Girls Flag Football
✔️: Next Play Mentorship Program
✔️: Battle Sports Academy Network
✔️: Battle Sports Academy Production
Based in Atlanta, GA, Battle Sports Academy is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment where young athletes, 6th-11th grade, can thrive!
🖥️: www.battlesportsacademy.com
🎥: www.youtube.com/
📲: www.tiktok.com/