Christmas Train Video - By Mark Zeigler
Inspiration for this year’s Christmas cover was found on the Styrofoam and felt-covered miniature train layout beneath Retrospect artist, Mark Zeigler’s, Christmas tree. Here is one video of that set up!
Video credit - Mark Zeigler
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - While Charlie was definitely a smart and capable squirrel, she never managed to pick up reading. You'd think after all the peanuts she'd pick up a newspaper every once in a while - we forgive her though. This being the last video in the Charlie saga, we ask you to remember Charlie fondly just like we will. To see more videos of her check out our facebook or reels, and don't forget to subscribe for more local content you'll love.
Charlie the Squirrel - Not a Strong Reader
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - While Charlie was definitely a smart and capable squirrel, she never managed to pick up reading. You'd think after all the peanuts she'd pick up a newspaper every once in a while - we forgive her though. This being the last video in the Charlie saga, we ask you to remember Charlie fondly just like we will. To see more videos of her check out our facebook or reels, and don't forget to subscribe for more local content you'll love.
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - You could trust Charlie to be up for a snack rain or shine. Nothing can keep a squirrel from her beloved peanuts. To see more Charlie content or the local news you'll love, visit our website, facebook, instagram or reels
Charlie Enjoying a Snack in the Rain
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - You could trust Charlie to be up for a snack rain or shine. Nothing can keep a squirrel from her beloved peanuts.
Charlie the Squirrel Attracting a Crowd
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - If Charlie knew one thing it was how to win the hearts of anyone walking down Haddon Avenue. Here you can see Charlie drawing a crowd without even lifting a paw.
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - If Charlie knew one thing it was how to win the hearts of anyone walking down Haddon Avenue. Here you can see Charlie drawing a crowd without even lifting a paw. Check out our website, facebook, instagram and reels for more Charlie content and to see more local news you'll love.
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - If anyone knew how to lounge it would be Charlie. Here you can see The Retrospect's favorite squirrel belly first while taking a snack break. Check out our website, facebook, instagram, and reels for more Charlie content as well as local news you'll love.
Charlie the Squirrel Belly First
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - If anyone knew how to lounge it would be Charlie. Here you can see The Retrospect's favorite squirrel belly first while taking a snack break.
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - the second video in our series, here you can see Charlie being handfed while relaxing in one of her favorite spots in front of The Retrospect office.
Charlie the Squirrel Snacking and Relaxing
Remembering Charlie the Squirrel - Our second video in the series, here you can see Charlie being handfed while relaxing in one of her favorite spots in front of The Retrospect office.
In remembrance of Charlie, the lovable Retrospect squirrel, we will be posting videos throughout the week of some of our favorite squirrelly moments. Check out our page and our website - - to learn more about Charlie and local news you'll love.