Cohasset News

Cohasset News All the news that’s worth knowing in Cohasset, Massachusetts. We are a news and media outlet. Check out our webpage at:

The page is all about reporting on all the news, events, activities that keep you informed about everything of interest in Cohasset, Massachusetts 02025.


Below is 6:23:24 update from Weir River Water System. Question: Is any of this discoloration caused by water main breaks at Leavitt Street? Or other water main breaks?

“Update on Discoloration | June 23, 2024
WRWS Color Symbol on Gray 2 x 3
Veolia continues to work with the Weir River Water System to remove naturally occurring sediment from the distribution system and add clear, treated water from our source tanks, which will then work its way through the affected areas.
We are diligently monitoring the water quality throughout the system and will continue to flush hydrants to improve conditions. Veolia is continuing to keep MassDEP informed and has taken all actions recommended by MassDEP.
To reiterate, the temporary discoloration stems from the naturally occurring sediment stirred up within the distribution system due to acute demand during this regional heat advisory.
While we understand not all households are seeing an immediate improvement in the discoloration, there is significant progress system wide. Veolia personnel will continue their work to mitigate the discoloration, providing updates as additional information becomes available.

For accurate and up to date information visit “

The Weir River Water System is the municipal water system for the Towns of Hingham, Hull and Cohasset.


Breaking News. 6.11.24 the Cohasset Selectboard conducted their annual reorganization and made the following appointments for the next year:

Chair - Ellen Maher
Vice-Chair - Paul Grady
Clerk - David Farrag

Congratulations to all the above and thank you to the entire Board for their service to Cohasset! 👍

News Alert: The below motion pertaining to this Tuesday’s Town Meeting is circulating about town. Our sources tell us it...

News Alert: The below motion pertaining to this Tuesday’s Town Meeting is circulating about town. Our sources tell us it’s planning to be made in support the Article 25 Citizen Petition designed to provide over $650,000 for significant town hall repairs and upgrades - including duplicative roof repairs being voted on earlier in the meeting.

Of great significance is that the 650K, if passed, will immediately lead to a deficit in the town budget - which will have passed earlier in the day. So if this petition passes the town will have to make $650,000 in cuts from the town budget as town budgets must be balanced by law. So where would the cuts come from? Schools? Road and Sidewalks? DPW? Police? Fire? Etc etc. Or alternatively a tax increase on the citizens.

We’re publishing this information to inform the public - particularly as this motion has arisen only in the last few days. And it's not been presented to any of our vetting committees such as Advisory, Select or Capital committees.

And presently it would be presented late in the meeting when there is much diminished attenedsnce. All the more reason for you to attend this Tuesday's town meeting and stay until the end, listen to the proposals and motions and vote your interests - or someone else will and you might not like the results.



Cohasset Advisory Committee Endorses Budget Proposals for Town Meeting

COHASSET, MA – The Cohasset Advisory Committee convened virtually on May 1 to review and approve key budget proposals and articles for the upcoming Annual Town Meeting. Chaired by Jeanne Astino, the meeting saw active participation from all members, with the exception of Mark Maggi.

School Budget
The committee commenced by examining the FY 2025 School Budget, presented by the School Committee. Superintendent Patrick Sullivan outlined the budget priorities, emphasizing teaching, learning, social-emotional wellness, resources, and community engagement. The proposed budget of $24.3 million marks a 6.21% increase from FY 2024, driven primarily by contractual salary obligations and rising special education costs.

The motion to recommend the school budget for the Town Meeting warrant was unanimously approved, with Mary McGoldrick noting the strategic alignment of the budget with the district’s goals.

Water and Sewer Budgets
The Water Commission's FY 2025 budget was presented by Chair Chris Pratt, highlighting projected revenues of $5.8 million and general expenses increasing by 7.3% to $3 million, largely due to contracted services. The committee unanimously approved the recommendation for the Water Department budget.

Similarly, the Sewer Commission's FY 2025 budget was presented by Vice-Chair Paul Kierce. The budget includes general expenses of $1.66 million against projected revenues of $1.73 million, with retained earnings standing at $1.5 million. The recommendation for the Sewer budget was also unanimously approved.

Review of Articles
The committee reviewed several articles for the Town Meeting warrant:

Article 4 – Operating Budget:** Approved unanimously.

Article 6 – Supplemental Appropriation:** Allocating $59,825.23 to 143 TV, $75,000 to legal expenses, and $100,000 for police overtime, approved unanimously.

Article 11 – Creation of Revolving Fund:** Approved unanimously, setting spending caps of $5,000 for library programs and $50,000 for specialized inspections.

Article 15 – Community Preservation Committee (CPC):** The CPC proposed funding for five new projects and the extension of a prior grant, including $100,000 for a pavilion at Paul Pratt Library and $10,000 for an HVAC unit for the Cohasset Historical Society. The article was approved with abstentions noted due to conflicts of interest.

Other Business
The committee deferred votes on Article 8, the Capital Improvements Budget, and Article 23, the Cohasset Noise Control Bylaw, pending further discussions. Adam Norman and Ginny Leclair presented a citizen's petition to ban the sale of single-use plastic water bottles under one gallon. This proposal, supported by the Open Space & Recreation Committee, aims to reduce plastic waste and aligns with similar bans in 27 other Massachusetts communities. The committee recommended this article for the warrant.

Next Steps
The next meeting is scheduled for May 8, 2024, where further deliberations on zoning bylaws and other pending matters will continue.

The meeting concluded with the approval of the minutes from the April 24 meeting and was adjourned at 9:56 p.m.



Breaking News 📰. Dateline May 8, 2024.

Today the Cohasset Affordable Trust moved to sell the property at 25 Heather Drive. It will be put out to public bid for a 30 period sometime over the next week. Actual public request for offers on the property to be soon published by the town of Cohasset.

It’s not sure who would buy it and for what purpose. Stay tuned and keep informed about your town government 👍🧐.


Breaking News! Dateline 5.6.24. Public statement and press release to be issued tomorrow. Here is the video version from tonight’s meeting.

Tonight the Cohasset Selectboard is committing to providing “resources” for continued further litigation against Scituate (and perhaps other related litigation parties) in order to prevail in the ongoing legal dispute between the towns of Scituate and Cohasset. Cohasset will also join other litigation currently initiated by other non-town parties seeking to uphold the safe navigation bylaw passed at Cohasset town meeting on 2022.

Anyone interested at all in Cohasset Harbor should listened to the below news video in its entirety. This is a major issue for Cohasset and you will want to be fully knowledgeable about it.



Here's a summary of the top seven most significant issues discussed during the Cohasset Select Board meeting on April 2, 2024:

1. **Executive Session on Litigation and Real Estate:** Chair Jean Healey Dippold initiated the meeting with a motion to enter into an Executive Session to discuss strategies regarding litigation concerning Cohasset Harbor and to negotiate matters related to the property at One Pleasant Street.

2. **Community Events Approval:** The Board approved several community events, including the Memorial Day Parade, Healing Field Event, Lightkeepers Cookout, and the MS Walk, indicating ongoing support for local community activities.

3. **Arbor Day Proclamation:** Chair Dippold led the Board in approving and signing an Arbor Day Proclamation, demonstrating the town’s commitment to environmental issues.

4. **Public Utility Improvements:** A motion was passed to approve a request from National Grid for the installation of a new pole and wires on Beechwood Street, highlighting ongoing infrastructure developments.

5. **Recreation Projects and Property Acquisition:** Ms. Leary updated the Board on various recreation projects, including the design phase for the Beechwood Playground and the recent acquisition of 135 King Street, suggesting significant progress in town facility enhancements.

6. **Town Hall and Property Negotiations:** Discussions were held regarding the finalization of RFPs related to town properties, with decisions to stop leasing and instead pursue purchasing 1 Pleasant Street, showing strategic shifts in property management.

7. **Town Manager Updates and Community Engagement:** Town Manager Christopher Senior reported on several community activities, such as the well-attended Cohasset Health and Recreation Fair and preparations for upcoming town events, indicating a focus on community engagement and wellness.



Here is a summary of the six most prominent issues and decisions from the Cohasset Advisory Committee meeting held on March 20, 2024:

1. **Long-term Planning Discussions**:
- Chair Jeanne Astino mentioned a prior meeting with Select Board Chair Jean Dippold and Capital Budget Committee Chair Brian Host focused on long-term planning. Key discussions included upcoming warrant articles and the potential to meet regularly. They also explored ideas for repurposing the property at 41 Highland if a proposal is received.

2. **Special Stabilization Funds**:
- Jean Dippold proposed a meeting to discuss the Special Stabilization funds, focusing on annual contributions to this fund. The meeting aims to ensure stable financial planning for unforeseen expenses, with a proposed meeting date on April 2, 2024.

3. **FY25 Budget Overview**:
- Town Manager Chris Senior provided an overview of the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, emphasizing the goal to maintain the town's AAA credit rating, manage OPEB contributions effectively, and support level services. Noteworthy points included a substantial increase in projected new growth revenue and relatively modest increases in pension and health insurance costs compared to previous years.

4. **Town Warrant and Citizen Petitions**:
- The Town Manager also discussed the contents of the Town warrant, including two certified citizens' petitions: one to ban single-use plastic bottles (similar to a bylaw in Hingham) and another concerning the rehabilitation of the Town Hall.

5. **Liaison Updates and Scheduling**:
- Advisory Committee members will coordinate with their respective liaison committees to schedule presentations ahead of the Annual Town Meeting. Key dates for these meetings are April 3, 10, 24, and May 1, which are critical for preparing for the town meeting.

6. **Approval of Minutes and Meeting Schedule**:
- The minutes from the February 28, 2024, meeting were approved, and the schedule for upcoming meetings was confirmed, ensuring continuous discussion and decision-making leading up to the Annual Town Meeting.

The above issues seem to reflect the committee’s ongoing commitment to thorough planning and community engagement, ensuring that all decisions align with Cohasset's long-term goals and immediate community needs.


The following are the seven most important issues and/or decisions made at the Cohasset Select Board meeting on April 2, 2024:

1. **Executive Sessions**: The Board held executive sessions under Exemptions #3 and #6 to discuss litigation strategies related to Cohasset Harbor disputes and negotiations for the property at One Pleasant Street.

2. **Approvals of Events and Proclamations**: The Board approved the Memorial Day Parade, Healing Field Event, Lightkeepers Cookout, and the MS Walk. Additionally, an Arbor Day Proclamation was approved and signed.

3. **Public Utility Infrastructure**: Approval was given for National Grid to install a pole and wires at Pole 34-84 on Beechwood Street, enhancing local infrastructure.

4. **Board/Committee Appointment**: Valerio Romano was appointed to the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) as the liaison from the Conservation Commission, filling an unexpired term.

5. **Recreation Projects Update**: Updates were provided on various recreation projects, including the design phase for Beechwood Playground and the acquisition of 135 King Street for future development.

6. **Property Negotiations and RFP Adjustments**: The Board decided to release certain properties from leasing negotiations under the RFP and to pursue purchasing 1 Pleasant Street.

7. **Town Hall Survey and ATM Draft Warrant**: The Board discussed the need to survey residents about town expenses and reviewed the draft warrant for the upcoming Town Meeting.

Thinking 🤔 Cohasset should join Hull in this action to pressure National Grid to improve and better secure our electric ...

Thinking 🤔 Cohasset should join Hull in this action to pressure National Grid to improve and better secure our electric power service. What do you think 💭?

By Carol Britton Meyer The town has appealed the state Department of Public Utilities’ recent denial of a request to investigate National Grid’s maintenance...

Always be careful at that dangerous in and out on 3A across from the Preserve and Dunkin! 3.22.24. 10:15am.

Always be careful at that dangerous in and out on 3A across from the Preserve and Dunkin! 3.22.24. 10:15am.


Tonight the Cohasset Selectboard declined to award the Gulf station on the corner of Beechwood and the Mobil station on the corner of Sohier their applications for wine and malt liquor licenses as package stores. Citing mainly little community need for 2 more package stores on 3A within approximately a mile of each other. As well as both are located near what is considered dangerous intersections.

One of the tacklers was a Cohasset native 👍

One of the tacklers was a Cohasset native 👍

An American Airlines flight was re-routed after a passenger tried to force open the emergency exit door. A passenger who goes by ‘Donnie’ was on that fligh...


Breaking News: All Cohasset Schools and Town Buildings will be CLOSED tomorrow 2.13.24 due to coming storm .


Dealing with the new Cohasset town hall move from an employee perspective

Since the decision has been made to relocate town hall and the employees and services to 1 Pleasant Street due to the current building's dilapidation, addressing employee concerns and anxieties is crucial for a smooth transition. Here are specific considerations and recommendations to identify and alleviate potential worries that have been expressed to Cohasset News:

Physical Workspace Changes:

Employees may worry about how their new workspace will compare in terms of size, comfort, and facilities. The loss of personalization in their current space might also be a concern.

Commute and Accessibility:

Changes in accessibility and parking availability could be significant concerns, especially for those who have optimized their routines and parking around the current location.

Community Impact:

Employees might be anxious about how the move affects their interaction with the community, given the town hall's long-standing presence on the common and its role in Cohasset's daily life.

Operational Continuity: Concerns about disruptions to work, including the logistics of moving and the time it might take to settle into the new location, could impact productivity and morale.

Change Management:

Anxiety about adapting to change and the unknown aspects of the new environment can be unsettling. This includes worries about new workflows, office dynamics, and potential shifts in responsibilities.

Emotional Attachment:

For employees who have worked at the current location for many years, there may be a deep sense of loss or nostalgia for the old building despite its condition.

Recommendations and Positive Suggestions:

Transparent and Continuous Communication:

Regular updates about the move, including timelines, logistics, and reasons for specific decisions, can help alleviate uncertainties. Encourage feedback and involve employees in decision-making where possible.

Visit the New Location Together:

Organize visits to the new town hall before the move to familiarize employees with the space and the surrounding area. This can help reduce anxiety by making the unknown more familiar.

Personalize the New Space: Allow employees some flexibility to personalize their new workspaces. This could help in making the new location feel like home faster.

Team Building and Social Support:

Organize team-building activities focused on fostering connections within the new space. Encouraging social support among employees can mitigate feelings of isolation or resistance to change.

Highlight Benefits of the New Location:

Emphasize the positive aspects of the new town hall, such as modern facilities, improved work environment, and its proximity to Cohasset Village and the common, to create a sense of excitement and opportunity.

Provide Resources for Coping with Change: Offer workshops or resources on managing change and stress, acknowledging the emotional challenges and providing tools for coping.

Celebrate the Move: Plan a welcoming event in the new location to celebrate the move and the beginning of a new chapter in Cohasset’s history. This can help build a collective sense of pride and belonging.

These considerations and recommendations aim to address the multifaceted nature of change and the specific anxieties that come with relocating a workplace. By acknowledging the emotional and logistical aspects of the move, the town can foster a positive outlook among employees. Transparent communication, involvement in the process, and support for adaptation are key strategies to ease the transition, ensuring that the workforce remains engaged, productive, and hopeful about the future in their new location.

Cohasset has long been blessed with fantastic town employees who have always been there for us - now lets be there for them.


Breaking News!🗞️ Dateline 2.5.24. Cohasset Selectboard votes 🗳️ 5-0 to move all town offices to 1 Pleasant Street as a potentially up to 5 year rental space for town hall municipal services. With an option to purchase the first floor of 1 Pleasant for 3.2 million dollars and stay there permanently. They intend to preserve and restore the old town hall - probably tearing down the 1987 annex which has been essentially condemned.

Looks like a big meeting of the Cohasset Selectboard this coming Monday, February 5th! Serious discussion and deliberati...

Looks like a big meeting of the Cohasset Selectboard this coming Monday, February 5th! Serious discussion and deliberations followed by what looks like a vote 🗳️ on what the board is going to do about the ongoing Town Hall issues! Stay tuned. Even better show up at the meeting and participate. Or voice your views here if you want.


Cohasset Town Hall to be Vacated

Town Hall has come back up as a major issue due to recent condemnation requiring the building be vacated - and soon! Here are the main points. This subject is on the agenda at next weeks Selectboard meeting.

- Cohasset's Town Hall needs to be vacated soon due to lack of a fire suppression system and other major issues.

- An RFP (Request for Proposals) was issued for a temporary space to house municipal operations for up to five years, with an option to buy.

- The Cohasset Dramatic Club, which has invested in the Town Hall auditorium, seeks ongoing updates on the building's status.

- RFPs for temporary space are due this week, and a small committee will immediately review them before presenting findings to the Select Board next week.

- The option of renting trailers was suggested for flexibility, but there are significant logistical challenges.

- Necessary repairs for the Town Hall are estimated at $10.5 million, including a $1.5 million fire suppression system.

- Non-profits in Cohasset may be approached for partnership in using part of the Town Hall.

- Public opinion on tax payer funded investments for maintaining the Town Hall as a historic building will be sought.

This is an unexpected and fast moving story so stay tuned and if you have any positive ideas we suggest you publicize them or share directly with the Cohasset Selectboard and Town Manager - now.



Housing Choice Legislation comes to Cohasset

Here's a summary of the some main points relating to and about implementing the Housing Choice Legislation in Cohasset a major zoning issue, perhaps involving the development of over 450 new housing units in Cohasset and which Cohasset must now address:

State Mandate for Multi-Family Housing:

Massachusetts state legislation passed in 2022 mandates communities with MBTA stations, including Cohasset, to create zoning districts for multi-family development. This development is required to occur as of right, with a density of 15 units per acre, leading to a need for a 43-acre district yielding 638 units in Cohasset.

Limited Flexibility for Communities:

While communities have little choice in whether to comply, they can decide where to create these districts. Cohasset, along with neighboring towns like Hingham and Scituate, face similar challenges due to this legislation.

Low Public Engagement:

There has been limited public awareness and involvement in discussions about this development, as highlighted by low attendance at a recent forum.

Requirements of the Legislation:

The legislation mandates zoning for multi-family housing but doesn't require actual construction. It doesn't involve eminent domain or impact property rights and considers local challenges like wastewater disposal.

Consultation and Area Identification:

Cohasset utilized a consultant, Utile, to identify a suitable 55-acre area near the Cohasset train station, which includes existing commercial areas.

Exclusion of Residential Districts:

The currently proposed Cohasset district avoids existing residential areas and involves 11 properties, focusing on mixed-use development to retain commercial uses.

Bylaw Amendments and Restrictions:

The implementation involves several bylaw amendments, including the creation of an overlay district and setting dimensional requirements. While the number of bedrooms can't be restricted, inclusionary zoning requirements apply.

Project Approval Process: Developments will undergo site plan reviews, focusing on traffic and site work issues. A new Cohasset development impact bylaw is also proposed to address infrastructure impacts, though it cannot address potential increases in school population.

We strongly encourage the public to become knowledgeable about and participate in any upcoming forums on this imminent Cohasset development and zoning issue as it has the potential to have a major impact on the character and development of Cohasset and all its infrastructure and institutions. You will asked to vote on these zoning proposals at upcoming town meetings and the impact of our community decisions may soon follow.

Cohasset Selectboard published the below statement today re: the ongoing Scituate/Cohasset differences over Cohasset Har...

Cohasset Selectboard published the below statement today re: the ongoing Scituate/Cohasset differences over Cohasset Harbor and the Oyster Farms. What do you think?🤔


A new State Mandated Zoning Act will have a direct and significant impact on Cohasset. There is a forum on this legislation at Wilcutt Commons this Wednesday at 6pm. Below is a summary of several main points regarding this state mandated law:

1. The Housing Choice Legislation is a set of revisions to MGL Chapter 40A, commonly known as the Zoning Act, which applies to 350 cities and towns in Massachusetts

2. The legislation includes a series of amendments to Chapter 40A of the General Laws, commonly known as the Zoning Act. Among these amendments are changes to section 5 of the Zoning Act, which reduce the number of votes required to enact certain kinds of zoning ordinances and bylaws from a ⅔ supermajority to a simple majority; and changes to section 9 of the Zoning Act, making similar changes to the voting thresholds for the issuance of certain kinds of special permits.

3. The Housing Choice law lowers the vote threshold required for certain types of zoning to pass in a city or town—from 2/3 of the voting body to a simple majority (or 50% plus one) of the voting body. Lowering the threshold makes zoning change easier, unlocking new opportunities for housing development .

4. The Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities offers the Housing Choice Initiative to encourage and empower municipalities to plan and build the diverse housing stock that the Commonwealth needs to continue to thrive.

5. The initiative provides incentives, rewards, technical assistance, and targeted legislative reform.



At a recent Selectboard meeting with State Rep Jean Meschino the Board addressed the large rent increases proposed by the new owners of The Preserve. Below are 5 main points from the meeting:

1. The Cohasset Select Board is addressing proposed rent increases at The Preserve at Cohasset, impacting lower-income residents.

2. These increases affect 25% of the apartments built under the 40B comprehensive permit, which allows for affordable housing in exchange for bypassing some local regulations.

3. Rep. Joan Meschino and the board advocate for more moderate rent increases, concerned about the impact on residents with fixed incomes.

4. The rent increases are linked to a rise in Area Median Income (AMI), potentially making the units unaffordable for current residents and affecting the town's affordable housing stock.

5. The situation is not only a local issue but also reflects broader regional challenges in housing affordability.



Coyotes often attack small animals like puppies or rabbits, but a 55-pound dog found himself being targeted Saturday night in Cohasset, Massachusetts. “It ...


Something going down at the Marshall’s strip mall in Hingham. Lots of police. 12.24.23. 3:30pm

Dr. Sullivan headed back to Marshfield. Sorry to see him leaving Cohasset. Best wishes👍.

Dr. Sullivan headed back to Marshfield. Sorry to see him leaving Cohasset. Best wishes👍.

Editorial:   Pictured below, Hingham is constructing their new public safety building for over 40 million dollars. Tomor...

Editorial: Pictured below, Hingham is constructing their new public safety building for over 40 million dollars. Tomorrow you get to vote 🗳️ on a newly constructed public safety building costing us 10 million.

The last Town Hall proposal cost over 24 million to build. Tomorrow you get to vote 🗳️ on a new already constructed Town Hall costing 10 million.

These are once in a lifetime bargains which we should approve at the polls tomorrow! Full stop 🛑.


Cohasset, MA


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