We've gotten some feedback from several people on the name of our magazine.. “Messi”-Magazine? Why Messi? Sounds messy! Messi is short for Messianic and it means ‘Followers of Messiah’. If you are pursuing a life that honors the Messiah, Yeshua(Jesus), then you are Messianic. Some prefer the synonym Hebrew Roots or Torah Observant but they all refer to the same way of life. A lifestyle that brings the Creator honor. We are here to encourage those types of lifestyle choices.
Why Messianic and not Christian? Christian comes more from a Greek perspective, rather than Hebrew, and does away with many of the Biblical “forever” commands. Yeshua (Jesus) was Jewish and spoke Hebrew not Greek. The Father is waking people up to this fact and many are beginning to keep (practice) the commands as best they can with the understanding they have at this time. They are leaving the Catholic Root and ‘coming out of her, my people’. They are learning the Bible with renewed open eyes. Many are just learning that the ten commandments are not done away with! They are beginning to keep the Fourth Commandment and just now learned that the day wasn't permitted to be changed by the Catholic church because God doesn't change. They just learned that Sabbath is Saturday and not Sunday. Let them learn at His rate for them. No Torah Terrorists allowed! Please, as best you can, display the fruits of the Holy Spirit in you; Love, Joy, Peace, PATIENCE, Kindness, Goodness, Trustworthiness, Gentleness, Self-Control. (Gal. 5:22). He can redeem the time lost and they will learn exponentially. So, when you submit anything keep these thoughts in mind.
Messi-Lives are what we are all about. Life can be messy and we make strides to get cleaned up, but we can not accomplish this without our Messiah. He is at the center of every good thing. So why Messi, because we are all a mess and need our Messiah to clean us up, put us on the path that leads to life and encourage us to keep walking in the way that leads to Life. You’ll find articles of encouragement, articles of rebuke or correction, articles of instruction and the "words of our testimonies" in each edition. It is our hope you will be encouraged and want to share your stories with us too. Everyone has something to bring to the proverbial table and share with the body at large. Won't you join us in this Messi-journey as we pursue all good things?
How can you get involved? Send us your stories, testimonies, ideas, encouragements, messianic businesses info, recipes, things you've learned that have helped you, your conversion testimony, etc. It's almost endless, the list of things you could share. The only thing we limit and avoid altogether is Biblical "teachings", as there are many levels in learning the Word and many are at different places in this journey. Let them be where they are and grow at the Fathers desired rate. Each person is different and learns and grows differently. Giving each time, space and respect to grow in His timing for them, encourages good growth that won't buckle when the storms come (and they will). Here's to our Messi-life in Messiah, may we all
Be Strong, Be Strong and May You Be Strengthened!