6/16 Today was a good day at work for it being Father's Day. Some of girls were supposed to come have church with me but... But oh well, getting use to being in the dark with them. Megan, Half In, Truth and a couple of his friends showed up around 6:30 (when I was ready to go to bed lol)
6/17 Monday I was off but still in my feelings. Didn't get s**t down around here. call me lazy, old or just plain drunk. I don't care!
6/18 Now that we are all up to date lol. I worked 6-3 today- should have been an easy day but... again Erica went home early so I had to go to the cut bar. That was fine but Alla had to leave early too so she could go to school, I did the clean up so she could go. After that I took a smoke break, I really need to stop smoking. LOL. Went back to the floor and did what I could. It was time to leave! Never got a text from Walmart to pick up my order. I came home to find the email for it. It can wait until tomorrow, babies still have food and I have beer LOL.
By the way Hot Rod, Creed, nad Sugar all got out the gate today. Thankfully Suzy called me right after I clocked in. Drove home right away, they were only 2 houses down and came to me as soon as I called them. Wrapped the chain around the gate and went back to work. Thats all for now honey, I be tired lol. Love you lots.