CP Life Group "Get Your Life Back"

CP Life Group      "Get Your Life Back" Learning how to focus on the important things.


I am closing this page down and making a new page for my new life Group. It will CP Life Group "Forgiving What You Can't Forget" by Lysa Terkeurst

God is waiting for us in the Daily things.Session 6 Day 1 - 5 : The Simple Daily Thingshttps://youtu.be/sUsCJtsFHBM

God is waiting for us in the Daily things.

Session 6 Day 1 - 5 : The Simple Daily Things

Session 6 Days 1 - 5

Session Six: The Simple Daily Things "You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” — Dallas Willard It’s 5:20 p....

Session Six: The Simple Daily Things

"You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.”

— Dallas Willard

It’s 5:20 p.m. on a midwinter day. The sun has almost set, and only now do I realize that not once have I even looked up at the sky today. I don’t know if it’s been cloudy or sunny. I don’t know if the geese have been flying or if there was a beautiful sunrise. We live every moment of our lives under this gorgeous blue canopy, the dome of a great cathedral, and how seldom we enjoy it. My soul has been “gloved” today, cocooned in the artificial world.

In fact, the only reason I came outside at all is because of the injury one of our horses incurred. It's our bay, and somehow he turned up with a serious injury to his left hip. We’re not quite sure how; things take place out in the pasture beyond our understanding. They can step in a hole, or something can startle them and they jump sideways and damage a leg. In the same way, it’s easy for a human being to tear their knee up on a simple run. Maybe he got a whiff of lion. Now I have to come every day to where we stable them in the winter and give our bay some exercise, gently walking him around, getting him to use his muscles, keep him from going lame. It’s a serious thing for a horse to go lame. Our vet thought we might have to “put him down,” as the horrible expression goes. That would have been heartbreaking.

So you can bet I’ve come every day. At first this task was stressful, filled with worry and concern. One more thing I needed to do in an already busy week. I secretly resented it.

But as we’ve progressed through this book together, we’ve explored the healing power of beauty and nature. We’ve talked about the grace of pauses in our day, the kindness of transitions, our need to get outside. Right here, in what I thought was one more grievance upon an already burdened life, it turns out God had something redemptive in mind. Being forced to stop my day, come here and spend time with these horses, has been a rescue.

Life picks up momentum like a car on downhill ice, and it’s so easy to just go with it. The pace is addictive; it gives us a false sense of purpose while also relieving us of paying attention to the deeper things. God gently slowed things down for me.

I’m just standing here, letting the horses graze while I hold their halters. I’m not productive; I’m gloriously inefficient.

Only now do I notice the clouds doing the most beautiful rippled pattern all across the southern sky, like a white silk scarf blowing ever so gently in an ocean breeze but translucent, so the haze of blue comes through. A herd of deer are cautiously grazing out into the field; there’s a beautiful buck among them, with a gorgeous rack of antlers. For the first time I notice that the day has a scent to it, a distinctly winter tang— that mix of dried grasses and moist cold. Icy air has a metallic taste to it, like wet aluminum. As I walk our horses along, I look down and notice the dried many-flowered asters at my feet, how they were coated in ice last night and now look like tiny crystal goblets. This evening they're serving up a communion my heart desperately needed but only realized once I got out here and settled down.

The living presence of a horse beside me, his massive warm flanks, the weather, the quiet beauty are causing me to awaken, and as I do I’m aware again of the presence of God right here with me. Part of me wants to say, “Where have you been all day?” But I know the real question is where did I go all day?

~ John Eldredge


Watch the Session Six Video

Watch the video from your study home and take notes in your Study Guide on pages 151–156.



Personal Study + Reading

Grab your Bible for the personal study in pages 159–171 of the study guide. If you're following along in the book, read chapter 14, "The Simple Daily Things."


Giving It a Try : Final Session

So the very simple question in this final session is this: What practices will you do, on a daily and weekly basis, to find God and receive more of him? Today’s invitation involves a piece of advice and a blessing.

First the advice. It comes from the apostle Paul, who lovingly and tenderly offered this to his dear sons and daughters in the faith:

Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:9, NLT).

There is such kindness in this encouragement. Keep putting into practice. It’s not about perfection; it’s not about being amazing. God is nowhere in the pressure to be amazing. He’s waiting in the simple dailies. Just keep putting into practice the things that heal your soul and bring you more of Jesus. Then the God of peace will be with you. You’ll no longer be sipping God from teaspoons; you’ll learn to drink deeply from the tangible, nourishing, life-giving presence of the eternal God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—the fountain of living waters.

And now the blessing. It comes from Isaac of Stella.

May the Son of God, who is already formed in you, grow in you, so that for you he will become immeasurable, and that in you he will become laughter, exultation, the fullness of joy which no one can take from you.


Thank you for being a part of this study experience! We pray it has restored your soul and brought you closer to God.

If you need additional time to complete any of the Get Your Life Back sessions, or if you want to re-watch them all again, you'll continue to have complete access to everything during our catch-up week
(June 21–25).

Prayer & Scriptures

Scripture of the Week

Give us today our daily bread.
— Matthew 6:11

Closing Prayer

Pray that God reveals himself to you in the dailies of life.
Ask God to release you from the false burden of needing to be awesome.
Seek his guidance on what the positive and negative parameters are for your soul.
Express your desire to God to have more time for beauty.
Tell God who he is and what you love about him.

Session Five: The Hidden Life of God in You I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are...

Session Five: The Hidden Life of God in You

I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me— so that they may be brought to complete unity.

— Jesus, in John 17:22-23

"I need to get among the trees,” a woman told me yesterday. “I need to be among trees again.”

We were sharing things that restore our souls, and for her it's trees—groves, woodlands, forests, orchards. I nodded. Walking through a forest is about my most favorite thing to do: when the day is hot but it’s cool under the canopy, when the light is filtering down through the leaves in broken patterns, changing colors like the light in a cathedral coming through the stained glass high above. I love walking along slowly, silently, when the mossy soil is moist and you tread without a whisper. The wildlife doesn’t seem to mind your presence; you might see a fox or pine marten, the flank of a deer slipping into the high ferns. It feels like the entire forest is one living, breathing entity.

And it is.

For centuries, fairy tales and legends told of forests with mythical powers. Many indigenous peoples held certain groves to be sacred. We moderns found them charming, perhaps, but unscientific. Along comes the thoroughly researched but equally magical book The Hidden Life of Trees by German forester Peter Wohlleben. He stumbles across an ancient stump one day, which he first took to be a ring of moss-covered stones. Looking closer, he discovers the stump is still producing chlorophyll—something utterly impossible unless the trees around it were keeping it alive by sending it their own life. It led the forester into a series of dazzling discoveries about the interconnected life of the forest.

When one tree in a forest is diseased, the other trees will send critical nutrition to it through the interconnection of the root system and fungi “network” in the forest floor, supporting the ill tree until it's well again. Trees will also communicate with one another in this way. If a foreign invader like a beetle bores into one tree, that tree will send signals through the hidden connection in the humus, warning the others that an enemy has come; the forest responds by producing immune defenses, which they send up through their trunks and into their leaves. Walking through a forest, the trees appear to be individuals, and they are. But there’s an unseen shared life hidden from view, a connection of life and being I find beautiful and extraordinary.

This is very close to the interconnectedness God created each of us as individuals to have with him. I don’t think our usual expressions of faith make this clear; they may even prevent us from seeking it.

~ John Eldredge

3 Things This Week


Watch the Session Five Video

Watch the video from your study home and take notes in your Study Guide on pages 120–126.



Personal Study + Reading

Grab your Bible for the personal study in pages 129–145 of the study guide. If you're following along in the book, this week's companion reading: chapters 8, "Remembering Who You Love," and 13, "The Hidden Life of God in You."


Giving It a Try : Union with God

In this week’s exercise, our goal is greater unity with God.

Step one is understanding that God wants union with you; that union is the purpose of your creation; and that it’s the priority. This is a good starting point; it’s a massive reorientation.

Step two is presenting ourselves to God for union. I do this every day: “I present myself to you, God, for union with you.” We pray for union; we ask for it. I ask for it during the One-Minute Pause.

Step three (and this isn’t science, it’s poetry; these “steps” are simply for clarity’s sake) is to move toward a greater release of everything else taking up room in your soul. This is how we love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. “I give everyone and everything to you for union with you.” This week, ask God to hear your union with him.

Scripture of the Week

I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. —John 17:20–23 (Emphasis added)

Closing Prayer

Express your deep desire for a hidden life with God.
Present yourself to God for greater union with him.
Release everything else that’s taking up room in your soul.
Tell God how he is amazing by naming who he is and what he does.
Pray John 17:20–23 to God, agreeing with it and asking for more of this reality.
Ask God to remind you of his love for you in fresh, unexpected ways.


Session 4 - I read Chapter 10 : Caring for neglected places in your soul.
Please take time to listen. Any Questions please message me https://youtu.be/2DVHuFAScT0


Session 4 : Days 1-5

Get Your Life BackSession Four: Caring for Neglected Places in Your SoulIf you have raced with men on foot and they have...

Get Your Life Back

Session Four: Caring for Neglected Places in Your Soul

If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?

—GOD, Jeremiah 12:5

Last spring my dear wife left town for seven days. She was in great need of some personal time away, soul care, time alone with God. Which left me at home with the dogs, horses, normal household chores, and my work. And . . . an empty house, with evenings to do whatever I wanted. I pictured myself in all sorts of masculine bachelor rhapsody: hours of cable television watching premier soccer and hunting shows; cereal for dinner; dressing from laundry still in heaps on the couch.

After I got home from dropping Stasi off at the airport, I kicked off my shoes and looked around, wondering which of the personal joys to begin with. That’s when God stepped in. Get out your journal, he said. Now, to be fair, getting some time with God was on my agenda too. Absolutely. I just didn’t have it taking place quite so suddenly. Maybe after that pastrami sandwich and the second half of the Liverpool game. I stood in the middle of the living room, a man vacillating between clarity and denial. Maybe I hadn’t heard a thing.

Get out your journal, Jesus repeated. You have neglected your soul.

A long sigh. That I knew—my soul felt neglected. I slowly walked to my office to retrieve my journal and returned to the living room where I sat down: the guilty schoolboy who knows he’s been slouching on his assignments, is not too happy to be found out, and is repentant enough to sit ready with pen in hand, wondering where the Master was going next.

“Where have I neglected my soul, Lord?” I asked.

In your ungrieved griefs, he replied.

Another sigh. My, he was moving quickly. Oh, I knew he was right. I mean, this wasn’t anywhere on my radar, but once Jesus named it, I knew it was the missing thing—the overlooked and unattended place. (Sometimes it takes someone else to name the thing right in front of us that we cannot see.) Soccer and hunting shows were not going to address my real needs.

So I began to write out a list of losses and disappointments from the past 18 months. It wasn’t at all heavy or dark; it was cathartic. The relief in simply naming things was palpable. For the grief, or disappointment, or sadness is in there, recognized or not, and it takes a lot of energy to keep it below the surface. Letting it rise, naming its sources, is relieving. That beach ball we’ve been trying to hold underwater gets to pop up, and we don’t have to suppress it anymore.

Your soul is a beautiful instrument, like a cello or piano, capable of a vast range of expression and experience. Over time, strings get broken, keys are lost. Thirty years of this and there isn’t much of us left with which to make music. Though we want God, he's forced to play one or two notes; it’s all he has to work with. By attending to the neglected places of our souls, we recover the lost strings and damaged keys. The more we do, the more rich and colorful our lives become, because God has so much more to make music with.

~ John Eldredge

3 Things This Week


Watch the Session Four Video:



Personal Study + Reading

Grab your Bible for the personal study in pages 103–116 of the study guide. If you're following along in the book, this week's companion reading is chapter 10, "Caring for Neglected Places in Your Soul."


Giving It a Try : Name Your Loss or Disappointment

This week's practice involves becoming more present to your own soul, to places that were left behind.

Write the loss down. What was lost—a friendship, a hope, an opportunity that might have shaped your future? It’s so important to name it.
Has a movie or song brought you to tears recently? Play it again, and pay attention—why? What is this awakening in you? Put some words to it. The neglected losses are in there; give them a voice.
Allow your soul to feel. Don’t tell it what to feel; it knows what to do. Just give it permission. It might be anger at first, or it might be sadness, loneliness, why bother? You might find yourself shouting some profanities—that’s okay. Your losses matter. Don’t edit yourself into silence. Anger is a pretty common first reaction to unattended loss. Let it out.
Read more about this week's challenge in pages 101–102 of your guide.

Scripture of the Week

The Lord is close the brokenhearted

and save those who are crushed in spirit.

- Psalm 34:18

Closing Prayer

Express your desire for more of God.
Ask Jesus to reveal the neglected places in your soul that need attention.
Name these losses and admit to yourself (and God) that they matter.
Commit to step into those areas with him to pursue your healing.
Invite God into your grieving process.
Pray that God will help you treat your soul with kindness as you pursue restoration.


I decided to read Session 3 Day 1-5 instead of posting pictures. Let me know what works better!

Get Your Life BackSession Three: Get OutsideThe Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.He makes me lie down in green pastur...

Get Your Life Back

Session Three: Get Outside

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

He makes me lie down in green pastures,

He leads me beside quiet waters,

He refreshes my soul.
—Psalm 23:1–3

Human beings need oxygen to live. Lots of it. So our loving God provided us a world completely engulfed in oxygen; we swim in life-giving air like fish swim in water. Put your arm out—it’s surrounded with oxygen. Look down at your feet—they’re wading through it too. God also arranged for the daily replenishment of this planet-wide ocean of oxygen, through the forests and jungles and even the algae of the seas. We take it in all day long, and all day long he renews it. Lavish. And a good thing too!

He’s done the same with water. We need it daily. No human being can go without it for more than four days. Our planet is called the “blue planet” because of the amount of water we have. The oceans, of course, and the rain cycle that draws water from them and spreads it over the earth. Streams, ponds, rivers, lakes—the generosity of God can be seen here too. Without water nothing lives. Think of what happens to your lovely flowers when they're deprived of water.

Now, with the same generosity and care, God also filled the world with a renewable supply of something our souls need daily: beauty. Yes, beauty. The fact that our world is so saturated with beauty—breathtaking in so many ways great and small—this ought to let you know God feels it’s something you need for your survival. We're absolutely swimming in it.

But apart from the artist and poet, most people don’t intentionally pursue beauty as nourishment. Notice that beauty doesn’t make the typical lists of discipleship models, spiritual disciplines, or soul care. Even in his wonderful, seminal book on healing trauma—The Body Keeps the Score—Dr. Bessel van der Kolk barely refers to it. That baffles me. Beauty is one of the richest graces God has provided to heal our souls and absorb his goodness.

One of the best things that happened to me this summer was the air conditioning going out in my truck. That truck’s got a hundred-sixty-thousand miles on it, so I wasn’t too upset. The shutdown forced me to drive with the windows down, which opened the world to me in a way I didn’t even know I needed. They called it “Texas air conditioning” back in the day; cars used to come equipped with little triangular windows on both the driver and passenger sides, which flipped inward; people used them to force air in. You don’t see those anymore because we prefer driving sealed in our little shell. As Robert Pirsig wrote in his ’70s classic, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance:

In a car you’re always in a compartment, and because you’re used to it you don’t realize that through that car window everything you see is just more TV. You’re a passive observer and it is all moving by you boringly in a frame.

Driving with the windows down required me to drive a little slower, a good thing in itself, which allowed me to take in all the wonderful aromas of summer—hayfields, pine forest, wet pavement after a shower, rivers (yes, rivers have a very distinct fragrance; some coastal rivers smell like a bad fish market, but the rivers flowing down from high mountains have a lovely aroma I would call “forest nectar” or “green freshness”). I got to enjoying it so much I didn’t get the AC fixed for months.

~ John Eldredge

3 Things This Week


Watch the Session Three Video

Watch the video (blue link below) from your study home and take notes in your Study Guide on pages 68–74.



Personal Study + Reading

Grab your Bible for the personal study in pages 75–89 of the study guide. If you're following along in the book, this week's companion reading: chapters 3, "Drinking Beauty," and 7, "Get Outside."


Giving It a Try : Nature Heals

This week's practice is to let nature restore your soul through three simple experiences.

Touch nature. Seriously—every day, your soul needs to engage with creation. There’s all sorts of research showing how healing this is.

Get outside, every day. If you work out in a gym, take it outside this week with a run, bike, swim, or hike.

Turn off the AC and roll down the windows in your car. Walk around outside your home or office building every day.
Encounter weather whenever you can. Don’t hide from it; experience it. Walk in the rain. Step into the snow. Feeling the sun on your face, a breath of wind, the fresh kiss of snowflakes is resuscitating.

Scripture of the Week

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

He makes me lie down in green pastures,

He leads me beside quiet waters,

He refreshes my soul.
— Psalm 23:1–3

Closing Prayer

Ask God to reveal a location outdoors for the two of you to spend time together.
Pursue God through experiencing the beauty of his creation.
Commit to spending time outdoors each day, away from the artificial.
Pray for God to help you receive the healing power of beauty as a gift.
Meditate on Psalm 23:1–3, personalizing the words as you speak them aloud.

Beginning Session 3 next week - If anyone would like me to read these chapters in a video just let me know.

Beginning Session 3 next week - If anyone would like me to read these chapters in a video just let me know.

Session 2 Day 5 - We Have A Choice

Session 2 Day 5 - We Have A Choice

Session 2 Day 4 - Denial

Session 2 Day 4 - Denial

Session 2 Day 3 - In Love With Distraction

Session 2 Day 3 - In Love With Distraction


1660 N Lynn Riggs Boulevard
Claremore, OK


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