Think of a macaw as a life long toddler #SimlishSessions #WorkThisWay #shelbythemacaw #macaws #birdsof
They’re dinosaurs I tell you #shelbythemacaw #macawsoftiktok #viral #parrot #StartUpShowUp #animalsdoi
They’re called my sandals 🩴 #UARushChallenge #shelbythemacaw #sandals #whatarethose #macawsoftiktok #m
They need a very healthy diet to live their 80 year life span #shelbythemacaw #parrotsoftiktok #macaws
They love and have each other #shelbythemacaw #parrotsoftiktok #macawsoftiktok #parrot #fyp
These two are inseparable #MyBrawlSuper #shelbythemacaw #ImTheMainCharacter #macawsoftiktok #parrotsof
There’s someone at the door for you #shelbythemacaw #petsoftiktok #Coming2America #doritosflatlife #fy
Therapy bird today #shelbythemacaw #macaw #takingparrot #bird #birds #trending
Their bite is STRONG!! The equivalent of a LION 🦁 #shelbythemacaw #parrot #parrotstiktok #fyp #freefli
The quick blue macaw jumped over the last dog #poetry #shelbythemacaw #macawsoftiktok #macawlovers #fr
The light of my life #ThatNewLookFeeling #shelbythemacaw #BOSSMoves #macawsoftiktok #animalsdoingthing
The great escape #shelbythemacaw #birds #animals #pets #cute #talkingparrot #petsoftiktok #petslover #