Unmanned aircraft made it into the news cycle a couple of times last year. We will hear more about them as drone use increases. Cities may consider how drones impact their aerial traffic, emergency services, residents' security and privacy, and/or local wild life. This can pose a challenge for local leaders, who may be tasked with writing legislation about unfamiliar technologies. When law makers need help deciding what their laws should look like, they may turn to model ordinances - ordinances passed by other local governments that they can refer to in creating their own.
If your local government considering adding legislation on the topics of drones, unmanned aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles, you can search for the word "drone" in the eCode ALP online library to see model ordinances from communities like yours.
Happy New Year from American Legal Publishing. Have a safe and happy holiday!
American Legal Publishing will be closed on July 4th, 2024 in honor of the Fourth of July holiday.
Basic Codes are developed in conjunction with our municipal league partners to provide smaller municipalities with a lower cost option to custom codification. Ask about Basic Codes in your area. Call 800-445-5588 or visit AmLegal.com.
Celebrating Juneteenth, Freedom Day.
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What do codifiers do? Codifiers create clarity by delivering up-to-date, correct Codes of Ordinances. After state legislation is enacted, local municipalities may need to amend their local ordinance codes. A codification service can help integrate their new or changed ordinances into their existing Code. When a municipality selects American Legal Publishing as their codifier, we will provide a comprehensive legal analysis of their municipal ordinances.
The annual American Legal Publishing holiday party was a bitter-sweet occasion. Stephen G. Wolf retired after nearly 45 years of dedication and leadership to the staff, clients, and partners of ALP. We will miss you, Steeve.