Click the link in bio to order, ask for first time order discount code in DM
On this page we avoid acidic beverages and alcohol is acidic.
Acidity has been linked to aging and illness.
On this page we hydrate and prevent body oxidation with ionized water.
Plus we’re BYOW💧!!!!
#hydrate #ionizedwater #chicago
Cómo preparamos nuestras algas
#greenscreen #watersharing #compartiragua #hidratate #tomaagua #aguaionizada #aguaalcalina #gradomedico #medicalgrade #ionizedwatermachine #alkalizedwater #chicago #bilingual
Si estas en Chicago y no haz probadonesta agua mandame mensaje para compartir contigo #nubemolecular #agua #ionizada #hidratate #tomaagua #chicago #salud #aguaionizada #fyp #saludholistica
Quienes somos y que hacemos
Water Info
DM to answer your questions
Porque tomo agua ionizada
Sabias que el agua ionizada es agua que ha pasado por un proceso de electrolysis resultando en una carga eléctrica creando agua Alcalina-síguenos en Xicana Moss #aguaionizada #agua #hidratate #aguaalcalina #ALGASMARINAS #chicago
My water ionizer creates 7 types of PH water.
Let's talk about the settings with cleansing properties - 2.5PH
This setting creates Hypochlorous acid, a completely nontoxic anti-microbial.
More effective than bleach!
Here are some uses
- Clean & disinfect all surfaces & materials: chrome, porcelain, cloth, wood, tile, glass...
- Remove protein based stains, including coffee, tea, & blood.
- Spray surfaces to remove and prevent film & mold.
- Kitchen: counter, food prep area & equipment, sinks, & dishcloths.
- Food: spray or soak (2 mins) meat and produce to eliminate salmonella, E. coli, & other bacteria, and reduce strong smells (fish).
- Bathroom: showers, toilets, tubs, tile, & sinks.
- Children & babies: areas, toys & equipment, diapers, & clothes.
- Sanitize: hands, toothbrushes, sponges, laundry, door knobs, & furniture.
#kangenwater #holistichealth #hydrate #cleanse #chicagowater #water #alkalized #ionized #cleanwater #multipurposewater