VOW Talks - Maui, Hawaii March 2018
Telling your story through Hula and Video.
A weekend with producer Jody Colvard and film director Terri Marie. Filled with music, hula dancing, storytelling, luaus and the beautiful sights, sounds and soul of Hawaii.
This is going to be a phenomenal weekend!
Join me, Jody Colvard (with over 20 years of producing radio and TV) and Director Terri Marie (She has worked with Olympic Athletes to top public figures. An award-winning producer, Terri Marie has produced over 30 documentaries meant to inspire and uplift her audiences worldwide. Her work has aired on Network Television, PBS, and cable stations. Portions of her work have also aired in Europe. Her skiing footage was viewed on the giant screens at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City.)
In this event, we will work with you, and a small group of other women, conducting discovery sessions – both on and off camera, to strategize your message, your story, and your presentation.
Your session will be filmed by an expert videographer, whom has worked on documentaries and a feature film. With the best lighting, audio and the added bonus of a magical make-up artist, this professional set-up will make you look incredible on camera.
You will leave this 2-day event with a clear message, your story professionally mapped out and a video to add to your website and/or social media.
Stay for 4 days and you get the first 2, described above, and in the last two days a select few will be a part of the VOW Talks Documentary, sharing your story with video, photos, voice over and interviews.
This is an event that you do not want to miss!
PM me if interested!
"In hula, the dancers become one with everything in nature. They bent, swayed and gestured, moving in countless ways to tell countless stories, most of which had deep meanings. Behind these graceful, expressive, sometimes dignified and sometimes earthy dances, lay years of study, meditation and prayer. Its your spirit, its your soul. Its unlike anybody else. This bubbling up in your heart is your personal expression, your original way of saying things. It comes from a place of love and kindness… They'll be no obstacle if you keep your love. That's the answer."
~ Auntie Winona Beamer, Hawaiian hula master