Motivator Speaker Entrepreneur Author MHFA Counselor. Here to help u through 5 stages of Grief: Denial Anger Depression Bargaining Acceptance. I created this page in 2014 in Honor of my mother and stepfather who I buried 6mos apart from one another. Allow me to help u navigate through your emotions and pain by sharing my personal story in hopes that i can be of service to you by finding you resou
rces as well. I'm here to build a community so we all can get through our loss by sharing and communicating with one another to easy the pain and finding relief as we all heal together with live chats building content of positivity and affirmations to get us through the tough moments when we're not feeling at our best. My work experience is a Recovery Coach that deals with individuals from all walks of life. I specialize in Mental Health and Substance Abuse. I'm well qualified and have a long work history of residential counseling, domestic violence, case management and crisis management. I welcome this journey and I'm so grateful to my higher power. I make no promises but what I will tell you from my personal experience that things will get better you may not see it now but I have some tools that will help you get through what you dealing with. I'm excited and very passionate about grieving the loss of a loved one. I truly believe just in my own experience these last 8 years that it was through the loss that I found me but it has not always been like that. I suffered in silence for many years especially in the beginning but there is some freedom knowing that I loved ones are watching over us and it's okay to feel what you're feeling my suggestion is not to stay there long but to have some type of support around you. If you have family that always help in my case I didn't have that I didn't have a lot of support so I dealt with substance and depression and finally I found my way out and you also can find your way out so let me guide you through a better mindset a better point of view the pain will always be there we will always miss them but my true feelings is its so much easier when we find Freedom from our loss you don't have to hold on to the guilt the depression the drinking the abuse of medication none of those things help yes they do numb us in the beginning but that's not the way to live our love ones wouldn't want that for us. So let's all take this ride together u don't have to feel alone anymore I'm here now. 😘😊🙏🏽