The Doorways Of Chicago Story
In February of 2017, I took a short work trip to London and Plymouth, England. When we arrived in Plymouth it was cold, windy and rainy. Out of the rain-drenched bus window, I spotted a tiny bright blue door in the wall of the Royal Citadel. This bright blue portal stood out like a sore thumb because the massive stone wall was very tall and had a prison-like appearance. While my colleagues went to their rooms to nap from the jet lag, I braved the wind and freezing rain to walk back to the citadel. While juggling the umbrella, which at this point turned inside out, I frantically dug my phone out of my pocket and managed to snap a few pictures. The thought crossed my mind that I must be OUT OF MY MIND to be doing this. I never got my nap...but I got the blue door picture!
I returned home from England and as early spring arrived in my own city I started taking walks as I often do to enjoy the beautiful architecture of Chicago. One day on my lunch hour, I stumbled upon a red door at the St. James Cathedral in River North. I took a picture of it. Now I had two door photos - one blue & one red. Then I started snapping pics of gorgeous doorways in Chicago and posting them on my personal Instagram feed. A few months later, having assembled a hefty collection of doors photos, I decided to start my own Instagram doorway account and @doorwaysofchicago was born.
Doorways are portals into a more peaceful and meditative state, a delightfully enlightened place of "no thinking". In essence, that means I'm OUT OF MY MIND, which is a good thing because I've learned I am so much more than my mind. Always make sure you find the time to do what you love. Becoming enlightened, living in the moment and training your mind to stop its constant chattering is such a wonderful thing to achieve! It takes some practice but it is SO worth it and becomes easier the more you do it. Free your mind. See clearly. Start living!