The Optimal Human

The Optimal Human The Optimal Human Global Community is a safe zone for people who want to be part of the fight to end race and racism.


What has the Optimal Human been up to since my last post? Many things have happened. Arguably the most important thing was abruptly walking away from a 34-year marriage.

I made that decision because I was unable to harmonize the marriage with the ongoing evolution of my spirituality. My True Self was demanding authenticity and alignment with source and I was unable to secure commitment from my former wife to honor those requirements. Accordingly, I was compelled to walk away. Had I not walked away my health would have continued to deteriorate up to and including premature death. The divorce was finalized in October 2020. My energy is slowly healing from 34-years of traumas from adjusting to a marriage that did not resonate with my personal energy signature. When I married I knew nothing about the potential of this problem or the physical health concerns and mental health issues that would evolve from constantly twisting myself into an unknown entity seeking harmony in the marriage at expense of my spiritual authenticity.

After several iterations of “the dark night of the soul” and other energy cleansing experiences, I have started to heal and recover myself. While all of this family drama was going on, I was also advancing my learning system to help people end their unconscious identifications and attachments to race, racism, and white supremacy/income inequality. In a like manner that my marriage traumas created vulnerabilities within my personal energy fields that over time manifested as health problems within my biology.

It feels so very good to be on the way back to my authentic self. I am writing an ebook on the Journey To Oneness Consciousness: Aquarian Age. Also, I am writing a traditional book, “Ending Racism Through Spiritual Growth and Life Transformation. If this post resonates with you for whatever reason or you have questions, reach out at [email protected].


The Optimal Human, through its learning system affiliate, HeartTransformed:EndingRacism, will be offering a seven-week webinar series, Ending Racism Through Spiritual Growth and Life Transformation, beginning Tuesday, March 2, 2021 from 6:00 pm Central Time until 7:30 pm. This powerful, dynamic, life-changing, experiential series of webinars have proven consistently their ability to shift the consciousness of registrants from unconscious identifications with race, racism, and white supremacy/income inequality to a new story of alignment with Source. Email [email protected] to receive the registration link.


It is all too often I hear an energy knowledgeable person claim that humans are “hard wired” to do this, that or the other thing that is largely unique to humans. The is an unfortunate and careless use of language that does not help humans understand how we all are authentically linked together. We communicate through our energy flows, chemically or electrically. We do not naturally have wires. Using this careless language keeps people thinking of our humanity as substantially physical, when we are profoundly as system of unique expressions of energy.


Authentic conversation discussing race, racism, income inequality, white supremacy, white privilege, and related matters.

Expert social psychologists report that their research shows that eight to nine out of ten Americans are marginalized by...

Expert social psychologists report that their research shows that eight to nine out of ten Americans are marginalized by unconscious racism. Clearly, this suggests an enormous challenge. The good thing is we have discovered and documented a viable solution to resolve the challenge. We need your help to deliver our solution to the world. Please take time today, log into, search for HeartTransformed: Ending Racism, or simply click this link directly: #/ Click the “Back it” button and make your generous donation today. Thank you and welcome to the Community.

Help us advance our species, homo-sapiens through ending racism and other unconscious attachments. | Check out 'Heart Transformed: Ending Racism' on Indiegogo.


Join us for a FREE high energy, participatory Masterclass
where you will learn more about your potential as an energy
being, get your questions answered, and enjoy the opportunity to
share your experiences, views and thoughts on ending our
attachments and identifications with race and racism.


So much is going on right now but I am not going to take the time for a longer post.

I am in California on the greatest trip of my life. Desda Zuckerman is going to show me more details of how my being system works and how I can be a better manager of my subtle energy. So exciting, so pumped, so ready. If you don’t know Desda, you are denying yourself a special treat and blessing. More than anyone else on the planet, as far as I know, Desda knows all you want to know and more about what and who you authentically are. I get to bask and bake in her love for two whole days. If you are not incredibly jealous, clearly you don’t know what you don’t know.

Join an open, authentic discussion about race, racism, white privilege, white supremacy, and income inequality. Get robu...

Join an open, authentic discussion about race, racism, white privilege, white supremacy, and income inequality. Get robust answers to all the questions that have challenged you over the years. Enjoy a safe, loving context to explore many of the most important issues of our time. Email: [email protected] to request your ticket for the FREE EVENT.



I am extremely pleased to report that I am 95 days from hospital discharge and my medical A1C has been reduced to 6.8. You will recall that on the day of my hospital discharge, May 20, 2019, my A1C was 15.7. People who suffer from T2D and medical professionals are likely to find it difficult to swallow that I was able to pull this off in 95 days. For me, it was not difficult, but I tend not to play by the same rules as the average bear.

I entered 2019 with an intentionality to end my journey with T2D at the earliest possible date. Fortunately, I advanced in that direction with more than my share of ignorance regarding exactly how to go about achieving my desired goal. Because of my ignorance, I arrogantly thought I could control my diabetes with the power and effectiveness of my spiritual growth. The result of that flawed thought process was ending up as an overnight guest at McNeal Hospital in Berwyn, Illinois with a glucose reading of 467 and A1C of 15.7.

Now the average bear would be feeling pretty bad and more than a bit scared to find themselves in that situation. Not me. I intuitively understood that the Universe had engineered those circumstances to get my attention, in the perfectly right way, so that I would understand that I needed a plan that was grounded in the best research and information available regarding how to most effectively deal with and reverse T2D, as opposed to an erroneous interpretation of my intuition. How did I know I would get it right this time? I tested myself and validated myself on a daily basis from May 22, 2019 until now. Additionally, I consulted every expert I could find to begin to craft a diabetes reversal protocol that would produce the outcome I had intuited was possible. The protocol is not yet complete, but strong progress is being accomplished.

What have I learned in 95 days? I have learned that all illness and disease is a consequence of a sub-optimal body chemistry that is brought about by a sub-optimal diet and a lifestyle that is not grounded in values, thoughts, choices, and behaviors that harmonize with the eternal flow of the Universe. Our failure to acquire this knowledge and deploy it into our lives causes a broad range of internal impairment of our various body organs and systems that totally disrupts, corrupts, and renders sub-optimal our normal homeostasis and body chemistry. Substantially all people currently living have been enculturated into societies that did not make certain they were provided with this knowledge that is basic and fundamental to an efficacious biophysical life.

With regard to lifelong health, our societies convince us that eventually we will all suffer illness, chronic illness, disease, followed by, too often, a painful death. Is this a foundational truth of biophysical life? I think not! At the same time the teaching and reinforcement of the status quo in our societies is very, very strong and outliers are not honored or embraced. As a consequence, most of us are doomed to suffer a bushel basket of traumas that come along with living a status quo life.

How did I largely escape the fate of so many? I had a very special grandfather. He was a plain man, born in 1896, with very limited formal education, but his raw intelligence was outstanding. He taught his family the values of fierce independence, self-reliance, active-intelligence, forthrightness, and
integrity. These values were my anchor and foundation for the first fifty-five years of my life.

As I was meditating on how I might recover from my very negative diabetes night, I was reading Dr. Sue Morter’s book, The Energy Codes. I learned many important new things, but my greatest focus was chapter nine, The Chemistry Code. It had never occurred to me that the condition of my body could be related to my spiritual development and growth. I have been a voracious reader since I was five years old, but I had never read that I should eat foods that harmonized with my body homeostasis. In Dr. Sue’s words, “This means that our body chemistry either facilitates or hinders our efforts to embody the Soulful Self.” Game changer!

My life came to a screeching, abrupt stop. While I was already focused on a vegan diet, I was now focused on the most alkaline diet I could find. A diet that harmonized with the original default setting of my body chemistry and homeostasis. I recalled that I had reviewed several videos of Dr. Jason Fung, a Canadian Kidney specialist who was focused on diabetes. I immediately ordered his book, entitled (would you believe it), The Diabetes Code. This was very helpful, because of the robust scientific information he provided, along with the very ugly history of diabetes regarding how the Western medical professions left their patients to deal with the worse of diabetes so that they could continue to receive their fees and many, many charges. However, when I saw the diet Dr. Fung was recommending to his patients, I knew he had not read Dr. Sue’s book.

Combining what Dr. Sue taught about the fusion of body chemistry and spiritual outcomes integrated with Dr. Fung’s explication of the biophysical functionality of diabetes, I was now robustly well equipped to establish and continually refine a protocol expected to deliver me from my 23-year journey with diabetes. My initial protocol was working well, on June 17, 2019, during my doctor’s visit my A1C was 12.2 (28 days after hospital discharge), on July 13 I visited Quest Labs for another A1C, which came back at 9.1. On August 22, 2019, I am back at Quest Labs and my A1C reports at 6.8. Now this was extraordinary progress, but I was a bit disappointed. The computer app I was using showed that my A1C should have been below the magic number of 5.7, which would have indicated I no longer needed to concern myself with diabetes. How do I account for the gap? When I asked my new diabetes doctor about the gap, she explained that the difference was accounted for by my sub-optimal body condition and body chemistry. Now I needed to add remedies for eliminating internal organ fat and metabolic syndrome to my protocol. In addition to being an exceptional kidney specialist, Dr. Fung is also an expert on fasting, which he recommends for what I needed to do.

I added to my protocol the discipline of fasting every fourth day. This means on the third day between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm I will stop all eating. I do not return to food until 40 – 45 hours later. According to Dr. Fung the liver has a 24-hour reserve of glucose on hand. So after 24 hours our bodies begin to burn internal fat for its fuel. I will continue this protocol until the end of 2019 and assess my next steps at that point. The point is that organ fat disrupts the normal process of glucose servicing our cells. If this disruption is not addressed, it will very likely lead to kidney disease, dialysis, heart disease, and premature death. Accordingly, I will be attacking my organ fat cells with military styled, strategic precision.

Some of you know that my life mission is to do my part to end racism, and that I have created a learning system that includes a solution that, in fact, ends the unconscious identifications and attachments that cause most people on the planet to be marginalized and constrained in their spiritual development and spiritual growth through such attachments. With a kind of subtlety we could easily miss, Dr. Sue delivers a spiritual hammer, “We know that our thoughts can, and do, eclipse the beneficial effects of good nutrition on our body’s chemical balance. This means we can eat a perfectly alkalizing diet and end up still creating an acid condition in the body if our thoughts (conscious or unconscious) generate low-frequency emotions like anger, hate, resentment, remorse – or, the number-one cause of acid buildup in the body, excess worry. Yes, prolonged or habitual worry will produce more acid in the body than we can alkalize or neutralize, no matter how much alkalizing food we eat.”

I interpret this passage to contain two critically important messages: 1) unconscious identification and attachment to race and racism impairs our body chemistry and compromises our health in substantial ways, and 2) our spiritual development, spiritual growth and awakening is greatly hindered, if we do nothing to remove this substantial barrier.

Your reflections, comments, and questions are invited.

Rich Shealey

Christopher, you and others keep asking me the same type of question regarding the capacities of a human being. Let me s...

Christopher, you and others keep asking me the same type of question regarding the capacities of a human being. Let me say it in a little different way. I presume you are familiar with the concept of a thumbnail representation in computer terms. In a like manner, a human being is a thumbnail of the Universe. The Universe has a sacred vibration and energetic, so we have that as well. We are much more than can be seen by most or experienced. We are an extremely highly intelligent being system that manifests 1/8 of our system expressing our biophysical capabilities, while the 7/8ths of our energy defined system remains dormant until the system administrator (you) learns where the connection switch is located, and then turns on the various activation switches until we are fully online. In spiritual circles, this process is often called awakening. This is true of every human being no matter what condition of disrepair or sub-optimal functioning they might appear to be in. Humans are undefined and undefinable. The physicists say that we know approximately 5.6% of what can be known of the Universe. The remaining 94.4% is a mystery. As I understand it the physicists also say if you can imagine it, it is, The Devine and godly part is there as well, but I would not be so keen about showing off my Devine capabilities. So let’s be clear about human beings: 1) we are biophysical beings, 2) we are simultaneously energy beings, 3) we are the Universe in thumbnail, 4) we have a unique energetic signature that allows the Universe to recognize that our energy represents Christopher and not Richard. I will be continually searching for additional truths about what and who we are. I believe it is highly probable that there are no limits to what an optimized, fully activated human being can accomplish. But I am not currently capable of definitively answering that question at this time. To continue to learn more follow me on Quora, IG, FB, LI, and visit my websites: and

Our MissionCreating a global community evolving and honoring humanity Creating conscious learning systems. Using the energetic power of collective meditation to shift the global collective consciousness. Creating the collective heart vibration attracting humans seeking to evolve. Our CausesYou can h...


What have I been up to during the last many weeks? I've been working to expand and enrich my mission to end the unconscious identification and attachments to race and racism that hinder so many people in their journey to optimize their humanity through learning to manage their energy more effectively. Specifically, I am writing an ebook to prepare the way for a more extensive traditional book that will set forth the mission in fine detail. The ebook will be designed to help readers recognize and embrace the grave threats that are associated with continuing to do nothing about the undercover toxicity that race and racism create and sustain with your body system. Slowly, slowly, but ever so relentlessly, your beautiful body system is broken down, corrupted and made vulnerable to various illnesses and disease as your energy channels are blocked, corroded and diminished. Your design is to have a robust, consistent flow of healthful, renewing energy that keeps you performing at peak levels. How many of us experience the intentionality of the Universe? The ebook and the mission are about advancing us from where we are today to an optimal harmony and flow with the intentionality of the Universe. Get on board and let's flow together.

My life story was a very big story prior to CAC. Elevating your family from the fifth quintile of American financial lif...

My life story was a very big story prior to CAC. Elevating your family from the fifth quintile of American financial life to the first quintile by age 41 is a very big story. Add to that becoming a trillion dollar banker, executive committee member of Chicago United, member of Chicago's best and brightest through the Chicago Economic Club, and becoming President of Chicago's largest minority bank All of this by age 41. While all of this was going on, I was being unconsciously prepared by my True Self for the even bigger story that is to come. Without my conscious knowledge, I had been chosen by God and the Universe to execute a global mission to develop a system to help humanity break free from its 350+ years identification and attachment to race and racism, which is simultaneously identification with white supremacy and income inequality. A species-level critical mission. Race, racism, white supremacy, and income inequality are individually and collectively toxic to human life. First, they create a false perception of separation from one human to another, Secondly, they hinder and attenuate, the normal energy flows humans receive from God and the Universe. These energies are essential to the proper biological and energetic functioning of our bioenergetic systems and without them, our homeostasis cannot be efficiently maintained. As our endocrine systems struggle to recover homeostasis, unconscious internal stress is introduced, because our brain is identified with the status quo: i.e. race, racism, white supremacy, income inequality, but our body systems is responding to the true story. Five years from now, my new, vastly bigger story will speak of the victories that have been accomplished as hundreds of humans have completed the learning system, and will have joined The Optimal Human Global Community, so that they can actively help others to do the same.

"Where you anchor your sense of being defines the possibilities of your growth and greatness."

2019 is off to a robust start. When most people are making resolutions for the new year, I am reviewing and meditating o...

2019 is off to a robust start. When most people are making resolutions for the new year, I am reviewing and meditating on my values. Are the values I am setting for myself delivering the quality of life that I intend? To what degree am I honoring those values as I move through life, especially as I interact with other humans? Do I need to change any of my primary values and reload for the new year?

For me 2018 was great, I largely honored my values, made good advances on my business plans, began to pay more attention to my health, refined and enriched my learning system to end racism, failed to craft an effective marketing system to make sufficient sales for the learning system, and failed to complete the writing of my book on ending race and racism.

My values are love, compassion, forgiveness, integrity, and transparency. My focus will be to share love as an exemplar of the Universe's idea of love that heals, energizes and honors in whatever situation and context I encounter.

Very early in 2019, I plan to complete an ebook designed to begin to engage the hidden audience I need to locate as prospects for HeartTransformed:EndingRacism. No one I know wants to raise their hand and acknowledge they are struggling with their unconscious identifications and attachments to race and racism. In most cases, they do not have a clue the injury and trauma racism is visiting on them, their families and their communities. I will use the ebook to share clarity in this regard.

Towards the middle of February, I will initiate a GoFundMe Campaign for the purpose of helping me advance the HeartTransformed:EndingRacism learning system, The Optimal Human Global Community, an International Conference to End Race and Racism in late October, and to acquire a spiritual magazine franchise to more broadly spread the message. Human beings are greatly hindered in their ability to enter into their zone of greatness and authentic life purpose, because of their identifications and attachments. Ending attachments to racism opens the way, and The Optimal Human Global Community provides a context that nurtures, supports and points the way to your zone of greatness.

I am lovingly asking for your love, prayers, meditations. ideas and financial support as I negotiate the challenges of 2019 following my soul purpose and life intentionality. God bless. Learn more about the learning system at and love on yourself by signing up for our next series of webinar classes.

"Where you anchor your sense of being defines the possibilities of your growth and greatness."



The first time I met my intuition occurred in 1947 or maybe 1948 when I was 5 or 6 years old. It was a solidly overcast day, but dry, no rain. I’m playing tackle football with a number of my classmates in the field, alongside our little red schoolhouse in Vandalia, Michigan. I’m a wide receiver, with big-time competitive fire, even at this young age. I go out for a pass, catch the ball and head for the touchdown line as fast as I can go. Two boys catch me and jump on my back or grab my legs, but I keep advancing. Finally, with the boys still holding onto me, I cross the goal line. I pull away from the boys and I say within myself, “they could not get me down, I am different from them, they could not get me down.”

For many years, I thought that incident represented God introducing himself to me, but now, at 76 I now more clearly see that it was my TrueSelf/intuition making itself known. I make that distinction, because, over the years I have had many encounters with my intuition and with God, and the experience is not the same. The frequency and quality of the encounters with my intuition accumulated through the years and as I passed 50 years old, I was committed to incorporating my intuition into my everyday life. I was already doing just that, but I did not know what I did not know.

I grew up in a household where values were extremely important and you were required to adhere to certain things that were clearly important at an early age. Things like independence, self-reliance, responsibility, and accountability. At 9 years old, a huge crisis of accountability and responsibility produced a dramatic encounter with my intuition. I had recently started a job as a paperboy with one of the daily papers in Chicago. Critical to this job were the “tags” that contained the names and addresses of the customers on my route. Somehow, I lost the tags!

Because you did not grow up in my household, I would venture that you could in no way understand the depth of agony, shame, guilt and stress I experienced from thinking about the loss of those tags. After driving myself crazy looking everywhere I could imagine, looking for those tags; sweating, hyperventilating, snotting and crying. No success and no joy. Totally exhausted and way over my limit, I cried myself to sleep that night. I came fully awake between two and three that morning. There seemed to be a faint blue haze that covered the ceiling of my room. A sense of calm and peace appeared in my consciousness. I awoke the next morning with the same sense of peace I had received during the night. I went to look under the stairs where I kept the baby buggy used to carry my papers. There, hanging on the buggy handle in plain sight were the tags that I had been totally unable to locate the prior evening.

When I reached 50 years old, my wife gave me a surprise birthday party. Though I do not care for surprises, it was a great affair on all levels. There were about 40 or so people present, including all of the people I valued as close to me. By this time my being was open and very sensitive to input coming to me from higher levels of consciousness. When I rose to speak, the spiritual rush of love from all present overwhelmed me. For several moments I was unable to speak. My mother approached me because she thought I needed comfort, but I raised my hand to send her back as I recognized the presence of my intuition. As I regained my voice, I spoke these words, “there is a level of consciousness available to us that is defined by love, I don’t know where it is and I can’t tell you how to get to it, but I know it exists”. This was the seed of The Optimal Human Global Community. I knew, but I had no data. Because I knew my intuition, I trusted and valued what I knew. Twenty-one years later, this truth again entered my awareness. I immediately responded and purchased domain name. Still no data.

Within my reasoning consciousness, I had been researching to write a book on racism. The writing proceeded very slowly because I was getting continuous unconscious input from my Intuition that added to and enriched the context and content of the book. At the same time, I was involved in robust spiritual reading, meditation and seeking to awaken to higher levels of consciousness.

Suddenly, I was in a very deep inner spiritual trial. It seemed like it was depression and not depression at the same time. I was working with a spiritual guide, but it never occurred to me to raise this issue, as I am very oriented to attempt to resolve this kind of problem on my own. Fortunately, she teased it out of me after a number of a number of months. Her resolution plan was to challenge me to use the research I had been doing to write the book to end racism, to create an online class, along with the book. This was around October of 2017. By February of 2018, the online class had been created and we executed a beta run through of the class with a global group of 17 people. The beta was a resounding success, so I was on to the next challenge.

As events unfolded it became clear that rather than depression, I had gone through what spiritual teachers call, “The Void”. My energy, focus, and drive returned and I was off to the next challenge.

Ever so slowly, over the next several months, I began to see how the two pieces of the project (book + online learning system) fit together with gear like precision. The book and the class contain solutions that solve the 371-year problems of the false hypothesis of race and institutional racism. The Optimal Human Global Community will provide a delivery system to carry the message of the solution across the globe. HeartTransformed:EndingRacism shares the truth of our historical experience and offers an opportunity to choose our better, more authentic selves. The Optimal Human Global Community helps open the door to our intuition, encourages our elevating consciousness and nurtures our best selves. If you have an interest in learning more about The Optimal Human Global Community or joining the Community, send an email to [email protected], share a brief summary of your interest and I will be back to you promptly.


910 West Van Buren, Ste 100/244
Chicago, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 12pm - 3pm




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