“Do you get so overwhelmed that your heart just stops?
Can it… just stop?
Today marks a 3 year milestone of breaking the debilitating relationship and addiction I endured with alcohol for a majority of my 20s. I’ve never quite talked about it like this before - the gruesome details of how it feels to implode.
Fighting within yourself, while the outside pushes you further in.
To narrate and to celebrate, I present to you my first mix since 2020 titled “Panic Signal,” featuring a spoken word introduction written and produced by myself under the guidance of my dear friend and roommate, Thysbe. I aim to walk the listener through old rituals of withdrawal, small improvements, relapse, clarity, and new beginnings while also challenging myself to take myself to a place I dare never to return.
Thank you for your support all these years in getting better. Cheers to three years.
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- SC