We often overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can do in a year. Someone smarter than me said this, but I’ve found it to be so true. And fear is usually the culprit of our unrealized dreams. I’ve never been successful at conquering my fears completely but I have managed to quiet them for just long enough to take action. Teasing out the reason(s) for inaction for example, can feel murky, and elusive. However I’ve found journaling and an artistic practice can make my chaotic unordered mind quiet down just long enough to find a bit of insight. Rarely does the whole answer come at once, for me, it is delivered in bits and pieces to be put together and nurtured over time. My practice is what you see here. It is not traditional journaling per se but allows me to focus on a phrase and execute it in a less traditional way. Handwriting has always been a point of self consciousness for me. I have never mastered beautiful letters. It might seem silly to you that something like this would cause anxiety, and logically I know it is. But like many of the things we judge about ourselves, they are not grounded in logic or reason and certainly not compassion. So I’ve worked to embrace my quirky handwriting and force it out into the world. Silly as it may be, it is therapy. I have books upon books with these phrases. Phrases that have forced me to slow down for a short time and quiet my disordered, distracted mind to offer a bit of peace and on those really lucky days a nugget of gold. If your mind is working overtime or your nerves are frazzled, may I encourage you to make date with a piece of paper and a writing instrument you love? You may be surprised by what you create and even more with what you find. Much love. #positivevibes #creativityheals #healingart #createeveryday
Hi Friends! Thought I’d share a few things from my sketchbook from the past few months. I hope you’re finding a little time for something creative 💛
#artistsoninstagram #sketchbookartist #sketchbookpages #createeveryday #mentalhealthmatters #anxietyrelief #startwhereyouare #therapistsofinstagram #mixedmediaartist #mixedmediaart #youmatter #inspirationalquotes #positivevibes
So much power in how we choose see ourselves and move through the world💖. You matter- this is truth.
#motivation #motivationalquotes #positivevibes #positivity #positivequotes #spreadkindness #youmatter #youareenough #youarestrong #youarestrongerthanyouthink #empowerment #empoweringquotes #empoweredlife #empoweryourself #choosewell #momswholift #momsofinstagram #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthblogger #teachersofinstagram #nursesofinstagram #therapistsofinstagram #artheals #feelthefearanddoitanyway #keepgoing #healingjourney #healingquotes
Keep going. For you, if encouragement is what you need in this moment💕 Big hugs, deep breath, you got this.
I have to shoutout to my friend @estemacleod who inspired this process in my work. She’s an amazing artist and teacher that takes this idea to a whole new level that so much fun to watch. Give her reels a visit if you’d like see what I mean🌸
#encouragement #keepgoing #keepgrowing #encouraging #selfcare #bekind #bekindtoyourself #healingjourney #momsofinstagram #teachersofinstagram #nursesofinstagram #support #mindfulness #mindfulliving #mentalhealthmatters #meantalhealthsupport #mentalhealthadvocate #difficulttimes #itwillbeokay #positivevibes #positivequotes #onedayatatime #youarestrong #youarestrongerthanyouthink #inspirationalquotes #mentalhealthblogger #innerstrength
It’s okay to feel lost sometimes 💕 #wellbeing #wellbeingwarrior #positivevibes #spreadloveandkindness #youarenotalone #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #difficulttimes #youarestrong #youmatter
You deserve to be heard💕
#vote2020 #voteifyoucan #vote #yourvotematters #youmatter #votevotevote #pleasevote #2020vote #makeyourvotecount #makeyourvoiceheard #stilltimetovote #yourvotecounts #yourvoteisyourvoice #votelikeyourlifedependsonit #votenow
Like gold, these are. Precious and rare. #rsgcommunity #artheals #inspirationalquotes #authenticfriendship #realfriends #beyourself #noshame #shareyourjourney #quotesdaily #createeveryday #creativepractice #handlettered #illustrationartists #kindnessmovement #supporteachother #womenwhocreate #surfacedesign #inspirationalblogger #mentalhealthblogger #selfcare #creativityheals #quotesofinstagram #apeaceofwerk #elizatodd #quotesofinstagram #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #youmatter #selfcarethreads @goodlifeproject @theblurtfoundation