**FIGHTING TO THE DEATH – CHP 34 – What next with the ship? **
“Everyone, make sure that there is no one hiding anywhere in this ship. Move around and be careful.” Dickson told his men.
Dickson then turned to the man who had said is a captain and told him, “Figure out how to control this thing. Get us out of here.”
“Alright boss.” The man said and immediately began checking around the control room. Everything was electronic. The captain first located the chart plotter. However, it had been switched off. The captain tried to power it on but it required a password to power on.
Dickson looked at how puzzled the captain looked and asked, “Any problem?”
“Yes, the chart plotter is password protected and I am unable to power it on beyond here.” the man said.
Dickson caressed his beards which had grown all over his face and said, “Man, that is your work, figure that out. Let us secure the ship first and be sure there are no threats.”
Dickson left the captain with the Viking guy in the control room to figure out how to control the ship. They quickly went all around the ship. There were people in the ship but they had all surrendered. They seemed to fear Dickson and his gang. The fact that everyone had large beards due to being in the mysterious island for long without shaving made them look so intimidating.
Dickson held one of the men in the ship who was kneeling down at one of the rooms as told and said, “You people brought us here to kill each other. You wanted us to participate in some games of death. Now, it is up to you to participate in the games of death.”
Dickson looked at his men and told them, “Lead everyone to the deck, now.”
Everyone was taken to the deck above and made to kneel down.
Elsewhere, the captain continued to figure out how to control the ship but was not making any progress.
The sun rose slowly from the eastern horizon. Dickson was able to see clearly the people they had at the deck. The woman who Dickson had taken notice of was also on the deck looking so dejected. It was when Dickson recognized her as one of the women who tortured him. She was the one in charge of the vampire women.
“Oh! I get who you are now. The woman who made me suffer in the detention camp. Now, woman, you are in for it with me. You are under me now. I will make you suffer and die a painful death.” Dickson told the woman as he approached her. He held her head and shook it violently before throwing her to the ground.
Dickson then looked at everyone and asked, “Now, does anyone know how to power on this ship?”
No one talked.
“Ok, I see no one wants to talk.” Dickson said. He then picked 2 random men and told them, “Come with me.” He made the men to stand away from the rest.
“Now, I want a fight from the 2 of you, a good fight. The winner kills the loser, the loser dies.” Dickson said.
The men looked at each other. “Ok, I get that you won’t fight.” Dickson said as he walked towards one of the men. He took a knife and suddenly slit one of the men’s throat by swinging the knife violently in front of the man. The man held his throat as he began to bleed. Some of his blood came out of his mouth.
“I am not here to joke. You tell me how to start this ship, or, I will kill all of you. In fact, this one has died a better death, let me show you how we will kill the rest.” Dickson said as he turned towards his men.
“Get some strong ropes.” Dickson commanded 2 men.
After a while, 2 strong ropes were availed. “Tie his legs, one rope on one leg, the other rope on the other leg.” Dickson commanded.
Both legs were tied, each rope tying around the ankles tightly. Dickson then picked 2 of his strongest men and told them, “Pull in the opposite, keep pulling until the man is divided into 2.”
“Alright boss.” The men said. They threw the man to the floor, held the 2 ropes and began pulling hard. For a while, it appeared like the man could handle it. However, his hip joints snapped making the man scream. His legs began to pull apart literally. His ankles got distorted. As if that was not enough, Dickson grabbed a sledgehammer and threw it towards one of his men.
“Smash his testicles.” Dickson said.
The man with the sledgehammer went over the man who was now on the ground screaming, swung the sledgehammer hard and smashed it on the man’s private parts. The man screamed until he began to foam from his mouth. The guy with the sledgehammer was like enjoying the whole show as he laughed like a maniac and proceeded to smash the sledgehammer onto the man’s legs all over breaking the man’s bones entirely.
Dickson looked at the man swinging the sledgehammer and said, “finish him slowly.”
The man swung the sledgehammer hard aiming for the arms. The hammer hit the man’s fingers so hard such that 2 fingers were completely torn off the arm. The man however fainted from the pain.
“There you have it.” Dickson told the kneeling people, “If you do not cooperate, we will kill all of you, one by one, until we are done.”
Dickson then moved around looking at the men kneeling down. He held one of the men in the chin and asked him, “What is your name?”
The man replied, “Dickson.”
“From?” Dickson asked.
“From France.” The man replied.
“Do you have a wife and children?” Dickson asked the man while holding him by his neck.
“Yes, 2 kids.” The man said.
“Do they know that their father is a mafia somewhere?” Dickson asked the man.
“No.” the obviously scared man said.
“Ok, I am sure that they also don’t know that their father is a living dead somewhere.” Dickson said, thinking of what to do with the man.
Some silence followed. Dickson looked around and said, “Until you people tell us how to control this ship, I am going to kill you one by one.”
Dickson then pointed at one of his men and told him, “Get a knife and a razorblade. We are going to skin Dominic alive.”
After a few minutes, the man returned with 2 knives and a razorblade. “Tie him up, secure him firmly.” Dickson commanded his men.
Dominic was tied and secured on some guard rails on the deck. Dickson took one of the knives, held it over Dominic’s right eye and said, “Do you see this? This is a knife, and the work of a knife is to cut.”
Dominic began to cry. Dickson laughed and said, “Cry all you can, but, we are only giving you a dose of your own medicine.”
Dickson placed the knife on the man’s forehead, slowly sliced the forehead across making the man begin to bleed. Some blood spilled over the man’s eyes making him look like he was crying tears of blood. Dickson then proceeded to peel off some skin from the man’s forehead as 2 of Dickson's men held Dominic’s head firmly.
The skin peeled over the man’s eyebrows. Someone somewhere vomited from seeing what was happening. But Dickson’s men were so excited with whatever was happening such that they were giggling and chuckling.
Dickson pointed at the man with the razorblade and told him, “Take over, peel off his skin entirely. If he does not stay still, stab his right eye with the knife.”
One of the kneeling men suddenly got up. He ran towards one of Dickson’s men while saying, “I did rather die fighting than be killed here like a sheep.”
However, the man he ran towards tackled him to the ground violently, pushed him hard onto the metallic surface, held his head and smashed it over and over onto the metallic surface while roaring. Even as it was apparent that the man was dead, he continuously smashed the man’s head onto the metallic surface until the entire skull was cracked open.
Blood was now flowing freely. As if that was not enough, the Dickson’s guy that killed his attacker went to the floor like a predator, smelt the blood that was flowing, sniffed it, growled and then touched the blood and smeared it all over his head. He then stood up looking like a demon, faced the kneeling people and said, “Whoever wants to die, just come to me, run to your death. We are here to play the games of death as it was intended.”
Dickson looked at the bloodied man and said, “Whoever moves, kill him.”
Dickson then turned to the kneeling people and said, “Until you people tell us how to start this ship, we will kill you one by one. We did rather remain here on board this ship without you to die here.”
Dickson saw one of his men holding a bottle of beer and asked him, “Where did you get that?”
“Somewhere below.” The man said and sipped some more.
“Ok, check around for more, bring it here and let us celebrate. We are going to have a bloody party here today.” Dickson said.
“Check for food too, I am hungry.” Another man said.
“Check for anything else that is of use. But bring the beer and food first if there is. I am sure there is. If there is no food, we will slaughter these people and eat them.” Dickson said as he walked around intimidating the kneeling people even more. It did not bother Dickson at all that the kneeling people were more than his own.