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"Ariela and the mystery of the Magic Garden"
Book excerpts.
-1: Ariela's Dreams
Katie's arms flung out in surprise, dropping the talking creature to the ground, and Ariela's eyes widened to the size of saucers. The two sisters watched in silence for a moment as the kitten shook herself off and straightened up again.
- I beg your pardon... - Ariela stammered and mumbled first.
- W-what did you say? I thought you were, uh.
- Talking? - the kitten asked contentedly. - That's right, I can talk! Let me introduce myself - I'm Freddy, the magic cat. And you must be Ariela and Katie. I've been looking for you for so long!
Katie continued to sit on the grass, mouth open and blinking frantically at times. Even Ariela's wildest imagination couldn't have imagined that she'd be facing a real fairy tale creature!
- N-but... how? W-why? - She mumbled again, unable to find the words.
- I have a very important secret to tell you," Freddy purred, wagging his fluffy tail. But first, I want to show you some real magic.
With these words, the magic cat did an incredible somersault in the air, flipping around its axis. And then, landing, he shook his front paws - and a trail of bright sparks splashed in all directions!
- Yay, it's magic! Real, real magic! - Ariela shouted with delight, all the doubts in her heart at once dispelled. - But please tell me - can you tell us about the fairy world?
Freddy flashed his mischievous eyes slyly:
- Of course, I can, dear Ariela. I will show you this magical world if you wish. After all, you and Katie are the chosen ones, so you have the right to know the secrets that are hidden from the rest of us...
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