Our Dear Readers, Authors, Artists, & Followers,
Please, vote in this competition, Fabulous Over 40. Vote for Izabelle, the author of "The Porcelain Doll," "Why I Hate Yellow Peas," "Fragments of Bones," "Radiating Love," "Abundance," and many more wonderful literary works published in Ariel's Dream and by Ariel Publishing and others, online and/or in print.
It takes less than a minute via Facebook. At least, use your free daily votes. If you’re feeling generous, hope votes are for a good cause for the Breast Cancer Foundation. If you’ve been voting for E. Izabelle Cassandra Alexander since the contest started about a month ago, she thanks you and appreciate you so much, but don’t stop now. Keep voting!
It’s getting close to the end where only the 1st in her group will make it into the quarter finals. Please, support her journey and help her get there.
So many have told her, “I voted for you.” Don’t just say it, do it! Thank you 🙏
Here’s the link to vote for Izabelle:
She needs all the support she can get :)
Please, share it with your friends on Facebook, too. Here's the link again to share:
Thank you!
You decide who will appear on the cover of NewBeauty Magazine and enjoy a luxury spa-cation in Scottsdale, AZ!