In a world grappling with the aftermath of a global pandemic, a renowned chemistry teacher, Thaddaeus, finds himself thrust into the spotlight. As the school's sole biology teacher succumbs to the virus, pressure mounts on Thaddaeus to fill the void. However, he refuses, harboring a deep-seated grudge against the theory of natural selection.
A battle of ideologies ensues when the principal's wife, a staunch advocate of Darwinian principles, vows to teach Thaddaeus a painful lesson. Armed with her connections and influence, she sets out to expose the flaws in his beliefs. Unbeknownst to her, Thaddaeus is guided by prophetic dreams and mentored by a cunning lawyer with a deep understanding of human nature.
As the conflict escalates, the nation faces a moral crisis, forced to confront the consequences of unchecked power and the erosion of fundamental principles. The story unfolds as a gripping exploration of the clash between traditional wisdom and the relentless march of progress, ultimately questioning the very foundations of our society.