The Doctor is in!
Monday on Embracing Autism with Dr. April, we’ve got special guest, CEO of LOVING ME EMPOWERMENT, Dr. Keitiaunna Howard.
Call (646)-787-8269 , Press 1 to go live with us! It all starts at 8:30 pm EST, on Blog Talk Radio.
Today I had the most amazing experience presenting at Olentangy City School's One Community Conference. I provided the workshop participants (many who were teachers, principles and other school personnel) with 8 practical solutions to help increase the self-esteem of our girls. #SaveOurGirls
#UnChainMeMama Weekend Give-a-way #1
A quick #EmpoweringMoment for the day
Delayed at the airport but that gave me the time to think about what can come from delays. #LiveInTheMoment
#DivasInBusiness spa day!
A huge thanks to #NeimanMarcus for the spa treatments!
Highlights from the Divas in Business Expo.
"Living on Empty"
#DIBVegas #DivasInBusiness #LivingEmpty #HowFullAreYou
Over the past few days, I had the opportunity to go to Cancun. Things didn't go as expected but it became a learning experience. Here's a video of what I've learned, I hope you can apply it in some areas of your life as well.
I had the opportunity to encourage a 72 year old women to continue to pursue her dream which is to write the story of her family's history. #DreamBig #ItsNeverTooLate