This is me many years ago as a new mom (yep, there’s a babe under that floral wrap).
I was in a that lovely state of joy and exhaustion, new life and old me, daily delights and ongoing worry. Life was good in many ways, yet I wanted for more.
I wrote a lot during this time. But it was often for others… updating the family on latest baby and kid goings on, teaching prep, emails, etc. I had published my first book years before, always wondering when I’d ever “find the time” for the next.
See, my words were always there, but I couldn’t figure out how to help them come through to the page. I was doing allll the things and writing just felt like another to-do. Feeling the words but not writing the words was a constant struggle… until I realized I had everything I needed to write, I just needed some community and guidance.
This is the Year You Write Your Book is now open for enrollment. Your words are there, just need the community and guidance… We’ve got you!