It’s easy to lose yourself in the endless cycle of diapers, deadlines, and dishes. But here’s the truth: You matter just as much as the family you care for.
💡 Quick Win: Schedule 10 minutes daily for yourself—whether it’s journaling, sitting outside, or enjoying coffee in peace. Small moments build big transformations. Every morning, I pour my coffee once the kids are out the door and sit in silence to start my day. This helps with my mental health for the day.
Motherhood changes us, but it doesn’t erase who we are. Let’s reconnect with you. 💖
#momselfcare #findyourself #motherhoodunplugged #momlifeunfiltered #selfcareformoms
Pumping expectations vs reality. Am I right?
#pumpingproblems #pumpingmama #pumpingmilk #pumpingmoms #exclusivepumping #exclusivelypumping #breastfeedingmom #breastfeedingmoms #pumpingisbreastfeeding
Independent eating is on my mind a lot lately. 🍴Especially with a toddler in tow, teaching your new little one how to eat independently & safely is important. 🌟 I discovered these pre-spoons (link in bio) and had to share them with you. You don’t have to buy purées with these. You simply gently cook (if needed) whatever food you’re introducing and use the spoons to scoop it on. ☀️ These are supper convenient to pack and travel with too! ✈️ I even put food on the other end of the handle so that no matter what side he puts in his mouth, he’s successful. #keytoindependence
What is your top mom hack with starting solids?
#startingsolids #infantfood #newmom #momhacks #momhack #newmomtips #tipsandtricks #fourthtrimester #infantnutrition
Not even 6 weeks and this strong boy is already rolling over 💙 #proudmamabear
#proudmomma❤️ #proudmamamoment #newbornbabyboy #mypreemie #nicumommy #nicumom
Plant-based, baby friendly products are where 👏🏼 it’s 👏🏼 at 👏🏼 fam! Since Beni is a preemie babe, I’ve been digging around for THE best products to use on and around him and found @healthynesting 💙 Until now, I had trouble finding a brand that truly offers a baby wash that is non toxic. I can actually understand the ingredients listed on the label! #bigdeal
Excuse me while I go wash my baby boy in something safe 🧼💙✅
#WeAreChangingDiapers #plantbasedbaby #plantbasedmama #plantbasedmom #plantbasedinfants #chemicalfreelife #chemicalfreeliving #nontoxicbabyproducts #nontoxicmama #nontoxiclifestyle #diaperboy #babydiapers #babyshampoo #safeshampooforkids #fallthurzday
@bitsyboxes unboxing two boxes. See what’s inside.
Music: Fugetta
Musician: Ilya Truhanov
#unboxingvideo #product
DIY Motor Skills & Cognitive Development Activity. 🖍
Motor skills are so important for our toddlers. Toddlers visual processing starts with shapes and colors. They usually understand shapes before colors so don’t worry if your little hasn’t mastered colors yet. Try switching to shapes. ⭕️
This easy to make activity is so good for so many reasons. With a little help from the @guidepostmontessori activity sets they send every month for Stella, I was able to throw this together in just a few minutes.
What are some ways you help your toddler with their motor and cognitive development?
#mamamayyi #montessoriathome #montessoritoddler #montessoriactivity #montessoriinspired #guidepostmontessori #montessorihomeschool #montessorimama #montessorimaterials #diytoddleractivities
Where are my #montessorimoms and dads?? I’m so excited about this new Helper Box from @lovevery 📦 It’s for ages 25-27 months and this art book is super pretty. The colors are so vibrant and the paint sticks have this very smooth feel when you color with them 🖍
Stella sat quietly by herself for 20 minutes coloring with this new art set. #winning I’ll post the other activities soon! #staytuned
#Lovevery #LoveveryGift #montessoriathome #montessoritoddler #montessoriactivity #montessoriathomeart #toddlermomlife #toddlermoms #toddlermommy
SOUND ON! This little girl sings from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep. She loves music and singing and plays the drums, piano, and harmonica. She just makes me a better person. #momlifeisthebestlife #mydaughterrocks
Virtual Montessori school with @guidepostmontessori @guidepost_virtual
#montessori #montessoriathome #montessoritoddler #montessorikids #montessorihomeschool #montessorimom
This pasta dish has been all over my feed. I just had to try it. Here’s what’s inside:
➳ Feta cheese
➳ Tomatoes. Supposed to use cherry but I have an abundance of vine so I used those
➳ Salt, olive oil, pepper, garlic
➳ bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.
➳ cook pasta
➳ pour pasta into tomato/cheese mixture
➳ mix it really well
I’ve seen some that substituted the pasta with chicken. Save this to give it try.
#foodielover #pastarecipe #fetapasta #easyrecipesathome #momlifebestlife #foodfromscratch #foodfortoddlers #toddlerfoodideas #toddlerfoods #pastarecipe
Someone learned how to get up to the slide and go down it all by herself today. It was a good 30 minutes of witnessing her pride and joy 🤩 Happy Valentine’s Day my little Angel 2.14.21 #4fsgiven