Headed to ALA in San Diego? Be sure to stop at the Lerner Publishing Group booth ( #1822) featuring our newest book releases, giving away a range of complimentary items (including a diverse slate of Advanced Reader Copies), and hosting raffles for a variety of book collections.
In addition, our booth will serve as the site for author signings throughout the conference
Book signing schedule
Saturday, June 29
10:00-10:30- Noa Nimrodi signing Not So Shy
11:00-11:30- Penny Warner signing Clash of the Secret Code Clubs
1:30-2:00- Kerry O’Malley Cerra signing Make a Little Wave
3:15-3:45- Emily Barth Isler signing The Color of Sound
4:00-4:30- Lee Wind signing The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie
Sunday, June 30
11:00- 11:30 Ashley Granillo signing Cruzita and the Mariacheros
1:00-1:30- Lesley Younge signing Nearer My Freedom
1:45-2:15- Christopher Stewart signing Pet Shelter Block Party
2:30-3:00 Stephanie Lucianovic signing Touch the Sky